Find trains from Champaign to Chicago

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Jan 18 — Jan 252
2 travelers
Sat 1/18

Champaign to Chicago train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Champaign to Chicago


2h 45m
Average time it takes to travel by train from Champaign to Chicago

Cheapest trains to Chicago

Champaign Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Champaign
ChampaignChampaign, 40.115845, -88.24136

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

Popular train routes to Chicago

Most frequently searched train routes to Chicago, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Chicago from Detroit
Fastest travel time5h 06m
Cheapest price$90
Trains to Chicago from St. Louis
Fastest travel time4h 55m
Cheapest price$65
Trains to Chicago from Indianapolis
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$69
Trains to Chicago from Milwaukee
Fastest travel time1h 19m
Cheapest price$44
Trains to Chicago from Cleveland
Fastest travel time6h 46m
Cheapest price$129
Trains to Chicago from New York
Fastest travel time19h 32m
Cheapest price$202
Trains to Chicago from Memphis
Fastest travel time10h 35m
Cheapest price$188
Trains to Chicago from Toledo
Fastest travel time4h 23m
Cheapest price$92
Trains to Chicago from Los Angeles
Fastest travel time42h 55m
Cheapest price$273
Trains to Chicago from Grand Rapids
Fastest travel time4h 08m
Cheapest price$67
Trains to Chicago from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time17h 40m
Cheapest price$252
Trains to Chicago from Boston
Fastest travel time22h 15m
Cheapest price$216

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