
Find trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago

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ene. 21 — ene. 281
1 adult
mar. 1/21

Best deals for train tickets from Grand Rapids to Chicago

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With transfers
4h 08m
With transfers
4h 08m
With transfers
4h 08m
With transfers
4h 08m
With transfers
4h 08m
With transfers
4h 08m

Grand Rapids to Chicago train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago






4h 08m


The best round-trip train deal from Grand Rapids to Chicago found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $63
The best one-way train deal from Grand Rapids to Chicago found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $31
Average time it takes to travel by train from Grand Rapids to Chicago
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Cheapest trains to Chicago

Grand Rapids Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Grand Rapids
Grand RapidsGrand Rapids, 42.955668, -85.672443

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

Book round-trip train tickets from Grand Rapids to Chicago

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Grand Rapids to Chicago that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jan 28
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 29
6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
11:34 pmGrand Rapids
Jan 27
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 28
6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
11:34 pmGrand Rapids
Feb 13
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Feb 13
6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
11:34 pmGrand Rapids
Jan 21
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 24
6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
11:34 pmGrand Rapids
Jan 21
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 23
6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
11:34 pmGrand Rapids

Book one-way train tickets from Grand Rapids to Chicago

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Grand Rapids to Chicago we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Apr 23
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Mar 9
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Mar 1
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
May 13
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Feb 22
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union
Mar 3
6:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
9:08 amChicago Union

FAQs for booking trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago

What stops are along the train from Grand Rapids to Chicago?

Amtrak trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago are part of the Pere Marquette train line. They typically depart from Vernon J. Ehlers Station in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and makes three stops before pulling into Chicago Union Station. It’s roughly 40 min between each stop and the stops themselves last only a few minutes – just enough for passengers to safely get on or off the train. The first stop on trains to Chicago from Grand Rapids is in Holland, Michigan. The second stop is in Bangor, Michigan, and the third stop is in St. Joseph-Benton Harbor, Michigan. After this stop, passengers can look out their windows to have views of Lake Michigan. Roughly an hour or so after the third stop, the Grand Rapids to Chicago trains arrive at the Chicago Union Station in downtown Chicago.

Do Amtrak trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago have Wi-Fi?

Amtrak trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago are equipped with onboard Wi-Fi. Passengers with train tickets can engage in general web browsing as they enjoy their train ride. That being said, the public Wi-Fi isn’t meant to support high bandwidth activities like streaming movies or music. If you plan on doing high-bandwidth activities, it’s recommended to download any large files at the station before departure so that it doesn’t impact other passengers on the train. The Amtrak Wi-Fi is a public system that doesn’t require password logins – similar to what you would find at a cafe or library. Due to this, highly sensitive activities like entering personal or financial information should be kept to a minimum. Along with the complimentary Wi-Fi comes a variety of other amenities. This includes a cafe that sells breakfast food, light snacks, and hot and cold beverages. There is also a wheelchair ramp for passengers with reduced mobility.

Are pets allowed on the train from Grand Rapids to Chicago?

If traveling with a human, then pets are allowed on trains to Chicago from Grand Rapids. However, there are a few regulations. The pet must be placed in a carrier case, and the combined weight of both can’t exceed 20 lbs. The carrier case counts as carry-on baggage and should be ventilated, leak proof, and allow the pet to stand up, sit down, and move around comfortably. Pets are fine in Coach Class, but are not allowed in non-Acela Business class seating or in food service cars. All pets traveling on Amtrak train lines should have the necessary vaccinations and be at least eight weeks old. A total of five pets may be brought on board, and they may travel for a total of seven hours. Before departing from Grand Rapids, passengers must sign a “Pet Release and Indemnification Agreement.” To ensure that’s done on time, it’s recommended to arrive at the station at least 30 min before departure.

What luggage is allowed on Grand Rapids to Chicago trains?

Grand Rapids to Chicago trains allow passengers to have a total of six carry-on items and four checked items. The carry-on items include four free pieces of luggage – two personal items up to 25 lbs each and two carry-on items up to 50 lbs each. If you need extra luggage, you may also purchase up to two extra carry-on bags, each for a fee. All carry-on bags must be kept with you in the seat, stored in the overhead compartment, placed under your seat, or put in a designated area. Items for babies (strollers, diaper bags, etc.) may be carried on board for free and don’t count toward your carry-on luggage. Passengers may check up to four items of luggage as well. The first two items are free and can weigh up to 50 lbs each. You may also pay a fee for two extra items of luggage that don’t exceed 50 lbs each. Before departing from Grand Rapids, you can give checked bags to Amtrak staff and they will give you a ticket that allows you to pick up your bags when you arrive in Chicago.

How long is the train ride from Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago?

The most time-efficient journey by train from Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago currently available is 4h 08m. Check Amtrak if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which train companies operate between Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago?

Amtrak will take you from Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago. Amtrak has been recently found as the cheapest option from $63 round-trip.

How far is Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago by train?

While Chicago is 125.0 mi away from Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. Most trains from Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford Intl to Chicago will get there in 4h 08m.

Amtrak trains from Grand Rapids to Chicago

Our best Amtrak deals on Grand Rapids to Chicago train tickets
Jan 28
RR96:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
ZUN9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 29
ZUN6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
RR911:34 pmGrand Rapids
Feb 13
RR96:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
ZUN9:08 amChicago Union
Feb 13
ZUN6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
RR911:34 pmGrand Rapids
Jan 21
RR96:00 amGrand Rapids
4h 08m
ZUN9:08 amChicago Union
Jan 24
ZUN6:30 pmChicago Union
4h 04m
RR911:34 pmGrand Rapids

Popular train routes to Chicago

Most frequently searched train routes to Chicago, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Chicago from Detroit
Fastest travel time5h 06m
Cheapest price$90
Trains to Chicago from St. Louis
Fastest travel time4h 55m
Cheapest price$65
Trains to Chicago from Indianapolis
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$69
Trains to Chicago from Milwaukee
Fastest travel time1h 19m
Cheapest price$44
Trains to Chicago from Cleveland
Fastest travel time6h 46m
Cheapest price$129
Trains to Chicago from New York
Fastest travel time19h 32m
Cheapest price$202
Trains to Chicago from Champaign
Fastest travel time2h 36m
Cheapest price$34
Trains to Chicago from Memphis
Fastest travel time10h 35m
Cheapest price$188
Trains to Chicago from Toledo
Fastest travel time4h 23m
Cheapest price$92
Trains to Chicago from Los Angeles
Fastest travel time42h 55m
Cheapest price$273
Trains to Chicago from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time17h 40m
Cheapest price$252
Trains to Chicago from Boston
Fastest travel time22h 15m
Cheapest price$216

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