
Find buses from Bari to Rome

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mai 1 — mai 81
1 adult
qua 5/1

Best deals for bus tickets from Bari to Rome

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With transfers
5h 00m
With transfers
5h 45m
With transfers
5h 50m
With transfers
5h 00m
With transfers
5h 15m
With transfers
5h 45m

Bari to Rome bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Bari to Rome

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

5h 23m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Bari to Rome found within the last 3 days start at $13 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $7. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Bari to Rome is 5h 23m
FlixBus services this route

Bari Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Bari
Bari Altamura Piazza de NapoliBari, 40.81912, 16.559347
Bari Barletta Stazione Ferroviaria Barletta ScaloBari, 41.3084, 16.2895
Bari Andria Autostazione Nord - Palazzetto dello SportBari, 41.241, 16.2926
Bari Corato Via Andria 33/38Bari, 41.1587, 16.4021
Bari PoliclinicoBari, 41.11276, 16.861937
Bari Via Giuseppe CapruzziBari, 41.1171, 16.8719

Rome Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Rome
Rome Circonvallazione AureliaRome, 41.897533, 12.428511
Rome RebibbiaRome, 41.92581, 12.57301
Rome VaticanoRome, 41.9055, 12.46777
Rome Piazza IndipendenzaRome, 41.90444, 12.502517
Rome Gas Station (Interchange)Rome, 41.92704, 12.73866
Rome Via AureliaRome, 41.89585, 12.418984

Book round-trip bus tickets from Bari to Rome

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Bari to Rome that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 20
6:45 amBari Centrale
5h 35m
12:20 pmRome Tiburtina
May 20
10:45 pmRome Tiburtina
5h 45m
4:30 amBari Centrale
Jun 4
6:00 pmBari Centrale
5h 00m
11:00 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 7
11:00 amRome Tiburtina
5h 50m
4:50 pmBari Centrale
May 28
12:15 amBari Centrale
5h 45m
6:00 amRome Tiburtina
May 30
11:45 pmRome Tiburtina
5h 15m
5:00 amBari Centrale
Jun 6
2:30 pmBari Centrale
5h 50m
8:20 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 7
9:30 amRome Tiburtina
5h 00m
2:30 pmBari Centrale
May 23
12:15 amBari Centrale
5h 45m
6:00 amRome Tiburtina
May 26
9:30 amRome Tiburtina
5h 00m
2:30 pmBari Centrale
Jun 3
12:15 amBari Centrale
5h 45m
6:00 amRome Tiburtina
Jun 7
11:00 amRome Tiburtina
5h 50m
4:50 pmBari Centrale

Book one-way bus tickets from Bari to Rome

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Bari to Rome we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 11
6:00 pmBari Centrale
5h 00m
11:00 pmRome Tiburtina
May 28
12:15 amBari Centrale
5h 45m
6:00 amRome Tiburtina
May 16
2:30 pmBari Centrale
5h 50m
8:20 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 10
6:00 pmBari Via Giuseppe Capruzzi
5h 00m
11:00 pmRome Tiburtina
May 28
1:45 amBari Via Giuseppe Capruzzi
5h 15m
7:00 amRome Tiburtina
May 22
12:15 amBari Via Giuseppe Capruzzi
5h 45m
6:00 amRome Tiburtina

Choose the best way to get from Bari to Rome


5h 00m
$7 one-way$13 round-trip
Nonstop · from $13

Distance to downtown

IRT1.9 mi


3h 53m
$14 one-way$33 round-trip
Nonstop · from $33

Distance to downtown

XRJ0.6 mi


1h 10m
$30 one-way$28 round-trip
Nonstop · from $281 stop · from $70

Distance to downtown

FCO14.7 mi

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Bari to Rome Flights

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Bari to Rome

Is the ride from Bari to Rome scenic?

As you travel from Bari to Rome, there is so much to see, especially if it’s your first time. There are more than nine cities you will pass through before you get to your destination. Pescara is a beautiful city located along the shores of the Adriatic Sea and its view from the bus is breathtaking. Depending on the type of bus you book with momondo, you can have the privilege to stop at some of the places with amazing views, such as Rainbow Magicland, Villa d'Este, and Sassi di Mater. If you are touring through, remember to carry your best camera with you and make the most out of the approximated 3h 30min journey.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Bari to Rome?

Most bus providers such as Flixbus and Marozzi allow two bags and a carry-on bag. Each bag must not exceed 26 lbs. Always ensure that your luggage is well labeled and adequately secured to avoid losing your belongings or mixing up your suitcase with someone else's. If you want to carry an extra suitcase or luggage that needs special attention, you should check with the bus provider before bringing it onboard. If you forget your luggage, the bus providers will always make a call and keep your luggage safe until you come for it.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Bari to Rome?

You will board your bus from Bari to Rome at Bari on Via Giuseppe. If you know where the Bari Centrale train station is, you can quickly locate the bus station—look at the opposite side of the train station, then cross the train tracks and get to the bus stop. You can also use a taxi to take you to the bus stop entrance. However, if you can't locate it, use your phone's Google map, and it will direct you to the bus station. The Rome Tiburtina Bus and Train Station is your arrival bus station, located in central Rome in its far east. Most people call it the "BusHub." The bus station is connected to the train station, making it easier to catch a train to the district center. In addition, multiple shops can fix you a beverage or a road snack if you arrive hungry.

Are there any stops along the bus route from Bari to Rome?

There are no stops if you take a direct bus, except when going for a bathroom break. However, if you are traveling and choose to board a bus that stops at major bus stations, you are likely to stop at Tivoli, a town in central Italy. From there, you will probably stop at L'Aquila, the capital city of Abruzzo and L'Aquila provinces. The next stop is Rieti, followed by Pescara and Raohet. Other towns that you might stop in are San Giovanni Rotondo, Vasto, Matera, Andria, and Trani. Remember to always inquire about the stops you will make with the bus provider because some buses may not stop in all cities. If you are using a tour bus, you can stop for pictures and views on numerous occasions.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Bari to Rome?

There are two primary bus services providers, Itabus and Flixbus. They have unique amenities for their customers. Itabus has Wi-Fi to help you connect with family and friends when onboard. However, some places along the way may have a poor connection. Therefore, having a backup plan such as having a book to read or a downloaded movie keeps you busy. If your phone power is going down or you want to recharge your computer, the bus is equipped with power outlets. The bus also provides snacks and beverages. Flixbus has Wi-Fi, snacks on board, and power outlets. In addition, the buses have extra legroom, reclining chairs, and restrooms. If you a looking for comfort on your journey to Rome from Bari, then book your Bari to Rome Flixbus ticket through momondo.

How much does a bus ticket from Bari Palese to Rome cost?

Search for bus tickets from Bari Palese to Rome for this week, starting at $7 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Bari Palese to Rome?

It takes 5h 00m to get from Bari Palese to Rome by bus. Travel time can vary by 0h 23m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Take the FlixBus bus from Bari Palese and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which bus companies operate between Bari Palese to Rome?

One bus offering service from Bari Palese to Rome is FlixBus. FlixBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at $13 round-trip.

How far is Bari Palese to Rome by bus?

Bari Palese and Rome are 232.8 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. 5h 00m by bus is normal for this route.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Bari to Rome?

Based on just travel duration our users have found a flight from Bari to Rome to be the fastest option to their destination at just 1h 10m. If travel time is less of a concern you may want to look into booking some alternative forms of transportation like a train from Bari to Rome or a bus from Bari to Rome.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Bari to Rome?

Planning to book a bus from Bari to Rome can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a train are priced higher than the cost of a bus. You can search prices for a flight from Bari starting at $28 to Rome or a train from Bari to Rome starting at $33 if that is your preferred method of transportation.

FlixBus buses from Bari to Rome

Our best FlixBus deals on Bari to Rome bus tickets
May 20
BAU6:45 amBari Centrale
5h 35m
IRT12:20 pmRome Tiburtina
May 20
IRT10:45 pmRome Tiburtina
5h 45m
BAU4:30 amBari Centrale
May 23
BAU12:15 amBari Centrale
5h 45m
IRT6:00 amRome Tiburtina
May 26
IRT9:30 amRome Tiburtina
5h 00m
BAU2:30 pmBari Centrale
Jun 24
3316:45 amBari Via Giuseppe Capruzzi
5h 35m
IRT12:20 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 25
IRT11:45 pmRome Tiburtina
5h 15m
3315:00 amBari Via Giuseppe Capruzzi

More bus options to Rome

Besides Bari there are other cities with transportation to Rome. See below for more options.
Buses to Rome from Naples
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price$6

Other popular bus routes from Bari

Change your mind about taking a bus to Rome? Below are other buses from Bari that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Bari to Naples
Fastest travel time3h 05m
Cheapest price$98
Buses from Bari to Palermo
Fastest travel time9h 40m
Cheapest price$150

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