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Apr 25 — May 21
1 adult
Thu 4/25

Best deals for bus tickets to Hannover

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With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 00m
With transfers
4h 20m
With transfers
6h 40m
With transfers
5h 05m
With transfers
6h 40m

Hannover bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Hannover.

Round-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Hildesheim Hindenburgplatz

Popular bus line

Bus tickets to Hannover found within the last 3 days start at $18 round-trip from Hamburg
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Hamburg starts at $14. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Hannover is Hildesheim Hindenburgplatz.
FlixBus services this route

Hannover Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Hannover
Hannover Hildesheim HindenburgplatzHannover, 52.149715, 9.955595
Hannover ZobHannover, 52.632774, 9.736667

Book round-trip bus tickets to Hannover

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Hannover that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 16
4:35 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus
2h 00m
6:35 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 19
10:35 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
2h 00m
12:35 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus
May 4
6:35 amBremen Hauptbahnhof
1h 35m
8:10 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 8
9:05 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 35m
10:40 pmBremen Hauptbahnhof
May 4
12:40 pmBremen Hauptbahnhof
1h 40m
2:20 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 8
9:05 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 35m
10:40 pmBremen Hauptbahnhof
May 16
2:00 pmHamburg Bus Station
2h 10m
4:10 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 19
5:40 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
2h 05m
7:45 amHamburg Bus Station
May 16
4:35 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus
2h 00m
6:35 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 19
9:40 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 50m
11:30 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus
May 5
4:35 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus
2h 00m
6:35 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 9
9:40 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 50m
11:30 pmHamburg Harburg Rathaus

Book one-way bus tickets to Hannover

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Hannover we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 9
6:45 amHamburg Bus Station
2h 35m
9:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 9
7:20 amHamburg Harburg Rathaus
2h 00m
9:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 23
12:30 amFrankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
4h 20m
4:50 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 1
11:40 pmFrankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
6h 40m
6:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 24
2:15 pmFrankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
5h 05m
7:20 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
May 1
11:40 pmFrankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
6h 40m
6:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB

FAQs for booking bus tickets to Hannover

What amenities are offered on buses from Hannover?

One of the primary providers of cheap buses from Hannover is FlixBus. There are many reasons that travelers enjoy riding aboard these buses, including the many amenities on offer, such as free Wi-Fi, very comfortable seating that reclines, several seats that offer extra legroom, air conditioning, toilets on the bus, as well as power outlets for use by travelers to keep their electronic devices charged up during their journey. There are also entertainment portals that offer plenty of games, books, and movies that passengers can enjoy on the electronic device that they bring with them on their trip.

How do I get to the bus station in Hannover?

The station that you use for buses from Hannover could not have a more convenient location because it is just to the east of the center of the city where there are several bus and train routes that make stops. In fact, the station is only 0.6 miles (1 km) from the center of the city and travelers can walk to the station in only about 14 minutes. If you would prefer to take public transportation, trains number 10 and 17 make the trip in 7 minutes and bus routes number 121, 128, 300, 500, and 700 can make the trip in around 10 minutes. If you are going to drive to the station from the center of the city, the trip will take around 5 minutes.

What are the benefits of taking a bus from Hannover?

A really terrific benefit of purchasing cheap bus tickets and traveling by bus from Hannover is that this method of travel affords you the luxury of doing so many other things than having to concentrate on doing the driving yourself. So, whether you want to get a little bit of work done during your trip, maybe catch up on some sleep, meet new friends that are traveling with you, or spend some time watching movies or listening to music, traveling by bus is a great way to do all of those things. One added benefit is that you can often save money when you buy bus tickets and travel by bus as opposed to doing your own driving.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Hannover?

When you travel by bus, you can generally bring all that you need with you for your trip. This means that you can bring one carry-on bag onboard the bus and store that bag under the seat in front of you or in one of the overhead bins. You can also bring another bag that will travel beneath the bus during your journey. Both of these bags will travel with you free of charge. If you want to bring additional baggage or if you want to bring things such as a favorite pet, a bicycle, sporting equipment, or a child stroller, all of these things can come on the bus with you. Keep in mind that bringing these things can increase your bus ticket price.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Hannover?

To travel on buses from Hannover, you will need a valid ticket to board the bus. This is also important if you are purchasing additional items to bring with you on the bus as you will need your ticket to load these items onto the bus before your journey. While you can print your ticket to bring with you, bus providers will also accept digital versions of the ticket that you store on your electronic device or, if you are using their app, to manage your travels and present your ticket. In addition to your ticket, you also need an official form of identification that needs to be valid at the time you travel on a bus to Hannover.

How much is a bus ticket to Hannover?

The average price you’ll pay to travel by bus to Hannover will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Frankfurt am Main the lowest ticket price is usually about $46, from Copenhagen it’s about $99 and from Paris it’s around $151.

What is the main bus station in Hannover?

Most people in Hannover will arrive at Hildesheim Hindenburgplatz, one of the most accessible stations in the area. You can find bus arrivals and departures at Hildesheim Hindenburgplatz from and to several major nearby cities such as Paris, Copenhagen, and Nuremberg.

What bus companies go to Hannover?

FlixBus is a common choice made by travelers seeking to travel by bus to Hannover. More ground transportation options may be available, depending on where you’re coming from.

How far in advance should I book a bus to Hannover?

$14 is the average one-way price to Hannover this week. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.

Popular bus routes to Hannover

Most frequently searched bus routes to Hannover, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Buses to Hannover from Amsterdam
Fastest travel time5h 10m
Cheapest price$902

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