
Find buses from Bari to Naples

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Dec 10 — Dec 171
1 adult
Tue 12/10

Bari to Naples bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Bari to Naples

Round-trip from


Avg travel time

3h 08m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Bari to Naples found within the last 3 days start at $19 round-trip
The average bus ride from Bari to Naples is 3h 08m
FlixBus services this route

Bari Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Bari
Bari Altamura Piazza de NapoliBari, 40.81912, 16.559347
Bari Barletta Stazione Ferroviaria Barletta ScaloBari, 41.3084, 16.2895
Bari Andria Autostazione Nord - Palazzetto dello SportBari, 41.241, 16.2926
Bari Corato Via Andria 33/38Bari, 41.1587, 16.4021
Bari PoliclinicoBari, 41.11276, 16.861937
Bari Via Giuseppe CapruzziBari, 41.1171, 16.8719

Naples Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Naples
Naples Varco ImmacolatellaNaples, 40.84211, 14.25733
Naples Metropark Via LucciNaples, 40.8512, 14.272
Naples Benevento Terminal BusNaples, 41.1315, 14.7828
Naples Marina Molo LuiseNaples, 40.8254, 14.222492
Naples Piazza MercatoNaples, 40.847557, 14.265871
Naples Santa Maria del PozzoNaples, 40.89049, 14.423945

Book round-trip bus tickets from Bari to Naples

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Bari to Naples that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Dec 11
1:30 pmBari Centrale
3h 05m
4:35 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 18
10:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
1:20 amBari Centrale
Dec 20
5:45 amBari Centrale
3h 05m
8:50 amNaples Centrale
Dec 24
9:30 amNaples Centrale
3h 05m
12:35 pmBari Centrale
Dec 25
5:00 amBari Centrale
3h 05m
8:05 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 28
10:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
1:20 amBari Centrale
Dec 10
12:15 amBari Centrale
3h 05m
3:20 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 18
10:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
1:20 amBari Centrale
Dec 10
1:30 pmBari Centrale
3h 05m
4:35 pmNaples Centrale
Dec 17
12:00 pmNaples Centrale
3h 05m
3:05 pmBari Centrale
Dec 11
1:45 pmModugno Via Marzi
2h 50m
4:35 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 18
9:30 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 50m
12:20 pmModugno Via Marzi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Bari to Naples

How long is the bus ride from Bari Palese to Naples?

The quickest bus available from Bari Palese will take 3h 05m to arrive in Naples. Travel time can vary by 0h 03m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. FlixBus is one of the fastest options available.

Which bus companies operate between Bari Palese to Naples?

Ride to your destination comfortably on FlixBus. Consider FlixBus as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Bari Palese to Naples starting at $19.

How far is Bari Palese to Naples by bus?

Bari Palese and Naples are 137.0 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. 3h 05m by bus is normal for this route.

FlixBus buses from Bari to Naples

Our best FlixBus deals on Bari to Naples bus tickets
Dec 11
BAU1:30 pmBari Centrale
3h 05m
2R04:35 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 18
2R010:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
BAU1:20 amBari Centrale
Dec 20
BAU5:45 amBari Centrale
3h 05m
INP8:50 amNaples Centrale
Dec 24
INP9:30 amNaples Centrale
3h 05m
BAU12:35 pmBari Centrale
Dec 25
BAU5:00 amBari Centrale
3h 05m
2R08:05 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Dec 28
2R010:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
BAU1:20 amBari Centrale

Autolinee Miccolis buses from Bari to Naples

Our best Autolinee Miccolis deals on Bari to Naples bus tickets
Autolinee Miccolis
Jan 2
BAU4:00 pmBari Centrale
5h 20m
2R09:20 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Jan 5
2R05:00 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
5h 10m
BAU10:10 pmBari Centrale
Autolinee Miccolis
Jan 2
U423:40 pmBari Porto
5h 40m
2R09:20 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
Jan 6
2R02:45 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
5h 50m
U428:35 pmBari Porto

More bus options to Naples

Besides Bari there are other cities with transportation to Naples. See below for more options.
Buses to Naples from Rome
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price$6

Other popular bus routes from Bari

Change your mind about taking a bus to Naples? Below are other buses from Bari that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Bari to Rome
Fastest travel time5h 00m
Cheapest price$21
Buses from Bari to Palermo
Fastest travel time9h 40m
Cheapest price$150

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