Find trains from Munich to Zurich

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Apr 28 — May 51
1 adult
Sun 4/28

Best deals for train tickets from Munich to Zurich

Find the right train ticket for you
Deutsche Bahn
With transfers
5h 54m
Deutsche Bahn
With transfers
5h 46m
With transfers
5h 46m
With transfers
5h 46m
With transfers
5h 48m
With transfers
5h 48m

Munich to Zurich train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Munich to Zurich






3h 35m


ÖBB, Deutsche Bahn
The best round-trip train deal from Munich to Zurich found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $95
The best one-way train deal from Munich to Zurich found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $23
Average time it takes to travel by train from Munich to Zurich
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: ÖBB, Deutsche Bahn

Munich Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Munich
Munich FröttmaningMunich, 48.210934, 11.619262
Munich Augsburg HauptbahnhofMunich, 48.365555, 10.886389
Munich FüssenMunich, 47.5705, 10.69781
Munich München Flughafen Terminal 2Munich, 48.355682, 11.790116
Munich Kempten HauptbahnhofMunich, 47.711746, 10.317611
Munich FreihamMunich, 48.139915, 11.409369

Zurich Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Zurich
Zurich WiedikonZurich, 47.37148, 8.52348
Zurich Zurich AffolternZurich, 47.420925, 8.508258
Zurich StadelhofenZurich, 47.366695, 8.548642
Zurich Zurich HardbrückeZurich, 47.385166, 8.5173025
Zurich Chur Chur AltstadtZurich, 46.847282, 9.531103
Zurich OerlikonZurich, 47.411484, 8.544163

Book round-trip train tickets from Munich to Zurich

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Munich to Zurich that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jul 8
3:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
9:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jul 9
6:40 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 47m
1 stop
12:27 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 30
5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 3
2:40 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
8:26 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 30
5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 3
2:40 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
8:26 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 12
7:44 amMunich Hauptbahnhof
7h 36m
1 stop
3:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 14
6:40 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 47m
1 stop
12:27 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 17
3:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
9:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 19
6:40 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 47m
1 stop
12:27 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 1
3:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
9:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 5
6:40 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 47m
1 stop
12:27 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof

Book one-way train tickets from Munich to Zurich

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Munich to Zurich we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Deutsche Bahn
May 12
3:32 amMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 54m
1 stop
9:26 amZurich Bus Station
Jul 11
7:34 amMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
1:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 15
9:34 amMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
3:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
May 14
9:34 amMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
3:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 14
5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 10
5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof

Choose the best way to get from Munich to Zurich


3h 50m
$12 one-way$36 round-trip
Nonstop · from $36

Distance to downtown

32O0.7 mi
ZRH5.9 mi
25lb CO2

79% less than flights

Find Buses

Munich to Zurich Buses


3h 33m
$23 one-way$95 round-trip
1 stop · from $113

Distance to downtown

ZLP0.5 mi
39lb CO2

67% less than flights

Find Trains

Munich to Zurich Trains


0h 50m
$97 one-way$170 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1701 stop · from $120

Distance to downtown

ZRH5.9 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Munich to Zurich

How much does a train ticket from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich cost?

Search for train tickets from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich for this week, starting at $23 one-way. At $116 on average, one-way train tickets from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich are best booked early to save more on your trip.

How long is the train ride from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

It takes 3h 35m to get from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich by train. Look into ÖBB, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

ÖBB and Deutsche Bahn are viable options. Check times and availability for ÖBB, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich from $95 round-trip.

How far is Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich by train?

While Zurich is 150.2 mi away from Munich Franz Josef Strauss, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. 3h 35m is a normal train duration for this route.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

The carbon footprint of taking the train from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich is about 39lb. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 67% vs. flying. This journey by bus would lower emissions to around 24lb.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Munich to Zurich?

A bus from Munich to Zurich from $36 can save you up to 78% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Munich to Zurich or a train from Munich to Zurich.

ÖBB trains from Munich to Zurich

Our best ÖBB deals on Munich to Zurich train tickets
Jul 8
ZMU3:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
ZLP9:20 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jul 9
ZLP6:40 amZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 47m
1 stop
ZMU12:27 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 30
ZMU5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
ZLP11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 3
ZLP2:40 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
ZMU8:26 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
May 30
ZMU5:34 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
5h 48m
1 stop
ZLP11:22 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
Jun 3
ZLP2:40 pmZurich Hauptbahnhof
5h 46m
1 stop
ZMU8:26 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof

Popular train routes to Zurich

Most frequently searched train routes to Zurich, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Zurich from Milan
Fastest travel time3h 17m
Cheapest price$64
Trains to Zurich from Paris
Fastest travel time4h 04m
Cheapest price$246
Trains to Zurich from Geneva
Fastest travel time2h 59m
Cheapest price$99

Other train routes from Munich

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Munich to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Munich to Berlin
Fastest travel time3h 57m
Cheapest price$96

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