
Find trains from Milan to Verona

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May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for train tickets from Milan to Verona

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With transfers
1h 52m
With transfers
1h 52m
With transfers
2h 29m
With transfers
1h 52m
With transfers
2h 20m
With transfers
2h 06m

Milan to Verona train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Milan to Verona






1h 33m


The best round-trip train deal from Milan to Verona found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $25
The best one-way train deal from Milan to Verona found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $14
Average time it takes to travel by train from Milan to Verona
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Trenitalia

Milan Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Milan
Milan Alessandria CantalupoMilan, 44.864788, 8.551368
Milan Quarto OggiaroMilan, 45.51914, 9.14533
Milan Como Albate-TrecalloMilan, 45.777393, 9.095762
Milan PiacenzaMilan, 45.052242, 9.706339
Milan Alessandria S. Giuliano PiemonteMilan, 44.89055, 8.760938
Milan Rho Rho FieraMilan, 45.521112, 9.088565

Verona Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Verona
Verona MantovaVerona, 45.158584, 10.783323
Verona Mantua FrassineVerona, 45.150482, 10.831011
Verona Porta VescovoVerona, 45.43554, 11.018851
Verona Porta NuovaVerona, 45.429193, 10.98234

Book round-trip train tickets from Milan to Verona

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Milan to Verona that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 11
8:50 amMilan Centrale
1h 50m
10:40 amVerona Porta Nuova
May 15
1:02 pmVerona Porta Nuova
1h 13m
2:15 pmMilan Centrale
May 12
7:25 amMilan Centrale
1h 52m
9:17 amVerona Porta Nuova
May 16
4:02 pmVerona Porta Nuova
1h 13m
5:15 pmMilan Centrale
May 16
7:25 amMilan Centrale
1h 52m
9:17 amVerona Porta Nuova
Jun 4
4:02 pmVerona Porta Nuova
1h 13m
5:15 pmMilan Centrale
May 11
7:25 amMilan Centrale
2h 01m
1 stop
9:26 amVerona Porta Vescovo
May 13
3:32 pmVerona Porta Vescovo
2h 03m
1 stop
5:35 pmMilan Centrale
May 24
4:25 pmMilan Centrale
2h 01m
1 stop
6:26 pmVerona Porta Vescovo
May 27
8:32 pmVerona Porta Vescovo
2h 05m
1 stop
10:37 pmMilan Centrale
May 10
12:25 pmMilan Centrale
1h 52m
2:17 pmVerona Porta Nuova
May 13
5:43 amVerona Porta Nuova
1h 52m
7:35 amMilan Centrale

Book one-way train tickets from Milan to Verona

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Milan to Verona we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 21
10:25 pmMilan Centrale
1h 52m
12:17 amVerona Porta Nuova
Jul 21
10:25 pmMilan Centrale
1h 52m
12:17 amVerona Porta Nuova
Jul 21
7:43 amMilan Porta Garibaldi
2h 29m
1 stop
10:12 amVerona Porta Vescovo
Jul 22
2:25 pmMilan Centrale
1h 52m
4:17 pmVerona Porta Nuova
Jul 22
6:25 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
1 stop
8:45 pmVerona Porta Vescovo
Jul 21
8:00 amMilan Lambrate
2h 06m
1 stop
10:06 amVerona Porta Nuova

FAQs for booking trains from Milan to Verona

What luggage is allowed on Milan to Verona trains?

it is important for you to note that even though the trains from Milan to Verona are provided by different train lines, the main train line for this route, Trenitalia, does not have many luggage restrictions. However, this does not mean that you can come onboard with whatever baggae you want. The luggage storage space available is to be shared by all passengers. As such, you are generally allowed to bring onboard at least two bags or suitcases, in addition to a small carry-on bag. There is plenty of storage on Milan to Verona trains, whether for large suitcases or small bags. In fact, carry-on bags can conveniently be put away in the overhead compartments available onboard. Parents carrying essentials for small children can also bring items such as baby bags and strollers on the train for free.

Are pets allowed on the train from Milan to Verona?

It is possible for you to travel with your dog or cat on trains from Milan to Verona. In fact, you can travel with up to two pets at a time. Small pets must be kept in a carrier that should not exceed 28 × 12 × 20 inches in size. They are allowed in both first class and second class. However, keep in mind that you are only allowed to travel with your pets if they don’t compromise the comfort and safety of other passengers. Therefore, it’s recommended to keep your larger pet on a leash and muzzled. Larger dogs can be brought onboard, but you might have to pay extra for their ticket. However, on some trains, such as Frecciabianca, you can’t travel with a pet in the Working Area, Quiet Zone, and Private seating areas. You are also required to produce a canine registry certificate, as well as a health booklet. For international travelers, a pet passport can come in handy too. However, guide dogs for visually impaired passengers are allowed on the train, no matter their size. In fact, you won’t even be required to produce a pet ID.

What train stations are used when traveling from Milan to Verona?

When leaving Milan for Verona, you will board the train at Milan’s main station, Milan Centrale. The station is a local hub and is well-connected to the rest of the city, which means that finding public transportation is easy; buses and trams stop right outside the station. You can also board the train at Garibaldi Station, but this is a much smaller facility. On arrival, you will get off the train to Verona from Milan at Porta Nuova station. Even though this station isn’t within the Verona city center, you can still get to the city center conveniently through public transport, such as buses. The station opens up to a much larger hub for the city, Piazzale 25 Aprile.

Do Trenitalia trains from Milan to Verona have Wi-Fi?

Yes, they do. The Wi-Fi connectivity in Milan to Verona trains is reliable, to the point that you can enjoy streaming music and shows while onboard. Additionally, you can also use the Wi-Fi to get some work done online or catch up on email. Better still, you can pass time onboard Milan to Verona trains by connecting with family and friends online. However, passengers are encouraged to have their entertainment downloaded prior to the journey, as this may help avoid disappointment in the case of poor connectivity. Additionally, passengers onboard trains to Verona from Milan are encouraged to be lenient with Wi-Fi usage, as the bandwidth must be shared by all passengers onboard.

How long is the train ride from Milan to Verona?

The fastest journey time from Milan to Verona is 1h 12m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 21m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Trenitalia is one of the fastest options available.

Which train companies operate between Milan to Verona?

Trenitalia are viable options. Check times and availability for Trenitalia, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Milan to Verona from $25 round-trip.

How far is Milan to Verona by train?

There are 87.0 mi between Milan and Verona. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. The train journey is around 1h 12m long.

Trenitalia trains from Milan to Verona

Our best Trenitalia deals on Milan to Verona train tickets
May 11
XIK8:50 amMilan Centrale
1h 50m
XIX10:40 amVerona Porta Nuova
May 15
XIX1:02 pmVerona Porta Nuova
1h 13m
XIK2:15 pmMilan Centrale
May 11
XIK7:25 amMilan Centrale
2h 01m
1 stop
3VQ9:26 amVerona Porta Vescovo
May 13
3VQ3:32 pmVerona Porta Vescovo
2h 03m
1 stop
XIK5:35 pmMilan Centrale
May 3
XIK6:25 pmMilan Centrale
1h 52m
XIX8:17 pmVerona Porta Nuova
May 5
XIX8:02 amVerona Porta Nuova
2h 08m
XIK10:10 amMilan Centrale

Italotreno trains from Milan to Verona

Our best Italotreno deals on Milan to Verona train tickets
May 24
XIK9:35 amMilan Centrale
1h 12m
XIX10:47 amVerona Porta Nuova
May 27
XIX3:12 pmVerona Porta Nuova
1h 13m
XIK4:25 pmMilan Centrale
May 3
IMR7:50 pmMilan Rogoredo
2h 48m
1 stop
XIX10:38 pmVerona Porta Nuova
May 5
XIX8:22 amVerona Porta Nuova
3h 46m
1 stop
IMR12:08 pmMilan Rogoredo

Popular train routes to Verona

Most frequently searched train routes to Verona, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
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Other train routes from Milan

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Fastest travel time1h 04m
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Trains from Milan to Venice
Fastest travel time2h 13m
Cheapest price$46
Trains from Milan to Genoa
Fastest travel time1h 18m
Cheapest price$36
Trains from Milan to Turin
Fastest travel time0h 47m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Milan to Geneva
Fastest travel time4h 01m
Cheapest price$98
Trains from Milan to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 41m
Cheapest price$127
Trains from Milan to Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$109

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