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Apr 25 — May 21
1 adult
Thu 4/25

Best deals for train tickets from Milan to Geneva

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With transfers
4h 36m
With transfers
4h 36m
With transfers
4h 36m
With transfers
4h 36m
With transfers
4h 45m
With transfers
4h 36m

Milan to Geneva train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Milan to Geneva






4h 09m


Train, Trenitalia
The best round-trip train deal from Milan to Geneva found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $123
The best one-way train deal from Milan to Geneva found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $47
Average time it takes to travel by train from Milan to Geneva
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Train, Trenitalia

Milan Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Milan
Milan Alessandria CantalupoMilan, 44.864788, 8.551368
Milan Quarto OggiaroMilan, 45.51914, 9.14533
Milan Como Albate-TrecalloMilan, 45.777393, 9.095762
Milan PiacenzaMilan, 45.052242, 9.706339
Milan Alessandria S. Giuliano PiemonteMilan, 44.89055, 8.760938
Milan Rho Rho FieraMilan, 45.521112, 9.088565

Geneva Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Geneva
GenevaGeneva, 46.21021, 6.142428

Book round-trip train tickets from Milan to Geneva

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Milan to Geneva that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 1
5:07 pmMilan Centrale
4h 14m
9:21 pmGeneva
May 22
5:39 amGeneva
4h 04m
9:43 amMilan Centrale
May 30
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva
Jun 3
6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
10:43 pmMilan Centrale
May 1
6:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 46m
1 stop
11:06 pmGeneva
May 22
5:39 amGeneva
4h 04m
9:43 amMilan Centrale
May 3
6:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 30m
1 stop
10:50 pmGeneva
May 5
5:39 amGeneva
4h 01m
9:40 amMilan Centrale
May 31
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 01m
11:21 pmGeneva
Jun 4
6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
10:43 pmMilan Centrale
May 31
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 01m
11:21 pmGeneva
Jun 4
6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
10:43 pmMilan Centrale

Book one-way train tickets from Milan to Geneva

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Milan to Geneva we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 8
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva
May 1
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva
May 19
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva
May 26
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva
May 8
7:05 amMilan Centrale
4h 45m
1 stop
11:50 amGeneva
May 20
7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
11:56 pmGeneva

Choose the best way to get from Milan to Geneva


4h 35m
$18 one-way$35 round-trip
Nonstop · from $35

Distance to downtown

D460.2 mi
21lb CO2

88% less than flights

Find Buses

Milan to Geneva Buses


4h 36m
$47 one-way$123 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1231 stop · from $151

Distance to downtown

ZHT0.2 mi
33lb CO2

81% less than flights

Find Trains

Milan to Geneva Trains


4h 10m
$45 one-way$161 round-trip
1 stop · from $96

Distance to downtown

GVA2.6 mi
179lb CO2

Find Flights

Milan to Geneva Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Milan to Geneva

Do Trenitalia trains from Milan to Geneva have Wi-Fi?

All Trenitalia trains from Milan to Geneva have free Wi-Fi—all you need to do is sign in to their secure network. Therefore, if you have a few work emails you haven’t sent yet, or a virtual meeting you need to attend, you can do all that during the journey. And once you’re done with business, you can catch up on your favorite TV show or podcast. Even better, you don’t have to worry about your devices dying while you’re streaming content because Trenitalia trains to Geneva from Milan have outlets on the seats where you can charge your electronics. And when you need a break from being online, you can unplug and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.

What luggage is allowed on Milan to Geneva trains?

Trenitalia’s luggage policy does not limit passengers on the amount of luggage they can bring onboard. However, it would be best to carry luggage you can handle and lift independently. Notably, some trains between Italy and Switzerland allow you to bring a bike onboard, but it’s always good to inquire whether your train from Milan to Geneva offers that service. While packing, keep in mind that standard rules, such as restrictions against transporting drugs and weapons, still apply.

Which train stations are used when traveling from Milan to Geneva?

Milan is one of the major cities in Europe; therefore, the city has numerous train stations. However, you will depart from Milan Centrale for your trip from Milan to Geneva. You can get to this station via Bus 56, 90, 92, 81, or 965. Alternatively, you can take the train to Milan Centrale. You can also take the metro. At the station, expect to find a wide range of amenities, like public restrooms, Wi-Fi, and refreshment stands. Like Milan, Geneva is a large city with numerous train stations. However, trains to Geneva from Milan will arrive at Geneva Railway Station. The station also has a wide range of amenities, such as restrooms, Wi-Fi, and food stalls.

Are pets allowed on the train from Milan to Geneva?

Would you like to bring your furry friend on your trip from Milan to Geneva? If so, you are in luck, since pets are allowed. However, you will need to bring a carrier for a smaller pet. If you are traveling with a bigger dog, ensure that it’s leashed and muzzled throughout the journey. Although traveling with small pets on trains from Milan to Geneva is free, you will need to pay a small fee for larger pets. Also, keep in mind that you cannot travel with a pet during the morning rush hour. However, all these fees and restrictions don’t apply to guide dogs for visually impaired passengers on Milan to Geneva trains.

What is there to see along the train ride from Milan to Geneva?

Train rides are efficient and affordable, but most importantly, they give you a chance to enjoy the scenic route. Milan to Geneva trains are no different. For instance, on this journey you get to travel through Gruyere Pays-d’Enhaut Regional Nature Park, a Swiss stretch of hilly green landscape. You also get to pass alongside Lake Geneva and the alpine border region of Italy and Switzerland. The rest of the ride is also full of geographical splendor. The best part of the trip is when the train comes out of the Simplon tunnel and passes through towns like Brig, Sion, and Montreux. If you would like the most adventure on the train ride from Milan to Geneva, you can pick a route that traverses multiple cities along the way. Check out momondo to see the various options for Milan to Geneva trains. You can book through momondo once you’ve found a route that best aligns with your schedule.

How much does a train ticket from Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin cost?

Search for train tickets from Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin for this week, starting at $47 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin?

4h 01m is the fastest available option to arrive in Geneva Geneve-Cointrin from Milan by train. Travel time can vary by 0h 08m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Take the Trenitalia train from Milan and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which train companies operate between Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin?

Train and Trenitalia will take you from Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin. Train has been recently found as the cheapest option from $123 round-trip.

How far is Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin by train?

While Geneva Geneve-Cointrin is 155.2 mi away from Milan, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train usually takes 4h 01m in normal conditions.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Milan to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin?

Taking a train to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin from Milan has a carbon footprint of 33lb, on average. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 82% vs. flying. Buses to Geneva Geneve-Cointrin from Milan have a carbon footprint of 20lb on average.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Milan to Geneva?

Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is $35, making it less expensive than a flight from Milan to Geneva and cheaper than a train from Milan to Geneva.

Train trains from Milan to Geneva

Our best Train deals on Milan to Geneva train tickets
May 1
XIK5:07 pmMilan Centrale
4h 14m
ZHT9:21 pmGeneva
May 22
ZHT5:39 amGeneva
4h 04m
XIK9:43 amMilan Centrale
May 1
XIK6:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 46m
1 stop
ZHT11:06 pmGeneva
May 22
ZHT5:39 amGeneva
4h 04m
XIK9:43 amMilan Centrale
Apr 26
XIK7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 01m
ZHT11:21 pmGeneva
Apr 29
ZHT6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
XIK10:43 pmMilan Centrale

Trenitalia trains from Milan to Geneva

Our best Trenitalia deals on Milan to Geneva train tickets
May 30
XIK7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 36m
ZHT11:56 pmGeneva
Jun 3
ZHT6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
XIK10:43 pmMilan Centrale
May 31
XIK7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 01m
ZHT11:21 pmGeneva
Jun 4
ZHT6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
XIK10:43 pmMilan Centrale
May 31
XIK7:20 pmMilan Centrale
4h 01m
ZHT11:21 pmGeneva
Jun 4
ZHT6:39 pmGeneva
4h 04m
XIK10:43 pmMilan Centrale

Popular train routes to Geneva

Most frequently searched train routes to Geneva, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Geneva from Paris
Fastest travel time3h 10m
Cheapest price$96
Trains to Geneva from Lyon
Fastest travel time1h 57m
Cheapest price$165
Trains to Geneva from Zurich
Fastest travel time2h 59m
Cheapest price$99

Other train routes from Milan

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Milan to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Milan to Rome
Fastest travel time2h 50m
Cheapest price$63
Trains from Milan to Florence
Fastest travel time1h 45m
Cheapest price$59
Trains from Milan to Zurich
Fastest travel time3h 17m
Cheapest price$64
Trains from Milan to Bologna
Fastest travel time1h 04m
Cheapest price$69
Trains from Milan to Venice
Fastest travel time2h 13m
Cheapest price$46
Trains from Milan to Verona
Fastest travel time1h 12m
Cheapest price$29
Trains from Milan to Genoa
Fastest travel time1h 18m
Cheapest price$36
Trains from Milan to Turin
Fastest travel time0h 47m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Milan to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 41m
Cheapest price$127
Trains from Milan to Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$109

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