Find buses from Portland to Redding

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Oct 15 — Oct 221
1 adult
Tue 10/15

Portland to Redding bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Portland to Redding

Avg travel time

9h 13m
The average bus ride from Portland to Redding is 9h 13m

Portland Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Portland
Portland Lloyd CenterPortland, 45.530563, -122.65254
Portland GreyhoundPortland, 45.527363, -122.676476
Portland Beaverton Sunset Transit Center/trimet StationPortland, 45.510223, -122.78217
Portland Oregon Convention CenterPortland, 45.52782, -122.661804

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Portland to Redding

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Portland to Redding City?

When traveling by bus from Portland to Redding, you can always carry around one to four bags. You are only allowed to have one bag on the bus with you. The bag you carry on the bus has to fit either in the overhead storage compartment or under the seat right in front of you. Before boarding the Portland to Redding bus with luggage, ensure that the luggage is within the recommended weight. The Portland to Redding buses has an under-bus storage compartment to keep your other bags. Remember to confirm that you have correctly tagged the bags you put in the storage box under the bus. They should have a maximum size of around 62 inches and a weight of roughly 50 pounds each.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Portland to Redding?

If you plan to take a bus to Redding from Portland soon, remember to carry your identification documents. Bus tickets from Portland to Redding are usually booked before travel. We do suggest that you save your E-ticket on your smartphone after purchase. The reason for this is because, on the day of your trip, you will be required to show the E-ticket to your driver before you depart. If you take the trip with children who have no smartphones, you can always purchase more than one E-ticket right from your phone. Likewise, if you decide to take a bus to Redding from Portland with a group of friends, one person’s smartphone can retrieve more than one E-ticket.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Portland to Redding?

Our passengers who use our buses to Redding from Portland get access to some amenities. Our buses have onboard entertainment that gives you journey-long access to TV, games, and movies, right from your Wi-Fi-enabled phone. We have also installed Wi-Fi in our buses that you can use to browse the Internet, check your emails, or post on social media. In addition, our buses from Portland to Redding have comfortable reclining leather seats and power outlets on the seats, from where you can charge your devices. The seats also have more legroom, and the bus has no middle seats to maximize your comfort. We also have a restroom on board.

Is the bus ride from Portland to Redding scenic?

Yes. As you travel by bus from Portland to Redding, you will get to enjoy seeing the beautiful terrain along the way. If you find exploring beautiful landscapes, cities, and towns enjoyable, then consider sitting next to the window to get a better view. Feel free to take beautiful landscape photos and tag us on our social media handles. When traveling using Portland to Redding buses, you can also use a map guide to assist you on the trip. Portland to Redding buses also hold events, share positive stories of employees and celebrity collaborations. Feel free to use our social media posts as a guide to great food places that you can consider visiting.

Are there any stops along the bus route from Portland to Redding?

Yes, when taking a bus from Portland to Redding, you will board the bus at Portland Curbside Bus Stop and alight at Redding Bus Station. There are no other bus stops along the Portland to Redding route. However, the Portland to Redding buses usually take several stops along the way to give you and the driver time to rest and stretch your legs. These stops are made at popular gas stations, convenience stores, and roadside restaurants. When traveling by bus to Redding from Portland, debit and credit cards will be commonly accepted in convenience stores.

How long is the bus ride from Portland to Redding?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Portland to Redding currently available is 8h 55m. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 18m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from Portland to Redding.

How far is Portland to Redding by bus?

Portland and Redding are 341.2 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. The bus journey is around 8h 55m long.

Other popular bus routes from Portland

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