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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for train tickets from Milan to Zurich

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With transfers
4h 17m
With transfers
4h 17m
With transfers
4h 17m
With transfers
4h 17m
With transfers
4h 17m
With transfers
4h 17m

Milan to Zurich train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Milan to Zurich






4h 03m


Trenitalia, Train
The best round-trip train deal from Milan to Zurich found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $69
The best one-way train deal from Milan to Zurich found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $35
Average time it takes to travel by train from Milan to Zurich
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Trenitalia, Train

Milan Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Milan
Milan Alessandria CantalupoMilan, 44.864788, 8.551368
Milan Quarto OggiaroMilan, 45.51914, 9.14533
Milan Como Albate-TrecalloMilan, 45.777393, 9.095762
Milan PiacenzaMilan, 45.052242, 9.706339
Milan Alessandria S. Giuliano PiemonteMilan, 44.89055, 8.760938
Milan Rho Rho FieraMilan, 45.521112, 9.088565

Zurich Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Zurich
Zurich WiedikonZurich, 47.37148, 8.52348
Zurich Zurich AffolternZurich, 47.420925, 8.508258
Zurich StadelhofenZurich, 47.366695, 8.548642
Zurich Zurich HardbrückeZurich, 47.385166, 8.5173025
Zurich Chur Chur AltstadtZurich, 46.847282, 9.531103
Zurich OerlikonZurich, 47.411484, 8.544163

Book round-trip train tickets from Milan to Zurich

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Milan to Zurich that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 18
1:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
5:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
7:33 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 17m
11:50 amMilan Centrale
May 19
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Bus Station
May 26
6:33 pmZurich Bus Station
4h 17m
10:50 pmMilan Centrale
Jun 6
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 9
6:33 pmZurich Bus Station
4h 17m
10:50 pmMilan Centrale
May 21
9:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
1:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
6:33 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 17m
10:50 pmMilan Centrale
May 18
6:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
10:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
6:33 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 17m
10:50 pmMilan Centrale
May 18
5:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
9:27 pmZurich Bus Station
May 25
6:33 pmZurich Bus Station
4h 17m
10:50 pmMilan Centrale

Book one-way train tickets from Milan to Zurich

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Milan to Zurich we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 1
3:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
7:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jul 16
6:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
10:27 pmZurich Bus Station
Jul 16
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Bus Station
Jul 5
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Bus Station
May 19
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 17
7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
11:27 amZurich Bus Station

Choose the best way to get from Milan to Zurich


3h 40m
$23 one-way$45 round-trip
Nonstop · from $45

Distance to downtown

32O0.7 mi
20lb CO2

78% less than flights

Find Buses

Milan to Zurich Buses


3h 35m
$35 one-way$69 round-trip
Nonstop · from $691 stop · from $142

Distance to downtown

32O0.7 mi
ZLP0.5 mi
32lb CO2

66% less than flights

Find Trains

Milan to Zurich Trains


0h 55m
$49 one-way$124 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1241 stop · from $103

Distance to downtown

ZRH5.9 mi
93lb CO2

Find Flights

Milan to Zurich Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Milan to Zurich

What train stations are used when travelling from Milan to Zurich?

When traveling with trains from Milan to Zurich, you will board the train in Milan at the Milan Centrale Railway Station. Upon arrival, you will alight the train in the Zurich HB train station. Milan Centrale is a train station located within the city center and is effectively connected with other parts of Milan through the tram system. On the other hand, Zurich HB station is a walking distance from the city center. You can get from here to the city center easily by both public and private means. Additionally, the station also has amenities such as free Wi-Fi, shops and stores, and even sitting areas.

What luggage is allowed on Milan to Zurich trains?

Different train lines have different policies when it comes to luggage. For example, companies such as Deutsche Bahn will allow you to take luggage such as rucksacks, laptops, bags, suitcases, and pets free of charge on Milan to Zurich trains. Additionally, they have not set any specific size requirements or weight restrictions. However, this does not mean that you should bring all the heavy luggage on board; at least carry luggage that can be easily handled by a single person. The trains to Zurich from Milan have overhead compartments where you can efficiently put away your luggage. Additionally, there is space under the seats and a single compartment near the door. You can even bring your bike with you on Milan to Zurich trains, but for this you will have to reserve a space prior to your travel. Sporting equipment such as surf boards, skis, and such are also allowed on board.

Are pets allowed on the trains from Milan to Zurich?

First of all, it is important for you to note that the trains from Milan to Zurich are provided by different train lines. However, most of these train lines have lenient regulations governing pets on board. Typically, small pets such as cats and dogs can be brought on board for free from Milan to Zurich. However, you should note that these are only allowed on board only if they do not compromise the comfort of other passengers. The train service providers have the authority to halt your travel if your pet is a nuisance to others. Additionally, there is a limit to the number of pets that can be brought on board, and therefore it would be best to first check with the provider prior to the travel. Additionally, if you are planning to travel with more than two pets, you have to check with the relevant service provider directly. Lastly, you should note that pets are not allowed to climb on the passenger seats. Therefore, it would be best to keep them sitting by your side and on a leash

Do Trenitalia trains from Milan to Zurich have Wi-Fi?

Trenitalia is the largest train carrier that plies Italy's train routes. All of their trains to Zurich from Milan offer a free Wi-Fi network connection, especially the high-speed Frecciargento and Frecciarossa. This means that your time on board will be great, whether you are traveling for business purposes or pleasure. The connection is efficient enough to cater for your all your internet needs, be it entertainment or job-related. Better still, connecting to the Wi-Fi while on the go has been made easy owing to the fact that they have even included an English language option for non-Italian speakers. All you have to do is activate your Wi-Fi and follow the prompts for an access code. Once you are connected, you will be free to navigate through the internet for at least 24 hours before you can be allowed to log in again, this time with your credentials.

How much does a train ticket from Milan to Zurich cost?

A ticket from Milan to Zurich for this week starts from $35 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Milan to Zurich?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 3h 17m train from Milan to Zurich. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 46m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Trenitalia has the quickest available train to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Milan to Zurich?

The trains offering service from Milan to Zurich Trenitalia and Train. Trenitalia has been found as the cheapest option available at $69 round-trip.

How far is Milan to Zurich by train?

There are 135.3 mi between Milan and Zurich. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. 3h 17m is a normal train duration for this route.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Milan to Zurich?

32lb is the average carbon footprint of traveling from Milan to Zurich by train. The train has a smaller footprint by about 65% compared to flying this route (93lb). A bus from Milan to Zurich has a carbon footprint of about 20lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Milan to Zurich?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Milan to Zurich with SWISS is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Milan to Zurich or a bus from Milan to Zurich can take you longer than a 0h 55m flight.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Milan to Zurich?

A bus from Milan to Zurich is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Milan to Zurich starting at $124, or consider a train from Milan to Zurich starting at $69. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Train trains from Milan to Zurich

Our best Train deals on Milan to Zurich train tickets
May 18
XIK1:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
ZLP5:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
ZLP7:33 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 17m
XIK11:50 amMilan Centrale
May 18
XIK1:10 pmMilan Centrale
4h 17m
ZLP5:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
ZLP12:32 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 08m
1 stop
XIK4:40 pmMilan Centrale

Trenitalia trains from Milan to Zurich

Our best Trenitalia deals on Milan to Zurich train tickets
May 19
XIK7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
32O11:27 amZurich Bus Station
May 26
32O6:33 pmZurich Bus Station
4h 17m
XIK10:50 pmMilan Centrale
Jun 6
XIK7:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
32O11:27 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 9
32O6:33 pmZurich Bus Station
4h 17m
XIK10:50 pmMilan Centrale
May 21
XIK9:10 amMilan Centrale
4h 17m
ZLP1:27 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 21
ZLP6:33 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
4h 17m
XIK10:50 pmMilan Centrale

Popular train routes to Zurich

Most frequently searched train routes to Zurich, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Zurich from Paris
Fastest travel time4h 04m
Cheapest price$246
Trains to Zurich from Geneva
Fastest travel time2h 59m
Cheapest price$99
Trains to Zurich from Munich
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price$156

Other train routes from Milan

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Milan to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Milan to Rome
Fastest travel time2h 50m
Cheapest price$63
Trains from Milan to Florence
Fastest travel time1h 45m
Cheapest price$59
Trains from Milan to Bologna
Fastest travel time1h 04m
Cheapest price$69
Trains from Milan to Venice
Fastest travel time2h 13m
Cheapest price$46
Trains from Milan to Verona
Fastest travel time1h 12m
Cheapest price$29
Trains from Milan to Genoa
Fastest travel time1h 18m
Cheapest price$36
Trains from Milan to Turin
Fastest travel time0h 47m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Milan to Geneva
Fastest travel time4h 01m
Cheapest price$98
Trains from Milan to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 41m
Cheapest price$127
Trains from Milan to Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$109

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