Yes. TAP AIR PORTUGAL flies out of Los Angeles 47 times a week. However, this number may vary depending on cancellations.
TAP AIR PORTUGAL has a total of 187 routes to 31 different countries. 18 out of 187 routes are domestic, while 169 are international. San Francisco is the most popular TAP AIR PORTUGAL domestic flight destination, whereas the most popular international flight is to Lisbon.
Porto, Lisbon Humberto Delgado, and Funchal Madeira are the most popular airports TAP AIR PORTUGAL uses on a routine basis throughout the year.
To check the flight status of TAP AIR PORTUGAL, you can give them a call at +1800 221 73 70 or visit their website at Or, you can use our on-page Flight Tracker that provides you with real-time TAP AIR PORTUGAL flight information, including terminal and gate number, arrival and departure times, and flight status.
For $41 per ticket and with 0 stops, flying from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Faro and back is the cheapest round-trip domestic route TAP AIR PORTUGAL has available at the moment. Flying from Porto to Lisbon Humberto Delgado with 0 stops for $16 is the cheapest domestic one-way route with TAP AIR PORTUGAL.
The cheapest international round-trip flight with TAP AIR PORTUGAL is:
- Paris Orly to Lisbon Humberto Delgado
- $65 per ticket
- 0 stops
The cheapest international one-way flight with TAP AIR PORTUGAL is:
- Madrid Barajas to Lisbon Humberto Delgado
- $20 per ticket
- 0 stops
Flying with TAP AIR PORTUGAL does have some restrictions when it comes to baggage dimensions. If you choose to bring one, your checked bag should be 62in or smaller. Carry-on luggage must be 21x15x7in or smaller, and a personal item should be within 15x11x5in.