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feb. 15 — feb. 221
1 adult
sáb. 2/15

Best deals for train tickets to Berlin

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With transfers
7h 51m
With transfers
5h 51m
With transfers
4h 04m
With transfers
5h 04m
With transfers
6h 14m
With transfers
3h 56m

Berlin train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Berlin






Berlin U Tierpark


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Berlin is from Leipzig, starting at $15. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Berlin is from Basel, starting at $11. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Berlin U Tierpark is one of the most popular stations in Berlin
FlixTrain services this train route

Berlin Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Berlin
Berlin U TierparkBerlin, 52.49694, 13.523338
Berlin HirschgartenBerlin, 52.457973, 13.602135
Berlin KaulsdorfBerlin, 52.512096, 13.588939
Berlin KöpenickBerlin, 52.45869, 13.579914
Berlin LichtenradeBerlin, 52.3873, 13.396174
Berlin Lichterfelde WestBerlin, 52.443344, 13.293733

Book round-trip train tickets to Berlin

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Berlin that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Feb 25
4:41 pmLeipzig Hauptbahnhof
1h 11m
5:52 pmBerlin Südkreuz
Mar 1
2:04 pmBerlin Südkreuz
1h 11m
3:15 pmLeipzig Hauptbahnhof
Mar 5
11:49 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 39m
1:28 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 26
12:51 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 29m
2:20 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Mar 13
11:48 amHamburg Bus Station
2h 11m
1:59 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 16
11:57 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 14m
2:11 pmHamburg Bus Station
Mar 10
7:46 amHamburg Bus Station
2h 15m
10:01 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 16
12:08 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 03m
2:11 pmHamburg Bus Station
Mar 15
7:46 amHamburg Bus Station
2h 04m
9:50 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 16
11:57 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 14m
2:11 pmHamburg Bus Station
Mar 15
7:46 amHamburg Bus Station
2h 04m
9:50 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 16
11:57 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 14m
2:11 pmHamburg Bus Station

Book one-way train tickets to Berlin

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Berlin found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
Mar 22
9:27 amBasel SBB
7h 51m
5:18 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 21
3:16 pmStuttgart Hauptbahnhof
5h 51m
9:07 pmBerlin Südkreuz
Mar 12
9:12 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 04m
1:16 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Mar 17
6:01 amFrankfurt am Main
5h 04m
11:05 amBerlin Spandau
Jun 28
7:17 amStuttgart Hauptbahnhof
6h 14m
1:31 pmBerlin Gesundbrunnen
Mar 12
9:12 amFrankfurt am Main Niederrad
3h 56m
1:08 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof

FAQs for booking trains to Berlin

Do I need identification to travel to Berlin by train?

If you’re a German citizen, you can use your student ID, official photo ID, or your passport to book your spot onboard a train to Berlin. However, if you’re a foreign national, you have to produce your home country’s passport to book the Berlin train tickets you require. Given that train ticket vendors only sell tickets to those who are well documented, if you’d like to get Berlin train tickets, you need to have your documents with you.

At which train station will I alight at if I travel to Berlin by train?

If you travel by train to Berlin, you will alight your train at Berlin Central Station. Also referred to as Berlin Hauptbahnhof, this station is the busiest in the city. Given that it is usually quite busy, at this station, you’ll meet lots of people. At this station, you’ll be able to rest, call your loved one, and use the restroom; it has an expansive waiting room, food outlets, and plenty of payphones. You’ll also be able to eat and shop, as this station is nearby several food outlets and boutique shops. Apart from having the mentioned amenities, this station also has several secure luggage storage units. Thus, at this station, you’ll be able to leave luggage you’d not like to travel with.

What are the fun things to do near Berlin Central Station?

Many individuals who board Berlin trains usually visit this city to work or visit their families. However, many other individuals who board Berlin trains usually board them to be able to visit the amazing sites in this city. If you’re one of the individuals in this city to visit tourist attractions, you can be able to start your tour shortly after alighting at this station, as it is near several top destinations. Babelsberg Park is one of the top attractions located near Berlin Central Station. A landscaped park bordering River Havel, this site boasts expansive green fields, scenic views, and well-maintained trails. If you love nature, you’ll most definitely enjoy a visit to this park. Pergamon Museum is another top attraction located near Berlin Central Train Station. A UNESCO World Heritage site, this museum was built during the reign of German Emperor Wilhelm II. Over the years, this establishment has amassed a wide range of historical sculptures, paintings, and objects, all of which it displays to the public. Given that its exhibits are as informative as they are entertaining, you’ll be able to learn and get entertained at this museum.

How can I get from Berlin Central Station to Berlin?

The means you use to get from Berlin Central Train to the city center will depend on how fast you want to get to the center and how much luggage you have. If you have a lot of luggage, or you’d just like to get to the center of Berlin quickly, your best travel option will be a taxi. On the other hand, if you packed light, or you’re in no rush to get to the city’s center, you can choose to walk, as Berlin boasts designated pedestrian paths. Many taxis are usually parked outside Berlin Central Station. As such, if you’d like to travel aboard one to the city’s center, you’ll easily be able to locate one. Also you can use the bus line 120 or the metros.

Is Berlin Central Train Station an accessible train station?

Berlin Central Train Station is an accommodative train station. If you’re in a wheelchair or have reduced mobility, you need not worry about struggling to access amenities like the waiting room or restrooms. This is as the station has an accessible waiting room and several accessible restrooms for train passengers. In this station, you also don’t need worry about not finding the help you require. This is because this station boasts staff members who offer those in need assisted travel services.

How much is a train ticket to Berlin Brandenburg?

The average price you’ll pay to travel by train to Berlin Brandenburg will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Berlin the lowest ticket price is usually about $65, from Hannover it’s about $68 and from Prague it’s around $46.

What is the main train station in Berlin Brandenburg?

Berlin Brandenburg is best served by Berlin U Tierpark. There you’ll find a number of trains that can get you to your destination. Berlin, Prague, and Stuttgart are some of the major cities accessible by train from Berlin U Tierpark.

What train companies go to Berlin Brandenburg?

Most users on momondo will check prices for FlixTrain for their ride to Berlin Brandenburg. More options may be available to you, so use our search form to find all available options from your city to Berlin Brandenburg.

How far in advance should I book a train to Berlin Brandenburg?

For $12 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Berlin Brandenburg. We don’t predict any changes in price within the next 3 months. As seats fill up quickly, we recommend booking when you can so your trip is secured.

How far is the center of Berlin Brandenburg from Berlin U Tierpark, Berlin Hirschgarten and Berlin Kaulsdorf stations?

The center of Berlin Brandenburg is 9.4 mi away from Berlin U Tierpark station, 7.9 mi from Berlin Hirschgarten station, and 11.0 mi from Berlin Kaulsdorf station.

How far is Berlin U Tierpark from Alexanderplatz, Potsdamer Platz and Kurfürstendamm?

Berlin Brandenburg's Berlin U Tierpark is 4.9 mi from Alexanderplatz, 6.2 mi from Potsdamer Platz, and 8.1 mi from Kurfürstendamm.

Popular train routes to Berlin

Most frequently searched train routes to Berlin, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Berlin from Hannover
Fastest travel time1h 40m
Cheapest price$68
Trains to Berlin from Stuttgart
Fastest travel time5h 37m
Cheapest price$24
Trains to Berlin from Munich
Fastest travel time3h 57m
Cheapest price$97
Trains to Berlin from Hamburg
Fastest travel time2h 03m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to Berlin from Amsterdam
Fastest travel time7h 53m
Cheapest price$186

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