momondo was founded on the belief that everybody should be able to travel the world because traveling unites us.

Today, our world seems more divided than ever. We tend to think that there are more things dividing us than uniting us.

It’s time to take action. It’s time to stand together. That is why momondo presents The World Piece.

The World Piece

How far would you go to bring the world together?

In a powerful display of solidarity, people from around the globe meet to create The World Piece: a living manifestation of the bonds that unite us across cultures and borders. In doing so, they state in more than words that if we dare to connect, the world can’t fall apart.

We hope The World Piece will inspire you to become part of bringing the world together.

The stories that flow through us all

The 61 beautiful and diverse human beings who took part in The World Piece together represent 70.3% of the global population. Each of them offered their body as a canvas on which to tell their personal story and show their commitment to bringing the world together. Their stories resonate within us all and bind us.

See all the participants by swiping to the right or left. Then tap on a person to explore their story.

Photos: Søren Solkær


28 | Barbados

Read why Rachel thinks it's important to bring the world together

A couple of years ago I was planning a trip to a country that was being negatively portrayed in the news. My family and friends were afraid of me going. But when I got there I saw that there was nothing to be scared of. There are adventures and places to experience all around the world if you’re willing to travel to see it with your own eyes.


36 | Poland

Read why Marta thinks it's important to bring the world together

On January 14, 2019 in Gdańsk, Poland, a city mayor was assassinated during the most beautiful nationwide charity event. The assassination began a series of discussions in the country about a need to transform Gdańsk into a city of solidarity and freedom for people regardless of origin or faith. This is my contribution to spreading love and showing the importance of building a society based on love and empathy.

Hear Marta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


24 | Colombia

Read why Alexander thinks it's important to bring the world together

I am a Colombian in Spain — the years will pass and it will continue to be like that. Many people still ask me in my work where I am from, some of them don’t realize that it does not matter. I want to show them the idea of equality and that what really matters is that I am there to help them.


53 | Canada

Read why Pauline thinks it's important to bring the world together

I want to break out of old, sad, sometimes painful memory connections and form new and exciting ones by being forever connected with other people from around the world, from all walks of life, using one singular line.


44 | Netherlands

Read why Floris thinks it's important to bring the world together

I believe all humans are different and all humans are the same. No one should be left out. It doesn't matter if you are poor, rich, white, black, gay, straight, Muslim or Catholic. We are all humans. We are all humans and we are all different, that's the beauty of it. And we should learn from each other, not build walls. We should learn and love.


23 | Iran

Read why Ala thinks it's important to bring the world together

I love human beings; the individuality of every single person, the mentality and culture of every individual, and the bigger picture that you start to you see when you start talking to someone and listen carefully.


36 | Israel

Read why Hagai thinks it's important to bring the world together

Some events in my life got me thinking about how short our time here is, and how whatever we choose to do has a deep effect on everyone else. It made me a strong believer in the fact that each human being is a world. And we as humans should spend our time and energy keeping and nurturing life.


24 | Hong Kong

Read why Starry thinks it's important to bring the world together

When I was small I knew so little — if you’re not from a big city then there’s not much going on and you don’t know people from other cultures. But then after I got traveling I really saw the world. You see how other people live, and you get to know that nothing is a big deal and you can just go with it.


41 | South Africa

Read why Reva thinks it's important to bring the world together

I grew up in the post-apartheid era, where I wasn’t allowed to go into certain areas because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t allowed to go to certain schools, take certain busses, use certain toilets. So for me, it’s about showing that no matter where you’re from, you can change your story. Today, I teach young people from disadvantaged communities to be role models through sports.


26 | Ireland

Read why Amy thinks it's important to bring the world together

Some devastating experiences in my past have, over time, taught me to be a more honest person, to try and look for the good and focus on all those little nuggets that show the goodness in humans that often gets lost amidst all the fear and anger on the news. It's a constant battle...But I try and I'll try again tomorrow.


39 | Norway

Read why Alexander thinks it's important to bring the world together

We have so many forces out there that are trying to tear us apart. In politics, in social media — it’s becoming a colder place, more dehumanizing. We’re more connected now than 30 years ago, but the opinions are so strong on every side. I want to really connect with people, both literally and figuratively.


26 | Slovakia

Read why Eva thinks it's important to bring the world together

We need to trust each other more, because we all make mistakes, no one is perfect. It’s so important to see all these differences among people, which so often creates conflict, not as a negative thing but as something unique. We’re all just human beings.

Hear Eva's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


29 | South Korea

Read why Luc thinks it's important to bring the world together

I believe that one line - combining us all - is somewhat of a great metaphor for life itself. As different as the designs may be, they all share one overall meaning.


22 | Portugal

Read why Anaíde thinks it's important to bring the world together

I believe that small acts are what count in the day to day, like making people reflect by asking about the meaning of a tattoo. We can make history with our skin. The human being can be sculpted both inside and outside and it would be good to be able to do both with people.

Hear Anaíde's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


35 | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Read why Mirza thinks it's important to bring the world together

I was raised in two cultures. The Bosnians are passionate, proud people. A lot of decisions are made with the heart. The Dutch are cool and calm, they think ahead. Decisions are made with the head. I try to take the best of both worlds.


43 | Sweden

Read why Elin thinks it's important to bring the world together

We need to get together to fight fear, war and climate change. I want to fight injustice and misunderstandings — it’s the only way to prevent people from suffering and to have any nature and culture left for our children.


36 | Brazil

Read why Fred thinks it's important to bring the world together

This project with a unique and simple line will connect different people with different cultures, values and beliefs, and help them overcome many of their challenges. Together, we’re stronger. We can make a difference.

Hear Fred's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


28 | Mexico

Read why Gloria thinks it's important to bring the world together

I studied biomedical engineering because I was captivated by the beauty of the human body and sciences. I've learnt that no matter the age, culture or background, we all are connected and we can resonate in each other. Life is in every moment that takes our breath away.

Hear Gloria's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


41 | Rwanda

Read why Jack thinks it's important to bring the world together

In 1990, in Rwanda, there was a civil war — that’s why we fled. I felt very lost. I wanted to do something, but I couldn’t. Everything that I lived through shaped who I am now: how I think, how I act. The only way to not demonize people is to understand that we are all linked to one another. You have to forgive because if you don’t forgive, you’ll keep the anger, it’ll eat you.

Hear Jack's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


30 | Romania

Read why Ana thinks it's important to bring the world together

I want to encourage unity, solidarity, generosity and tolerance between people. We are all a mirror. As a person with low vision, the idea that our bodies can bring together both art and humanity is for me a symbol of hope.

Hear Ana's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


19 | Czech Republic

Read why Dominik thinks it's important to bring the world together

There’s a lot of evil in the world, it’s not easy to live in. People are against each other in so many ways. We need to make something to make it better. I said to myself, "If I can make me better, I can help make the world better. But it starts with me."

Hear Dominik's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


22 | Palestine

Read why Ahmad thinks it's important to bring the world together

I don't believe in human-made boundaries; geographical coincidences do not make us different in any way. I don't see differences. I’d rather focus on what unifies than what breaks us apart as the human race. We are all one -- even when it’s someone you thought was against you your whole life.


36 | Hungary

Read why Melinda thinks it's important to bring the world together

Living in a foreign country, I know very well how crucial it is that we always keep an open heart towards every human being. Respect, appreciation and a neverending interest in each other is what is necessary to be able to live together in peace.

Hear Melinda's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


23 | Argentina

Read why Jose thinks it's important to bring the world together

Meeting new people is amazing. You get a little piece of their culture, of the way that they see the world, which is so different from what you believe or see. It changes something in you, makes you better. You feel a little bit of their life, and that’s priceless.

Hear Jose's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


28 | France

Read why Chelsea thinks it's important to bring the world together

I believe that every person we meet brings something that makes us a little more complete, that builds who we are — and if these are the bricks that make up each human being, then we are all responsible for what is happening in the world. It’s our duty to listen to others and share our knowledge and stories to break prejudice and intolerance.


32 | India

Read why Navaneethakrishnan thinks it's important to bring the world together

If things do go as bad as it looks like, climate change-wise, and people are completely oblivious to it, I think art is the only thing that could just knock some sense into people and how they treat everyone around them and how they treat the environment. I don’t think anything could change people except for heart and art.

Hear Navaneethakrishnan's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece

Kim Anh

27 | Vietnam

Read why Kim Anh thinks it's important to bring the world together

I have been living abroad for almost half of my life, away from family and constantly having to make new friends. Thanks to new technologies, it's easier than ever to keep in touch, but sometimes you need something deeper to reconnect to the people you love. The World Piece is the next level, connecting me through tattoos not only to friends and family but to strangers — all of humankind in a way.


24 | Latvia

Read why Simona thinks it's important to bring the world together

Coming together and standing with each other is actually in my history. My ancestors, fighting for what felt right for them, stood together holding hands against the evil. Many were killed, others lived to tell about the strength of the community spirit. My grandparents and mother were there. She's told me about the cold and the shortage of food, but the spirit...People singing national songs while tanks were coming their way.


23 | Japan

Read why Hiroki thinks it's important to bring the world together

When I saw that the idea behind these tattoos was to bring people together from all around the world and spread more peace, I knew that was for chance to express my feelings about peace.

Hear Hiroki's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


40 | Lebanon

Read why Bassem thinks it's important to bring the world together

All that I’ve wanted since I was a kid is to live in a world in peace where people accept each other with all their differences: colors, religions, sexual orientation, cultures....this project is a part of the evolution of humanity.


28 | Indonesia

Read why Aida thinks it's important to bring the world together

I’ve learned that you don't have to be the person your parents or society wants you to be. Open up your mind to the world out there. If you give people the opportunity to explore and step outside their comfort zone, that is the start of a beautiful story.

Hear Aida's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


34 | Turkey

Read why Bayram thinks it's important to bring the world together

I’m ready to show the rest of the world the beauty of binding the diversity of people with the power of art and travel! This way of expression is very strong, very powerful just by using simple, gentle black lines that will connect a group of people with a special bond for the rest of their lives!


44 | United States

Read why Shannon thinks it's important to bring the world together

I believe with all of my heart, because it is my story, that fundamental transformation is possible for anyone who chooses to change. I believe independence is an illusion; we are all interdependent upon one another. We are all interconnected, our stories and our lives interwoven.


24 | Taiwan

Read why Wan-Yi thinks it's important to bring the world together

Even though we’re from different countries, we’re all human and we’re not different — we understand each other.


33 | Ecuador

Read why Roberto thinks it's important to bring the world together

I’m the oldest of three and I think because of that I’m usually trying to push forward as an example for my younger siblings. I’ve had the opportunity to travel considerably, but it’s almost always been for educational purposes. At the moment I’m trying to loosen control of things and just go with the responsible but unattached.


37 | Italy

Read why Eliana thinks it's important to bring the world together

I want to be an example to my daughter — to be a living poster with the most important message in the world on my back. I want to say to my daughter that religion and color are not important. It’s not important that she has black skin and I have white.

Hear Eliana's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


23 | Uganda

Read why Zillah thinks it's important to bring the world together

I was in a difficult situation and got some help from a stranger on YouTube when I needed it most. She said, “Be strong, I have gone through this, you’ll be fine.” Now I do the same thing for others — I help refugees trying to start a new life here in Uganda.


54 | Germany

Read why Franziska thinks it's important to bring the world together

I grew up in East Germany and when the Wall fell down, I was 25. I personally experienced the impact that borders and walls have on people. We don’t need walls — not in our countries, not in our heads. What we need is love, communication and respect. Traveling and meeting people opens your eyes and your heart.

Hear Franziska's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


42 | Venezuela

Read why Mario thinks it's important to bring the world together

Even if we live in different countries and cultures, we have the same stories — the same difficult pasts. We have to move on.

Hear Mario's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


30 | Somalia

Read why Mohamed thinks it's important to bring the world together

I don’t think it’s fair that just because you’re born in a certain country but you have the skills that you have, that you can’t participate in something. It’s important to bring together people who have great skill sets, regardless of where they’re from or what their background is. In my work I bring people from different nationalities together through art.


27 | Lithuania

Read why Ruta thinks it's important to bring the world together

I’m a nature-loving girl from a small village. Growing surrounded by enormous amounts of nature and woods, I always had pure love for Mother Earth. Now, living in a city, I try to spread my love for her and her creatures in every way possible. To this day I’m learning from every person that crosses my path. Every person’s story is worth listening to, every religion teaches something, every tradition is unique and every experience is important.

Hear Ruta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


46 | Denmark

Read why Søren thinks it's important to bring the world together

It’s a big world. But with the Internet, that world has gotten smaller and more connected, whether we like it or not. So we should embrace that really. Only by connecting through love, on a worldwide scale, can we actually pull together and change the world. And we need to change the world, otherwise we won’t have one.


35 | Suriname

Read why Danielle thinks it's important to bring the world together

We are all really a family, we should be able to be open and tell our stories without anyone judging us. I came into this with an open mind, I met so many people and heard their stories, and it will always be a part of me.

Hear Danielle's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


20 | Cyprus

Read why Markella thinks it's important to bring the world together

I'm from a family that always wanted us to know everything about different people, cultures, religions and traditions. So I’m someone who really thinks that the world has to be together, with no racism or wars. I love the idea of a lot of different people having the same ''mark'' on them, and me being part of the same tattoo with someone who may be from a country on the other side of the world.


27 | Moldova

Read why Mihai thinks it's important to bring the world together

I'm always keen on treating people the way I'd like to be treated. Even through music, connecting people and establishing new lines of communication is key for the advancement of the human species.


24 | Austria

Read why Taraneh thinks it's important to bring the world together

My first travel on my own to South America showed me how beautiful the world can be and how amazing people are if you are open and respectful. Throughout that trip I had many moments that made me the person I am today and showed me my life goal of connecting people and maybe even the world.


23 | Cameroon

Read why Jakub thinks it's important to bring the world together

I meet so many people who live far from me but also play or listen to the same music. I love how music can give you a feeling of being connected to someone even if you don't know them at all. They may look different, dress different and act different but in the end you're at the same party, smiling at each other, dancing together and enjoying yourself while listening to the same music.


22 | Madagascar

Read why Mialy thinks it's important to bring the world together

I saw a project that I can be a part of. Something that means more than me and a tattoo. To have a piece of a story, like a page of a book, like a human in the world.

Hear Mialy's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


28 | Peru

Read why Mario thinks it's important to bring the world together

After moving to the United States and resisting acclimatizing to a new culture for the first couple years, I realized that I was one of the many people who had the chance to see the world differently. After embracing this new mindset, I actually became more proud of where I come from.


26 | Bulgaria

Read why Merlin thinks it's important to bring the world together

I have "Gens una sumus" (“We are one people”) engraved on the back of my watch. It's a daily reminder that yes, we are all one family, we're brothers and sisters. We’re born to be connected, we don’t feel complete when we’re alone. Connections are crucial to us as human beings.

Hear Merlin's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


50 | Australia

Read why Gregory thinks it's important to bring the world together

We need to highlight a growing problem in this world: that we don’t talk, we don’t listen to each other’s stories. We only judge people on what they look like, what they might say. When you hear the stories you realize we’re all just people. I hope that everyone gets better at listening and learning.

Hear Gregory's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


20 | Spain

Read why Lidia thinks it's important to bring the world together

Going through a complicated back surgery at a very young age made me think for a while that I wouldn't be able to do the things I felt passionate about. Now, I wear the scar as a reminder of a tough time in my life, but also as a reminder of strength. It is my personal tattoo, that mark on my skin that I show with pride. That's why I would love to add something to that scar that is already so essential for me.

Hear Lidia's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


22 | Belarus

Read why Vladas thinks it's important to bring the world together

Many years ago, I was backpacking in Asia and got food poisoning. I had to get off the train in a tiny town and got a room at a hostel, but no bank would accept my foreign card so I could buy medicine. When the otherwise strict woman who ran the hostel found out, she bought bread, medicine and a train ticket. She didn’t speak English, and I never understood a word she said, but I often think of her. This is my chance to pay back her kindness.


21 | Finland

Read why Janetta thinks it's important to bring the world together

Traveling and connecting with people mean very much the same thing for me. I come from a small town where everyone knows each other’s business, and I've always craved new people in my life from all walks of life. I believe in unity and good in people — the state of this world stresses me out a lot of times but then I meet an amazing individual who makes me believe in humans again.

Hear Janetta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece

Ashley Jane

21 | Malaysia

Read why Ashley Jane thinks it's important to bring the world together

People are people and human nature is odd. Discrimination is odd. Something that should not be there but is. Despite the ugly side, you see people rallying together when things get tough. That's what I like to focus on. People need people, despite what anyone thinks. That's how we were made to live. That is how you change the world.

Hear Ashley Jane's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


28 | Nepal

Read why Sagar thinks it's important to bring the world together

I’m always dreaming higher than the ceiling, but my friends and family are always there for me when I’m down, showing me the path of light. I feel honored to meet so many people from around the world, learning and exchanging cultures. Listening to others’ stories inspires me to do something for the world.


70 | United Kingdom

Read why Jane thinks it's important to bring the world together

My father spent his whole life making the world a better place and tackling cancer. I tread in his footsteps, always positive, always constructive and always joyfully building bridges. Those with the tattoos can spread this message — non-verbally. To get away from words is the most powerful thing you can do. No one can argue with a line. It is a statement. It has happened. It is there. It is a commitment.

Hear Jane's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


28 | Nigeria

Read why Edafe thinks it's important to bring the world together

I left Nigeria in 2016 and sought asylum in the United States. When I arrived I was placed in a detention center for six months and then released, and now I live freely as a gay man in the United States. It might be a different kind of persecution I face for being a gay man to being a black man in America but it’s what it is. You can’t get everything you want in life, but it is our hope that the world will become more humane.


58 | Switzerland

Read why Stephan thinks it's important to bring the world together

As a naturally open and curious person with a strong sense of justice, I believe all people should have the same opportunities, no matter where they come from. We need to be able to approach all the people when trying to solve the big problems of the world together, without being influenced by politics or religion.


33 | Thailand

Read why Pichaya thinks it's important to bring the world together

As a foreigner living in the UK, I sometimes feel isolated from the locals. It might be because of the language barrier or different cultures. I think even though we live in an open world, there are still some gaps between people that prevent them from blending into a new country or environment completely. It seems like everybody can be friends but in the real world they are just friendly and then fade away over time. I would like to believe that we can really be together.

Hear Pichaya's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece


27 | Zimbabwe

Read why Victory thinks it's important to bring the world together

As part of a family that has traveled around the world from Zimbabwe, I've found that as humans we have so many more similarities than differences and much more so than we acknowledge. When performing my music, I try to evoke the feeling of unity as a global tribe...

A single line that connects the world

World-renowned tattoo artist Mo Ganji incorporates his own life philosophy of “less is more” into his tattoos — giving a single, unbroken black line the power to evoke figures of nature and man.

Learn more about Mo, his tattoo designs and what The World Piece means to him.

Learn more about the making of The World Piece


The competition has ended

We’re looking for two more people who want to commit to The World Piece and help bring the world together by getting their own single-line tattoos. Are you ready to tell your story? Learn more about the competition and what you can win below.
Main prizes

Travel to get a tattoo by Mo Ganji

Two people — strangers from different countries and cultures — will win a three-day trip to Berlin with flight and hotel to get connecting tattoos designed and inked by tattooist Mo Ganji.

Extra prizes

Travel to a country that will open your mind

Up to 20 additional people will each receive €1000 to visit the country that would most open their mind to the world.

Read Terms & Conditions

Commit and share

Once you’ve committed to The World Piece competition, you’ll have the chance to invite your friends to join too. The more entrants who share the competition, the more money for travel we’ll share!

1. The World Piece competition

2. Answer questions

3. Personal information

The World Piece competition

Each tattoo in The World Piece is a new way to show how much we all actually have in common. Through these personal stories of humanity, we’re reminded of what’s worth cherishing and protecting. But we’re still missing two important stories.

Be part of this beautiful movement by telling us why you want to help bring the world together.

I agree to the Terms & Conditions

A global movement

The momentum of The World Piece is growing every day, and we’d like to thank each and every person from around the world who has shared its message and helped to bring the world closer together.


have watched the film

0 have entered the competition

“Personally everyday that I scroll through my facebook news feed or watch the news, I feel hopeless. I feel so disconnected and scared for my future and the future of this planet.I want to be apart of something..anything to help us as a human race to be better. To put love and compassion before hate and prejudice. I want to share my love to anyone who will listen in hopes that they will see the world in a new light. “

“The world feels very divided at times but it's impossible to divide us. We are all connected to each other and the world we live in. We do need reminding that we are a species that needs to stick together, we can do, create and feel beautiful things if we have passion for ourselves and one another. My reason is because I'm about to go on an epic sailing adventure, the sailing community is very connected and if that can grow worldwide, how amazing would that be!“

“I believe that the entire world is ours to share. I have a passion for travel and a passion for people. I work with people with Learning Disabilities and I see every day how devided society is which breaks my heart.“

“as a tattoo artist I can see the need of acceptance in every single client and friend that I have, no matter the status, race, color or any other factor, we all have the same need of acceptance. If I can be part of this project and help in any way I'm in.“

“In this world where instead of understand that we are all the same we are fighting against each other, with no reason. People still think that not all the people should have the same right, same respect, same hope for life and this is something that I can't stand. This is so sad, so If I can do something to show that there no difference between me and another person from any other country of the world I really would like to do it. “

“No living thing can choose in which country, in what culture and in what time they are born into. Country borders are man made. I want the globe to live its life in peace, harmony and loving kindness. Even though I realize all that what I stated above, it is hard to compell in everyday life. I realized this great reality of love in the last summer in the vipassana meditation retrite and have taken small steps towards a less egocentric life. This would be one step towards the more unite world.“

“The world is full of different stories, believes, ways of thinking, good and bad decisions and ways to grow. Those experiences combined would always make us stronger. Together we can learn from each other. We can celebrate the achievements and be there for the disappointments. In the end, we are humans and as humans we must thrive together, cry together and laugh together. Instead of exacerbate our differences and live in a bubble.“

“The world is a better place, when we come together, are together and work together. We all need to meet new people throughout our whole lives to see each other away from our own "playground", and thereby learn, understand.“

“I’m a firm believer in self determination. Each and everyone of us should have the right to be who or what we want to be without discrimination. I want to bring the world together because our differences are humanities strongest asset. Let the different people of the world come together and share positive energy.“

“Every day I see more and more hate going on in the world. Hate for people that are different from the once hating, going both ways. But the differences between us are only superficial and I think it's time for everyone to realise that. Skin color, religion, sexuality, nationality, etc., these are all just labels that makes us think that we are different from each other, when in reality, we are more alike than most people realise. “

“We must cooperate to bring our world together. The world's a village and in a village you must know your neigbour to avoid hostile behavior and alienation. Let's all learn to speak the same language - The Language of Love❤️“

“More and more countries are closing their borders, not letting in people who are not "like them" but are still human beings with dignity and value. There is too much hate and fear of "the other" without ever trying to get to know who "the other" really is. We need to stop believing what we see on the news about people and meet with them face to face. No two people are alike and yet we all share universal hopes and dreams.“

“"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." Being a queer person of colour I know first hand that coming together in love is vital! My early life was spent isolated, unable to interact with people, afraid of people but the love of others-strangers brought me back, they came together for me to heal and do better. If we can come together for each other we can all heal and do better.“

“I was born right before the Balkan wars in the 90s. Forcing my mother to flee the country with two small kids. 25 years after the war stopped, the world seems even more torned apart than ever before. We need a united force to fight climate changes, wars, starvation and help each other in bad times. “

“I want to change the world. I believe that it can be done through the simplest of actions: being kind to one another without any agenda; helping one another if we are asked to; trying to understand a different point of view than our own; creating healthy habitats for animals and plants; striving to pollute less; telling the truth; lobbying for a life focusing on doing good, and not on amassing power... We could truly be happy and live in harmony. We are capable of that, it's inside of us! “

“My children need to have a peaceful world to live in. “

“Traveling and experiencing places and cultures different from your own is the surest way to open your mind and raise awareness.“

“As a person who is basically still alive because strangers from around the world were willing to help, I believe with all my heart that all we may need, all we may be left with when the worst comes are the connections we make with eachother. If 3 people who have never met can cause so much positivity in eachothers lives, I can't imagine the good that will manifest when and if we put aside all our differences and come together.“

“There is a string that connects each of us with every other single person in the world. Traveling is discovering this wire and stretching it to get closer. If we are connected, we can change the World, together.“

“You cannot understand the world around you if you are stuck in your own mind, bias, & beliefs. The only way to break those barriers down is to visit & talk to those who are vastly different (and be open-minded & understanding). I believe that most of the problems & misunderstandings in the world come from either a lack of understanding of each other or the refusal to understand/accept each other. Finding people willing to have open & honest conversations can help greatly. “

78% believe we need to stand together to make the world a better place

In 2019, we commissioned our second global study to explore the value of traveling. The study shows that half of us believe people are less tolerant toward other cultures than five years ago. But it also shows that people who see themselves as well-traveled are more likely to trust others, and that the majority of people believe that more things unite us than divide us.

49 %

believe that people are less tolerant toward other cultures than five years ago

69 %

agree that they can do something themselves to bring the world closer together

43 %

of people do not trust people of another nationality

61 %

believe there are more things uniting us than dividing us

68 %

believe that traveling has made them look more positively on differences and diversity

51 %

agree that if people traveled more there would be more peace in the world

Let's Open Our World

The World Piece is part of Let’s Open Our World: a bigger mission to give courage and encourage each of us to stay curious and be open-minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world. One of our initiatives is Open World Projects, where we sponsor the realization of projects that promote tolerance and inclusion — you can help bring the world together by applying with your great idea. Discover our latest initiatives below.

momondo is an inspirational travel search site comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and car rentals, giving users 100% price transparency across the market. We believe that everyone should be able to travel the world because traveling makes us more open-minded and tolerant. Our vision is of a world where our differences are a source of inspiration and development, not intolerance and prejudice.