
Find buses from Naples to Rome

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May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for bus tickets from Naples to Rome

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With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 55m
With transfers
2h 50m
With transfers
3h 05m
With transfers
2h 30m

Naples to Rome bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Naples to Rome

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

2h 45m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Naples to Rome found within the last 3 days start at $7 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $3. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Naples to Rome is 2h 45m
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus and Itabus service this route

Naples Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Naples
Naples Varco ImmacolatellaNaples, 40.84211, 14.25733
Naples Metropark Via LucciNaples, 40.8512, 14.272
Naples Benevento Terminal BusNaples, 41.1315, 14.7828
Naples Marina Molo LuiseNaples, 40.8254, 14.222492
Naples Piazza MercatoNaples, 40.847557, 14.265871
Naples Santa Maria del PozzoNaples, 40.89049, 14.423945

Rome Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Rome
Rome Circonvallazione AureliaRome, 41.897533, 12.428511
Rome RebibbiaRome, 41.92581, 12.57301
Rome VaticanoRome, 41.9055, 12.46777
Rome Piazza IndipendenzaRome, 41.90444, 12.502517
Rome Gas Station (Interchange)Rome, 41.92704, 12.73866
Rome Via AureliaRome, 41.89585, 12.418984

Book round-trip bus tickets from Naples to Rome

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Naples to Rome that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 10
4:15 amNaples Centrale
2h 35m
6:50 amRome Tiburtina
May 11
3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
5:50 amNaples Centrale
May 4
1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
May 5
7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
10:25 pmNaples Centrale
May 25
10:00 pmNaples Centrale
3h 00m
1:00 amRome Tiburtina
Jun 1
11:30 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 35m
2:05 amNaples Centrale
May 25
1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 1
7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
10:25 pmNaples Centrale
May 3
7:50 amNaples Centrale
2h 50m
10:40 amRome Tiburtina
May 10
11:55 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
2:35 amNaples Centrale
May 4
5:00 amNaples Centrale
2h 35m
7:35 amRome Tiburtina
May 4
3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
5:50 amNaples Centrale

Book one-way bus tickets from Naples to Rome

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Naples to Rome we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 29
7:15 pmNaples Centrale
2h 40m
9:55 pmRome Tiburtina
May 22
9:15 amNaples Centrale
2h 40m
11:55 amRome Tiburtina
Jun 23
3:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 55m
6:25 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 23
7:50 amNaples Centrale
2h 50m
10:40 amRome Tiburtina
May 8
10:30 pmNaples Centrale
3h 05m
1:35 amRome Tiburtina
Jun 8
4:30 amNaples Centrale
2h 30m
7:00 amRome Tiburtina

Choose the best way to get from Naples to Rome


2h 15m
$3 one-way$7 round-trip
Nonstop · from $7

Distance to downtown

IRT1.9 mi


1h 16m
$9 one-way$27 round-trip
Nonstop · from $271 stop · from $15

Distance to downtown

XRJ0.6 mi
IRT1.9 mi


0h 50m
$46 one-way$796 round-trip
1 stop · from $57

Distance to downtown

FCO14.7 mi

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Naples to Rome Flights

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Naples to Rome

What luggage can I bring on the bus from Naples to Rome?

Some buses from Naples to Rome will not allow passengers to bring an excess number of bags or bulky suitcases. However, most of them allow extra bags as long as the passenger pays an additional fee. If you have a large number of bags and don’t mind the extra fee, you’ll need to choose a provider that allows this option. That being said, most providers allow passengers to take one carry-on bag per person with no extra fees charged by the carrier for larger suitcases or backpacks. All you need to do is contact your favorite service provider and book in advance.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Naples to Rome?

Several bus companies offer a variety of buses with comfortable seats, toilets, and luggage transportation. They aim to ensure everyone enjoys themselves as much as possible during the entire journey by bus to Rome from Naples. They also offer several other amenities like entertainment on the bus and spacious leg and head room to ensure you are comfortable from the start to the end of your journey. Some buses like the FlixBus buses don't compromise with their passenger’s comfort. They are usually fitted with electrical outlets for charging mobile devices, a restroom, luxurious seats, and lots of beverages to make your trip as comfortable as possible.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Naples to Rome?

Most buses that travel from Naples to Rome usually depart from the Napoli - Metropark terminal bus station. The journey from the Napoli Metropark terminal bus station to the Naples city center via public transportation, such as the subway or a city bus, will take you about 5 minutes. The arrival bus station, Autostazione Tiburtina station, located in Rome, is usually the final terminus for the Naples to Rome bus. The trip by metro or city bus from the large bus station to the lively city center can take roughly 18 minutes. There is usually a parking area within the vast station in addition to various restaurants, bars, and a shopping center.

How many buses are there from Naples to Rome each day?

When traveling with Naples to Rome buses, there are usually many options for getting you on your way. You can count on BlaBlaCar, Flixbus, Marino Autolinee, Infobus Bus Center Baltour, and Intersaj as the available companies. All of the above providers offer a hassle-free experience while also boasting competitive prices and reliable transportation when considering all amenities provided aboard the buses. Furthermore, tickets can be purchased online. If Intersaj’s service, in particular, suits your needs better than another bus provider, you can check out this carrier on momondo. It offers lower-cost fares during off-season periods where other competitors often charge a lot more due to demand.

When do the first and last buses depart from Naples to Rome?

The bus is a great and convenient way to get from Naples, Italy, into Rome. You will not miss your appointments or miss a trip because of scheduling issues when taking a bus from Naples to Rome. The earliest departure time for this trip would be at around 4:50 a.m., but if you’re not ready when that comes around, then there’s always another option. The last bus leaves around 8:00 p.m. if you prefer a night trip. However, several other buses leave between the times mentioned above if you are not an early riser or a night owl. You can check which times are available on momondo. Just make sure to book as soon as possible as bus tickets tend to sell out fairly quickly.

How much does a bus ticket from Naples to Rome cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Naples to Rome, our users have found prices starting from $3 one-way for this week.

How long is the bus ride from Naples to Rome?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Naples to Rome currently available is 2h 35m. Depending on the bus you select, the travel time may vary by up to 0h 10m. Check FlixBus if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which bus companies operate between Naples to Rome?

There are many buses traveling between Naples and Rome. FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and Itabus are some of the available options. The cheapest option is offered by FlixBus, with prices starting at $7 round-trip.

How far is Naples to Rome by bus?

The distance between Naples and Rome is about 117.3 mi in a straight line. In terms of time, 2h 35m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Naples to Rome?

To save time, the fastest way to travel is by train from Naples to Rome on Italotreno. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard Italotreno to be about 1h 11m compared to taking a flight from Naples to Rome or a bus from Naples to Rome which have been found to be slower alternatives.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Naples to Rome?

A bus from Naples to Rome is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Naples to Rome starting at $796, or consider a train from Naples to Rome starting at $24. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

FlixBus buses from Naples to Rome

Our best FlixBus deals on Naples to Rome bus tickets
May 10
INP4:15 amNaples Centrale
2h 35m
IRT6:50 amRome Tiburtina
May 11
IRT3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
INP5:50 amNaples Centrale
May 10
INP1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 35m
IRT4:05 pmRome Tiburtina
May 12
IRT8:30 amRome Tiburtina
2h 35m
INP11:05 amNaples Centrale
May 10
2R010:30 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
IRT1:35 amRome Tiburtina
May 12
IRT11:55 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
2R02:35 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci

BlaBlaBus buses from Naples to Rome

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Naples to Rome bus tickets
May 4
INP1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
IRT4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
May 5
IRT7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
INP10:25 pmNaples Centrale
May 4
2R01:30 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 45m
IRT4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
May 5
IRT7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
2R010:25 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci

More bus options to Rome

Besides Naples there are other cities with transportation to Rome. See below for more options.
Buses to Rome from Bari
Fastest travel time5h 00m
Cheapest price$25

Other popular bus routes from Naples

Change your mind about taking a bus to Rome? Below are other buses from Naples that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Naples to Bari
Fastest travel time3h 00m
Cheapest price$98
Buses from Naples to Lamezia Terme
Fastest travel time4h 45m
Cheapest price$153

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