
Find buses from Rome to Naples

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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for bus tickets from Rome to Naples

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With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 45m
With transfers
2h 35m

Rome to Naples bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Rome to Naples

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

2h 38m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Rome to Naples found within the last 3 days start at $7 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $3. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Rome to Naples is 2h 38m
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus and Itabus service this route

Rome Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Rome
Rome Circonvallazione AureliaRome, 41.897533, 12.428511
Rome RebibbiaRome, 41.92581, 12.57301
Rome VaticanoRome, 41.9055, 12.46777
Rome Piazza IndipendenzaRome, 41.90444, 12.502517
Rome Gas Station (Interchange)Rome, 41.92704, 12.73866
Rome Via AureliaRome, 41.89585, 12.418984

Naples Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Naples
Naples Varco ImmacolatellaNaples, 40.84211, 14.25733
Naples Metropark Via LucciNaples, 40.8512, 14.272
Naples Benevento Terminal BusNaples, 41.1315, 14.7828
Naples Marina Molo LuiseNaples, 40.8254, 14.222492
Naples Piazza MercatoNaples, 40.847557, 14.265871
Naples Santa Maria del PozzoNaples, 40.89049, 14.423945

Book round-trip bus tickets from Rome to Naples

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Rome to Naples that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 3
3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
5:50 amNaples Centrale
Jun 4
8:20 pmNaples Centrale
2h 35m
10:55 pmRome Tiburtina
May 25
7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
10:25 pmNaples Centrale
Jun 1
1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
Jun 4
9:30 amRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
12:10 pmNaples Centrale
Jun 4
6:45 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
9:30 pmRome Tiburtina
May 13
7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
10:25 pmNaples Centrale
Jun 1
1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
May 17
12:35 amRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
3:20 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
May 18
3:15 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 40m
5:55 pmRome Tiburtina
FlixBus, Itabus
May 24
7:45 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
10:25 pmNaples Centrale
May 31
10:30 pmNaples Centrale
3h 05m
1:35 amRome Tiburtina

Book one-way bus tickets from Rome to Naples

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Rome to Naples we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 6
8:15 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
10:55 pmNaples Centrale
Jun 11
7:15 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
9:55 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
May 23
2:15 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
4:55 pmNaples Centrale
May 6
4:30 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 40m
7:10 pmNaples Centrale
May 31
12:35 amRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
3:20 amNaples Centrale
May 6
6:30 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 35m
9:05 pmNaples Centrale

Choose the best way to get from Rome to Naples


2h 20m
$3 one-way$7 round-trip
Nonstop · from $7

Distance to downtown

INP0.4 mi
20lb CO2

82% less than flights

Find Buses

Rome to Naples Buses


0h 55m
$9 one-way$21 round-trip
Nonstop · from $211 stop · from $30

Distance to downtown

1KB4.2 mi
31lb CO2

72% less than flights

Find Trains

Rome to Naples Trains


0h 50m
$36 one-way$156 round-trip
1 stop · from $156

Distance to downtown

NAP2.9 mi
111lb CO2

Find Flights

Rome to Naples Flights

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Rome to Naples

What amenities are offered on buses from Rome to Naples?

Enjoy a comfortable bus ride from Rome to Naples since buses have extensive legroom to ensure maximum comfort during the voyage. Buses to Naples from Rome have complimentary Wi-Fi, enabling passengers to connect with friends and families or watch movies throughout the journey. You don’t need to worry about your phone or any other electronic device dying since buses to Naples from Rome have plenty of power sockets on board. You can also enjoy snacks and other drinks at an affordable price, all available on board.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Rome to Naples?

Buses to Naples from Rome depart from the Rome Termini Bus Station, located near the town center. If you don’t have heavy luggage, you can walk to the station as you enjoy the beauty of Rome. Walking from the town center will take you approximately 8min. Alternatively, you can board a taxi that will take less than 5min to get to the station. At the Rome Termini bus terminal, you can find restrooms, shops, and eateries where you can eat breakfast as you wait for your departure. Naples Central Station, Metropark Bus Terminal is the terminal that will receive your bus from Rome. To get to the city center, you can board a taxi or use a public bus. The Naples Central Station, Metropark bus terminal has restrooms, eateries, and shops. You can also find supermarkets, gas stations, hotels, and wineries a few miles from the station.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Rome to Naples?

Some Rome to Naples buses have a luggage restriction policy. FlixBus, the primary bus provider along the Rome - Naples route, allows passengers to bring with them one free bag with a maximum weight of no more than 44 lbs. If you have additional bags/suitcases, you must book a reservation since FlixBus has limited space for additional luggage. Only one extra bag is allowed per passenger, and it should not exceed 60 lbs. Passengers with extra luggage are expected to buy additional bus tickets from Rome to Naples. Luggage, such as baby strollers and diaper bags, are transported for free. However, strollers should be foldable to be allowed on board.

When does the first and the last bus depart from Rome to Naples?

You can travel comfortably and conveniently from Rome to Naples since the route has approximately 110 departures every day. If you have morning errands in Naples, you can board the first bus, which departs Rome at around 3:00 a.m. and arrive in Naples at around 5:50 a.m. with the entire voyage taking approximately 2h 50min. If you want to travel overnight, you can board one of the eight night buses traveling to Naples from Rome. The last bus to Naples from Rome departs at around 11:30 p.m. and arrives in Naples at about 2:05 a.m.

Can I bring a pet on board the bus from Rome to Naples?

Are you planning to travel with your small cat, dog, or other small pet using Rome to Naples buses? Unfortunately, buses from Rome to Naples do not allow pets on board due to safety reasons. However, passengers can bring a guide or a companion dog on board. No additional charges are imposed on companion dogs with an official medical certificate proving that their presence is needed at all times. If you must travel with your pet, you can board Marino Buses from Rome to Naples since they allow passengers to bring a small, non-dangerous pet on board with them.

How much does a bus ticket from Rome to Naples cost?

See available tickets from Rome to Naples for this week that start at $3 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Rome to Naples?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 2h 35m bus from Rome to Naples. Travel time can vary by 0h 03m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Check FlixBus if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which bus companies operate between Rome to Naples?

FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and Itabus are viable options. Check times and availability for FlixBus, as it was recently the cheapest bus available traveling from Rome to Naples from $7 round-trip.

How far is Rome to Naples by bus?

Rome and Naples are 117.3 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. The bus journey is around 2h 35m long.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Rome to Naples?

The carbon footprint of buses from Rome to Naples will generally run up to around 19lb. This makes the emissions by bus about 82% less than flying, which has a footprint of around 110lb for this journey. By train, carbon emissions are around 31lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Rome to Naples?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Rome to Naples, doing so can potentially save up to 1h 30m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Rome to Naples or a bus from Rome to Naples may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Rome to Naples?

Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is $7, making it less expensive than a flight from Rome to Naples and cheaper than a train from Rome to Naples.

FlixBus buses from Rome to Naples

Our best FlixBus deals on Rome to Naples bus tickets
Jun 3
IRT3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
INP5:50 amNaples Centrale
Jun 4
INP8:20 pmNaples Centrale
2h 35m
IRT10:55 pmRome Tiburtina
May 23
IRT3:00 amRome Tiburtina
2h 50m
2R05:50 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
May 30
2R03:30 amNaples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 30m
IRT6:00 amRome Tiburtina

BlaBlaBus buses from Rome to Naples

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Rome to Naples bus tickets
May 25
IRT7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
INP10:25 pmNaples Centrale
Jun 1
INP1:30 pmNaples Centrale
2h 45m
IRT4:15 pmRome Tiburtina
May 1
IRT7:40 pmRome Tiburtina
2h 45m
2R010:25 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
May 4
2R01:30 pmNaples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 45m
IRT4:15 pmRome Tiburtina

More bus options to Naples

Besides Rome there are other cities with transportation to Naples. See below for more options.
Buses to Naples from Bari
Fastest travel time3h 05m
Cheapest price$98

Other popular bus routes from Rome

Change your mind about taking a bus to Naples? Below are other buses from Rome that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Rome to Palermo
Fastest travel time13h 20m
Cheapest price$41
Buses from Rome to Bari
Fastest travel time5h 00m
Cheapest price$25

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