
Find buses from Naples to Lamezia Terme

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Oct 15 — Oct 221
1 adult
Tue 10/15

Naples to Lamezia Terme bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Naples to Lamezia Terme

Round-trip from


Avg travel time

4h 45m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Naples to Lamezia Terme found within the last 3 days start at $48 round-trip
The average bus ride from Naples to Lamezia Terme is 4h 45m
FlixBus services this route

Naples Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Naples
Naples Marina Molo LuiseNaples, 40.8254, 14.222492
Naples Piazza MercatoNaples, 40.847557, 14.265871
Naples Santa Maria del PozzoNaples, 40.89049, 14.423945
Naples Salerno PastenaNaples, 40.666348, 14.800322
Naples Salerno Autogrill Salerno EstNaples, 40.692905, 14.834983
Naples Salerno Università LancusiNaples, 40.754135, 14.781959

Lamezia Terme Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Lamezia Terme
Lamezia Terme MormannoLamezia Terme, 39.9019, 15.9762
Lamezia Terme Corigliano Calabro Bivio CantinellaLamezia Terme, 39.6633, 16.4507
Lamezia Terme Corigliano Calabro SchiavoneaLamezia Terme, 39.6516, 16.5406
Lamezia Terme Cosenza Piazza Maurizio QuintieriLamezia Terme, 39.30567, 16.244719
Lamezia Terme Cosenza Via Carlo BilottiLamezia Terme, 39.3369, 16.2399
Lamezia Terme Cosenza Via Mauro LeporaceLamezia Terme, 39.30999, 16.25019

Book round-trip bus tickets from Naples to Lamezia Terme

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Naples to Lamezia Terme that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Oct 25
6:20 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
5h 59m
12:19 pmLamezia Terme Centrale
Oct 26
4:01 pmLamezia Terme Centrale
5h 59m
10:00 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Naples to Lamezia Terme

How long is the bus ride from Naples to Lamezia Terme Intl?

The quickest bus available from Naples will take 4h 45m to arrive in Lamezia Terme Intl. Consider FlixBus for the quickest available option to your destination.

Which bus companies operate between Naples to Lamezia Terme Intl?

FlixBus are viable options. Check times and availability for FlixBus, as it was recently the cheapest bus available traveling from Naples to Lamezia Terme Intl from $48 round-trip.

How far is Naples to Lamezia Terme Intl by bus?

The distance between Naples and Lamezia Terme Intl is about 169.3 mi in a straight line. Most buses from Naples going to Lamezia Terme Intl will get there in around 4h 45m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

Other popular bus routes from Naples

Change your mind about taking a bus to Lamezia Terme? Below are other buses from Naples that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Naples to Rome
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price$6
Buses from Naples to Bari
Fastest travel time3h 00m
Cheapest price$98

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