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Apr 23 — Apr 301
1 adult
Tue 4/23

Best deals for train tickets to Hannover

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With transfers
1h 51m
With transfers
2h 02m
With transfers
1h 29m
With transfers
1h 46m
With transfers
1h 57m
With transfers
1h 29m

Hannover train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Hannover






Hildesheim Hbf


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Hannover is from Dortmund, starting at $31. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Hannover is from Berlin, starting at $11. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Hildesheim Hbf is one of the most popular stations in Hannover
FlixTrain, ÖBB, and Deutsche Bahn also service this route

Hannover Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Hannover
Hannover Hildesheim HbfHannover, 52.160625, 9.953494
Hannover Hauptbahnhof ZOBHannover, 52.378914, 9.741906
Hannover Hildesheim Hauptbahnhof ZOBHannover, 52.159145, 9.950905
Hannover Hildesheim OstHannover, 52.14655, 9.963167
Hannover Hildesheim BantelnHannover, 52.066265, 9.750329
Hannover Messe/LaatzenHannover, 52.317364, 9.792578

Book round-trip train tickets to Hannover

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Hannover that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 3
11:31 amDortmund Hauptbahnhof
8h 10m
1 stop
7:41 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof
May 7
10:23 amHannover Hauptbahnhof
7h 06m
1 stop
5:29 pmDortmund Hauptbahnhof
Apr 26
8:34 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 46m
10:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Apr 27
9:44 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
1h 40m
11:24 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Apr 26
8:23 amBerlin Ostbahnhof
1h 57m
10:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Apr 27
7:44 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
2h 01m
9:45 pmBerlin Ostbahnhof
Apr 26
5:30 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 02m
7:32 pmHannover Messe/Laatzen
Apr 27
9:07 amHannover Messe/Laatzen
2h 10m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 2
3:01 pmCologne Hauptbahnhof
4h 40m
1 stop
7:41 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof
May 6
2:23 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof
4h 33m
1 stop
6:56 pmCologne Hauptbahnhof
May 3
3:01 pmCologne Hauptbahnhof
4h 40m
1 stop
7:41 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof
May 7
10:23 amHannover Hauptbahnhof
8h 33m
1 stop
6:56 pmCologne Hauptbahnhof

Book one-way train tickets to Hannover

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Hannover found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
Jun 9
5:41 pmBerlin Spandau
1h 51m
7:32 pmHannover Messe/Laatzen
Jun 9
5:30 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 02m
7:32 pmHannover Messe/Laatzen
Apr 23
4:51 pmBerlin Spandau
1h 29m
6:20 pmHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Apr 23
8:34 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 46m
10:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Jun 9
8:23 amBerlin Ostbahnhof
1h 57m
10:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB
Jun 9
8:51 amBerlin Spandau
1h 29m
10:20 amHannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB

FAQs for booking trains to Hannover

How much is a train ticket to Hannover?

If you’re leaving from Berlin the lowest ticket price is usually about $76, from Amsterdam it’s about $75, and from Munich it’s around $67.

What is the main train station in Hannover?

Most people in Hannover will arrive at Hildesheim Hbf, one of the most accessible stations in the area. Berlin, Amsterdam, and Karlsruhe are some of the major cities accessible by train from Hildesheim Hbf.

What train companies go to Hannover?

FlixTrain, ÖBB, and Deutsche Bahn are some of the options available if you’re seeking to travel by train to Hannover. More rail options may be available, depending on where you’re coming from.

How far in advance should I book a train to Hannover?

Ride a one-way train to Hannover for $11 on average this week. The price of a train ticket to Hannover remains generally consistent for the next 3 months. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.

How far is the center of Hannover from Hildesheim Hbf, Hannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB and Hildesheim Hauptbahnhof ZOB stations?

If you are traveling from Hildesheim Hbf station, Hannover Hauptbahnhof ZOB station or Hildesheim Hauptbahnhof ZOB station to the center of Hannover, then the most direct route is 23.4 mi, 5.9 mi and 23.4 mi, respectively.

How far is Hildesheim Hbf from Hannover Messe, Herrenhäuser Gärten and Hannover Hauptbahnhof?

Hannover Messe, Hannover’s most popular landmark, is 13.1 mi from Hildesheim Hbf. Herrenhäuser Gärten, the city’s second most popular place to visit, is 19.2 mi from Hildesheim Hbf. The third most popular attraction in Hannover is Hannover Hauptbahnhof, which is 17.4 mi from Hildesheim Hbf.

Popular train routes to Hannover

Most frequently searched train routes to Hannover, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Hannover from Berlin
Fastest travel time1h 27m
Cheapest price$76
Trains to Hannover from Hamburg
Fastest travel time1h 14m
Cheapest price$89
Trains to Hannover from Bremen
Fastest travel time1h 04m
Cheapest price$48

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