
Find buses from Hannover to Munich

Search for cheap bus tickets from Hannover to Munich and book your trip in minutes.

May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for bus tickets from Hannover to Munich

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 45m

Hannover to Munich bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Hannover to Munich

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

8h 45m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Hannover to Munich found within the last 3 days start at $52 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $26. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Hannover to Munich is 8h 45m
FlixBus services this route

Hannover Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Hannover
Hannover Hildesheim HindenburgplatzHannover, 52.149715, 9.955595
Hannover ZobHannover, 52.632774, 9.736667

Munich Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Munich
Munich NordfriedhofMunich, 48.1737, 11.5978
Munich Bmw WeltMunich, 48.17744, 11.5573
Munich Augsburg SchiesslerstraßeMunich, 48.377853, 10.878274
Munich Augsburg WeiherstraßeMunich, 48.388626, 10.883093
Munich Ingolstadt IngolstadtMunich, 48.76667, 11.43333
Munich Ingolstadt Saturn ArenaMunich, 48.759396, 11.438673

Book round-trip bus tickets from Hannover to Munich

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Hannover to Munich that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 26
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 27
9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
5:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 12
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 14
9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
5:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 13
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 14
9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
5:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 11
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 13
9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
5:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 1
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 3
9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
5:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 1
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 3
11:30 amMunich Hackerbrücke
12h 45m
1 stop
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB

Book one-way bus tickets from Hannover to Munich

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Hannover to Munich we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 26
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 7
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 24
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 2
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 7
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 11
12:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Hannover to Munich

How much does a bus ticket from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss cost?

If you need a bus from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss for this week you can find options from $33 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. $33 is what you can expect to pay for a bus ride from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss?

The fastest journey time from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss is 8h 45m. Look into FlixBus, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss?

Currently, the price you pay to get from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss by bus this week is around $33 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss?

FlixBus are viable options. Check times and availability for FlixBus, as it was recently the cheapest bus available traveling from Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss from $52 round-trip.

How far is Hannover to Munich Franz Josef Strauss by bus?

The distance between Hannover and Munich Franz Josef Strauss is about 303.3 mi in a straight line. Most buses from Hannover going to Munich Franz Josef Strauss will get there in around 8h 45m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

FlixBus buses from Hannover to Munich

Our best FlixBus deals on Hannover to Munich bus tickets
May 26
GI912:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
R0O9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 27
R0O9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
GI95:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 11
GI912:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
R0O9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 13
R0O9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
GI95:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 1
GI912:15 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
8h 45m
R0O9:00 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 3
R0O9:00 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
8h 30m
GI95:30 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB

More bus options to Munich

Besides Hannover there are other cities with transportation to Munich. See below for more options.
Buses to Munich from Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time5h 15m
Cheapest price$38
Buses to Munich from Ljubljana
Fastest travel time5h 25m
Cheapest price$101
Buses to Munich from Vienna
Fastest travel time6h 00m
Cheapest price$380
Buses to Munich from Karlsruhe
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$140
Buses to Munich from Salzburg
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price$859

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