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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Portland to Fresno bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Portland to Fresno

Avg travel time

18h 15m
The average bus ride from Portland to Fresno is 18h 15m

Portland Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Portland
Portland Lloyd CenterPortland, 45.530563, -122.65254
Portland GreyhoundPortland, 45.527363, -122.676476
Portland Beaverton Sunset Transit Center/trimet StationPortland, 45.510223, -122.78217
Portland Oregon Convention CenterPortland, 45.52782, -122.661804

Fresno Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Fresno
Fresno Coarsegold BusFresno, 37.261898, -119.69968
Fresno ACNFresno, 36.732025, -119.79647
Fresno Fashion Fair MallFresno, 36.807343, -119.77679
Fresno Central Bus StationFresno, 36.73283, -119.79302
Fresno DowntownFresno, 36.73264, -119.78178
Fresno Shaw & CedarFresno, 36.80877, -119.75553

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Portland to Fresno

Is the bus ride from Portland to Fresno scenic?

The bus ride from Portland to Fresno takes about 18 to 19 hours to cover the distance. As you pass through southern Oregon at the Oregon-California border, you will catch the beautiful view of Mt. Ashland, the tallest of the Siskiyou Mountains. When traveling through California, the Mount Shasta view is evident as most mountains are covered in snow. As you pass through Shasta County, you can’t fail to see the Whiskey town Lake. When arriving in Williams, the unmistakable sight of the Bill Williams Mountain and Sycamore Canyon will welcome you to the county. Your bus may stop in some places for you to stretch a little. You can take the opportunity to take as many pictures as possible. Other areas with scenic views on your way to Fresco include Sacramento and Modesto.

When does the first and the last bus depart from Portland to Fresco?

The first bus from Portland to Fresco departs at around 5:40 am and arrives at around 7:00 am the next day. The fastest bus takes 16 hours to complete the journey. However, the journey may take up to 20 hours, depending on the number of stops made. The last bus, in most cases, departs at 7:20 pm and arrives at Fresco at around 8:40 pm the next day. You must check your actual departure time as indicated on your ticket. Also, arrive at least 30 minutes earlier at your bus station. If you are planning to arrive early in Fresco, ensure you also leave with the earliest bus because it might let you arrive two to three hours earlier.

What are the amenities offered on buses traveling from Portland to Fresco?

Greyhound bus is the most common bus used for the Fresco from Portland route; the bus has restrooms inside the bus to help you freshen up, especially during the night as the bus has few stops during that time. However, the bus will regularly stop during the day, and you can relieve yourself at one of the stops, especially if you don’t use the restrooms inside the bus. Greyhound has comfortable seats that slant slightly, allowing sleeping at night or naps between stops. Almost all seats have a power socket to facilitate charging of devices you may use during the journey, such as your laptop and phone. There is also sufficient overhead storage for your handbag. Other facilities onboard include free Wi-Fi, adequate legroom, and available A/C.

How many buses are there from Portland to Fresno in a day?

Two Greyhound buses travel from Portland to Fresno per day. However, the number can increase to seven buses a day during peak seasons. The buses offer direct route services and connection services. Direct buses are faster compared to layovers. For example, it will take you about 18 hours on a direct bus to Fresco and three to four more hours when on connecting buses. However, connecting routes are cheaper than using a direct bus.

What luggage can I bring on the bus from Portland to Fresno?

The Greyhound bus has a policy of one carry-on bag and one suitcase that does not exceed a total of 62 inches. You are allowed to carry more luggage but are charged as a parcel. You may take food for your journey because there is no food on board, or you have enough cash to buy food when the bus stops. In addition, you can carry a small pillow for your sleep comfort. You can also take your bike, secured in a wooden box. Other luggage you can bring includes towing equipment put in a box and oversized luggage at an extra fee.

How long is the bus ride from Portland to Fresno Airterminal?

The fastest journey time from Portland to Fresno Airterminal is 18h 15m.

How far is Portland to Fresno Airterminal by bus?

A bus from Portland to Fresno Airterminal will travel much more than the 625.3 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. The bus journey is around 18h 15m long.

More bus options to Fresno

Besides Portland there are other cities with transportation to Fresno. See below for more options.
Buses to Fresno from San Jose
Fastest travel time3h 15m
Cheapest price$517

Other popular bus routes from Portland

Change your mind about taking a bus to Fresno? Below are other buses from Portland that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Portland to Salt Lake City
Fastest travel time15h 55m
Cheapest price$184
Buses from Portland to Redding
Fastest travel time8h 55m
Cheapest price$129

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