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Apr 29 — May 61
1 adult
Mon 4/29

Best deals for train tickets from Milan to Genoa

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With transfers
1h 34m
With transfers
1h 34m
With transfers
1h 29m
With transfers
2h 18m
With transfers
1h 53m
With transfers
2h 02m

Milan to Genoa train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Milan to Genoa






1h 33m


Italotreno, Trenitalia
The best round-trip train deal from Milan to Genoa found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $22
The best one-way train deal from Milan to Genoa found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $11
Average time it takes to travel by train from Milan to Genoa
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Italotreno, Trenitalia

Milan Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Milan
Milan Alessandria CantalupoMilan, 44.864788, 8.551368
Milan Quarto OggiaroMilan, 45.51914, 9.14533
Milan Como Albate-TrecalloMilan, 45.777393, 9.095762
Milan PiacenzaMilan, 45.052242, 9.706339
Milan Alessandria S. Giuliano PiemonteMilan, 44.89055, 8.760938
Milan Rho Rho FieraMilan, 45.521112, 9.088565

Genoa Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Genoa
Genoa Savona MaschioGenoa, 44.326607, 8.436686
Genoa Savona SantuarioGenoa, 44.346073, 8.435767
Genoa SavonaGenoa, 44.306892, 8.470262
Genoa VesimaGenoa, 44.416176, 8.714104
Genoa VoltriGenoa, 44.428519, 8.758471
Genoa GenoaGenoa, 44.426375, 8.817765

Book round-trip train tickets from Milan to Genoa

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Milan to Genoa that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 25
9:10 pmMilan Centrale
1h 34m
10:44 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
6:44 amGenoa Piazza Principe
1h 38m
8:22 amMilan Centrale
May 25
9:30 pmMilan Centrale
1h 53m
11:23 pmGenoa Brignole
May 27
6:04 amGenoa Brignole
2h 01m
8:05 amMilan Centrale
May 25
9:05 pmMilan Rogoredo
2h 18m
11:23 pmGenoa Brignole
May 27
6:04 amGenoa Brignole
2h 20m
8:24 amMilan Rogoredo
May 25
8:21 amMilan Rogoredo
2h 27m
10:48 amGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
6:27 amGenoa Piazza Principe
2h 13m
1 stop
8:40 amMilan Rogoredo
May 25
8:30 amMilan Centrale
1h 51m
10:21 amGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
11:25 amGenoa Piazza Principe
3h 10m
1 stop
2:35 pmMilan Centrale
May 25
8:21 amMilan Rogoredo
2h 27m
10:48 amGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
12:35 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
1h 39m
2:14 pmMilan Rogoredo

Book one-way train tickets from Milan to Genoa

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Milan to Genoa we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 11
9:10 pmMilan Centrale
1h 34m
10:44 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
Jun 9
9:10 pmMilan Centrale
1h 34m
10:44 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
Jun 9
8:15 pmMilan Rogoredo
1h 29m
9:44 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
Jul 11
9:05 pmMilan Rogoredo
2h 18m
11:23 pmGenoa Brignole
Jul 11
9:30 pmMilan Centrale
1h 53m
11:23 pmGenoa Brignole
Jun 9
5:44 amMilan Porta Garibaldi
2h 02m
7:46 amGenoa Piazza Principe

FAQs for booking trains from Milan to Genoa

What train stations are used when traveling from Milan to Genoa?

Milano Centrale, Milano Rogoredo, and Milano Porta Garibaldi are the departure stations of trains from Milan to Genoa, although the most station is Milano Centrale, which is a short distance from the city center of Milan. Genova Piazza Principe, Genova Brignole, and Genova Sampierdarena are the arrival stations of trains from Milan to Genoa. However, most passengers tend to use the Genova Piazza Principe station because it is within walking distance from the city center of Genoa. In most cases, trains to Genoa from Milan take around 2h 22min, though the total time depends on the train’s speed. You can choose from 12 trains operating the Milan to Genoa route daily, with many different departure and arrival times. Therefore, once you’re at any of the departure stations in Milan, you’re likely to get a train quickly and travel comfortably to Genoa at any time.

Are pets allowed on the trains from Milan to Genoa?

If you’re so attached to your pet that you cannot leave it at home while traveling, you will be happy to know that pets are allowed onboard trains from Milan to Genoa. Small dogs, cats, and other pets must be inside a pet carrier and can travel free of charge in both first and second-class on Trenitalia trains. However, larger dogs are welcome to join you on the trip as well. Pet owners are permitted to travel with a dog of any size, as long as it is controlled on a leash and wearing a muzzle to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers. Train passengers with larger pets must purchase a ticket at half the price of the regular fare for a second class or standard ticket on the Milan to Genoa train route. You need to purchase a ticket for your pet early to book the most comfortable train class for traveling with your pet.

What luggage is allowed on Milan to Genoa trains?

You don’t need to worry about traveling with suitcases, backpacks, travel bags, or handbags on trains to Genoa from Milan. Trains on the Milan to Genoa route have enough storage space in their luggage rooms to accommodate any luggage you bring with you. Trains are very flexible, so they can carry any luggage onboard, no matter its weight. This is one of the primary reasons why many travelers who need to transport bulky luggage from Milan to Genoa will travel via train rather than another other form of transport. Despite the flexibility of luggage on Milan to Genoa trains, some policies must be adhered to for all passengers to board the train. The train limits the number of pieces of luggage that a passenger may travel with, and each piece of luggage must weigh less than 55 lbs (25kg).

Do Trenitalia trains from Milan to Genoa have Wi-Fi?

Train passengers who book tickets on Trenitalia trains from Milan to Genoa can travel in style and comfort, as Trenitalia trains provide free Wi-Fi that all passengers traveling from Milan to Genoa can access and enjoy for the entirety of the journey. If you’re traveling with other family members, your children can bring laptops, tablets, or phones onboard to watch movies or play online games and stay entertained throughout the trip from Milan to Genoa. Both first and second-class cabins have power outlets that you may use to charge your devices as you continue entertaining yourself with the free Wi-Fi. In addition, Trenitalia offers Wi-Fi at both the departure and arrival stations of Milan to Genoa trains for the comfort of the passengers at the waiting bays.

How much does a train ticket from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo cost?

Search for train tickets from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo for this week, starting at $14 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. $21 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo one-way.

How long is the train ride from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo?

The quickest train available from Milan will take 1h 18m to arrive in Genoa Cristoforo Colombo. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 15m. This largely depends on whether your train ride includes stops or a direct route from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo. Look into Trenitalia, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo?

Currently, the price you pay to get from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo by train this week is around $21 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Italotreno and Trenitalia. Consider Italotreno as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo starting at $22.

How far is Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo by train?

A train from Milan to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo will travel much more than the 74.1 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way. The train usually takes 1h 18m in normal conditions.

Trenitalia trains from Milan to Genoa

Our best Trenitalia deals on Milan to Genoa train tickets
May 25
XIK9:10 pmMilan Centrale
1h 34m
GPP10:44 pmGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
GPP6:44 amGenoa Piazza Principe
1h 38m
XIK8:22 amMilan Centrale
May 25
IMR8:21 amMilan Rogoredo
2h 27m
GPP10:48 amGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
GPP6:27 amGenoa Piazza Principe
2h 13m
1 stop
IMR8:40 amMilan Rogoredo
May 25
MXP8:13 amMilan Malpensa
2h 59m
1 stop
GPP11:12 amGenoa Piazza Principe
May 27
GPP7:19 amGenoa Piazza Principe
2h 57m
1 stop
MXP10:16 amMilan Malpensa

Popular train routes to Genoa

Most frequently searched train routes to Genoa, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Genoa from Rome
Fastest travel time4h 09m
Cheapest price$33

Other train routes from Milan

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Fastest travel time1h 04m
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Trains from Milan to Venice
Fastest travel time2h 13m
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Trains from Milan to Verona
Fastest travel time1h 12m
Cheapest price$29
Trains from Milan to Turin
Fastest travel time0h 47m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Milan to Geneva
Fastest travel time4h 01m
Cheapest price$98
Trains from Milan to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 41m
Cheapest price$127
Trains from Milan to Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$109

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