
Find trains from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin

Search for cheap train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin and book your trip in minutes.

May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin

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With transfers
5h 09m
With transfers
5h 33m
With transfers
5h 22m
With transfers
4h 51m
With transfers
5h 22m
With transfers
4h 02m

Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin






3h 36m


FlixTrain, Deutsche Bahn
The best round-trip train deal from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $22
The best one-way train deal from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $11
Average time it takes to travel by train from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: FlixTrain, Deutsche Bahn

Frankfurt am Main Airport Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Frankfurt am Main Airport
Frankfurt am Main Hanau Steinheim(Main)Frankfurt am Main, 50.12137, 8.906853
Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt(oder)-neuberesinchenFrankfurt am Main, 52.322327, 14.546047
Frankfurt am Main HöchstFrankfurt am Main, 50.102673, 8.542925
Frankfurt am Main Hanau HbfFrankfurt am Main, 50.12128, 8.929165
Frankfurt am Main BéthuneFrankfurt am Main, 50.521484, 2.640593
Frankfurt am Main Pforzheim Brötzingen MitteFrankfurt am Main, 48.88937, 8.666769

Berlin Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Berlin
Berlin U TierparkBerlin, 52.49694, 13.523338
Berlin HirschgartenBerlin, 52.457973, 13.602135
Berlin KaulsdorfBerlin, 52.512096, 13.588939
Berlin KöpenickBerlin, 52.45869, 13.579914
Berlin LichtenradeBerlin, 52.3873, 13.396174
Berlin Lichterfelde WestBerlin, 52.443344, 13.293733

Book round-trip train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Sep 13
6:15 amFrankfurt am Main
4h 49m
11:04 amBerlin Spandau
Sep 13
5:41 pmBerlin Spandau
4h 50m
10:31 pmFrankfurt am Main
Sep 13
6:26 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 51m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Sep 13
5:30 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
4h 36m
10:06 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
Sep 13
6:15 amFrankfurt am Main
5h 02m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
Sep 13
5:30 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
5h 01m
10:31 pmFrankfurt am Main
Sep 13
6:26 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 38m
11:04 amBerlin Spandau
Sep 13
5:41 pmBerlin Spandau
4h 25m
10:06 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
May 25
4:39 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
3h 53m
8:32 pmBerlin Südkreuz
May 27
7:37 amBerlin Südkreuz
4h 37m
12:14 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
May 11
6:00 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
5h 17m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 15
3:28 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof
4h 44m
8:12 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof

Book one-way train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Sep 16
6:15 amFrankfurt am Main
5h 09m
11:24 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 24
5:44 amFrankfurt am Main
5h 33m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 27
6:00 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
5h 22m
11:22 amBerlin Gesundbrunnen
Jun 28
6:26 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 51m
11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 27
6:00 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
5h 22m
11:22 amBerlin Gesundbrunnen
Jun 21
5:13 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 02m
9:15 pmBerlin Hauptbahnhof

Choose the best way to get from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin


7h 05m
$17 one-way$33 round-trip
Nonstop · from $33

Distance to downtown

U3N0.1 mi
CC95.5 mi
35lb CO2

69% less than flights

Find Buses

Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin Buses


3h 42m
$11 one-way$22 round-trip
Nonstop · from $22

Distance to downtown

QPP1.7 mi
FB88.9 mi


1h 10m
$95 one-way$227 round-trip
Nonstop · from $2271 stop · from $107

Distance to downtown

BER11.7 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin

What train stations are used when traveling from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin?

Trains from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin depart from the Frankfurt Main Train Station, which is one of the largest train stations in Europe, located west of the city center. The station has over 25 platforms in five departure halls and includes facilities like public restrooms, lost and found, and baggage storage. The most popular arrival train station for your trip from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin is Berlin Hauptbahnhof. The station is located within walking distance from the city center of Berlin. Transport options for passengers from Berlin Hauptbahnhof to Berlin city center include the bus, tram, train, and subway. The quickest way to get there is the subway, taking just a few minutes. This station provides ATMs, luggage lockers, and Wi-Fi.

What luggage is allowed on Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin trains?

When boarding Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin trains, you can take as much luggage as you want on the train free of charge. You can bring items like briefcases, laptops, and trolley bags. Other items you can bring on trains to Berlin from Frankfurt am Main Airport include pushchairs, folding bikes, scooters, and sports equipment. Even better, you are not required to make a reservation for your luggage on Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin trains. You are also not required to weigh your luggage before traveling. However, the luggage shouldn’t be too heavy that a single person cannot carry it. In some cases, you might need to stow your luggage further away from your seat, and you alone are responsible for the security of your luggage.

Are pets allowed on the train from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin trains?

Yes, you can travel with small pets that weigh under 22 lbs (10 kg) on trains to Berlin from Frankfurt am Main Airport for free. All you have to do is ensure that your pet remains in a closed cage or carrier and does not disturb other passengers during the train ride. You also need to have the appropriate supplies to dispose of animal waste. If you have a large dog that cannot be transported in a cage or carrier, you must ensure that it’s leashed and muzzled at all times while onboard the train.

Are overnight/sleeper trains available from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin?

Although these two cities are not very close, there are currently no overnight trains from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin. However, with a train frequency of about 16 trips a day, you can always find a train that’s convenient for you. For instance, if you’d like to travel very early in the morning, you can leave with the first train, around 5:00 am. The last train doesn’t leave until around 9:20 pm. The good thing is that even without sleeper trains serving that route, you can save some time by taking a direct train. However, even with a train ride involving a change or two, it won’t add more than a few minutes to the journey.

Do Deutsche Bahn trains from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin have Wi-Fi?

Deutsche Bahn is the largest train company in Germany and is known for high-quality services, providing a wide range of amenities to ensure that all passengers are comfortable during the journey. Deutsche Bahn’s ICE trains have free Wi-Fi in both first class and economy class. Therefore, as you travel from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin by train, you can stay entertained by streaming your favorite shows. You can also choose to get some work done since the trains are comfortable and spacious.

How much does a train ticket from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg cost?

If you need a train from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg for this week you can find options from $11 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg?

0h 02m is the fastest available option to arrive in Berlin Brandenburg from Frankfurt am Main by train. Travel time typically varies by up to 3h 34m, depending on your train details. Deutsche Bahn is one of the fastest options available.

Which train companies operate between Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg?

The trains offering service from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg FlixTrain and Deutsche Bahn. FlixTrain has been found as the cheapest option available at $22 round-trip.

How far is Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg by train?

The distance between Frankfurt am Main and Berlin Brandenburg is about 270.6 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. The train takes 0h 02m, typically.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg?

Traveling from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin Brandenburg by train has a carbon footprint of about 54lb. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 51% vs. flying. The carbon footprint by bus can vary, but is around 34lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin?

The quickest way is to book a flight from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin, which can be as quick as 1h 10m onboard Lufthansa. You can also get a train from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin, or a bus from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin?

The cheapest way is to get a train from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin, which can be as cheap as $22. A flight from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin is more expensive than a train, with prices starting at $227. A bus from Frankfurt am Main Airport to Berlin is also an option, with an average price of $33.

FlixTrain trains from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin

Our best FlixTrain deals on Frankfurt am Main to Berlin train tickets
Sep 13
FRA6:15 amFrankfurt am Main
4h 49m
FB811:04 amBerlin Spandau
Sep 13
FB85:41 pmBerlin Spandau
4h 50m
FRA10:31 pmFrankfurt am Main
May 11
X8W6:00 amFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
5h 17m
QPP11:17 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
May 13
QPP7:26 amBerlin Hauptbahnhof
4h 48m
X8W12:14 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
May 25
X8W12:38 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof
4h 33m
FE85:11 pmBerlin Südkreuz
Jun 1
FE87:37 amBerlin Südkreuz
4h 37m
X8W12:14 pmFrankfurt am Main Südbahnhof

Popular train routes to Berlin

Most frequently searched train routes to Berlin, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Berlin from Hannover
Fastest travel time1h 40m
Cheapest price$68
Trains to Berlin from Hamburg
Fastest travel time1h 44m
Cheapest price$52
Trains to Berlin from Munich
Fastest travel time3h 57m
Cheapest price$96
Trains to Berlin from Stuttgart
Fastest travel time5h 27m
Cheapest price$43

Other train routes from Frankfurt am Main

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Trains from Frankfurt am Main to Paris
Fastest travel time3h 42m
Cheapest price$99

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