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Apr 27 — May 41
1 adult
Sat 4/27

Best deals for train tickets from Baltimore to New York

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With transfers
3h 22m
With transfers
3h 06m
With transfers
3h 05m
With transfers
3h 06m
With transfers
3h 06m
With transfers
3h 02m

Baltimore to New York train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Baltimore to New York






2h 44m


The best round-trip train deal from Baltimore to New York found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $30
The best one-way train deal from Baltimore to New York found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $15
Average time it takes to travel by train from Baltimore to New York
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Baltimore Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Baltimore
Baltimore GreenbeltBaltimore, 39.011068, -76.911011
Baltimore BWI Thurgood MarshallBaltimore, 39.192364, -76.6943
Baltimore PennBaltimore, 39.3075, -76.615556

New York Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in New York
Syracuse New York - State FairNew York, 43.071922, -76.22947
New York Cherry HillNew York, 39.928947, -75.041824
New York New RochelleNew York, 40.91145, -73.78433
New York Newark Liberty International Train StationNew York, 40.704026, -74.190483
New York Grand Central TerminalNew York, 40.752285, -73.97767
New York Penn StationNew York, 40.750557, -73.99333

Book round-trip train tickets from Baltimore to New York

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Baltimore to New York that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 5
7:18 pmBaltimore Penn
2h 59m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 5
12:20 amNew York Penn Station
5h 42m
6:02 amBaltimore Penn
May 28
7:03 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 14m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 9
12:20 amNew York Penn Station
5h 58m
6:18 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
May 28
7:18 pmBaltimore Penn
2h 59m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 10
4:20 amNew York Penn Station
2h 33m
6:53 amBaltimore Penn
May 28
7:18 pmBaltimore Penn
2h 59m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 9
12:20 amNew York Penn Station
5h 42m
6:02 amBaltimore Penn
Aug 12
7:03 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 14m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 13
4:20 amNew York Penn Station
2h 49m
7:09 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
Jun 5
7:03 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 14m
10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 5
12:20 amNew York Penn Station
5h 58m
6:18 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall

Book one-way train tickets from Baltimore to New York

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Baltimore to New York we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 26
10:35 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 22m
1:57 amNew York Penn Station
May 6
10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
3h 06m
1:57 amNew York Penn Station
Jul 2
6:57 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 05m
10:02 amNew York Penn Station
Jun 5
10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
3h 06m
1:57 amNew York Penn Station
May 15
10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
3h 06m
1:57 amNew York Penn Station
Jul 11
9:43 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
3h 02m
12:45 amNew York Penn Station

Choose the best way to get from Baltimore to New York


3h 00m
$18 one-way$36 round-trip
Nonstop · from $36

Distance to downtown

E6R3.0 mi

Find Buses

Baltimore to New York Buses


2h 13m
$15 one-way$30 round-trip
Nonstop · from $30

Distance to downtown

ZYP0.5 mi


1h 14m
$46 one-way$92 round-trip
1 stop · from $72

Distance to downtown

EWR2.7 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Baltimore to New York

What train stations are used when traveling from Baltimore to New York?

For Baltimore to New York trains, you will need to use several train stations. To start the journey, consider a ride from Baltimore Penn Station, the main transportation hub in Baltimore. This is an Amtrak intercity station offering a commuter rail and a Light RailLink station. At the station, you can get your train tickets to New York. Baltimore Penn Station offers other amenities, including accessible restrooms, ATMs, vending machines, and restaurants. After taking trains from Baltimore to New York, passengers arrive at the Moynihan Train Hall in New York, which is a new home for Amtrak in the city. The station features modern technologies and customer amenities. It offers a spacious boarding concourse as well. This is located across from the New York Penn Station on 8th Avenue. You could also use the New York Penn Station if you want to explore downtown New York.

Are pets allowed on the train from Baltimore to New York?

You can travel with your pets on trains to New York from Baltimore. However, there are regulations that show you what to do aboard or before boarding for journeys on these train lines. Amtrak allows passengers to board with dogs and cats as long as the pets weigh 20 lbs, combining the weight of the pet and its carrier. You can only have a pet on a trip of seven hours or less, which includes transfer times between trains on trips featuring multiple segments. Also, you cannot travel with a pet on Baltimore to New York trains if it’s less than eight weeks of age. Ensure your pet can be stowed under your seat and keep watch over the pet so it does not disturb other passengers. Find a carrier that is waterproof and leakproof, with dimensions not more than 10.5 inches high x 19 inches long x 14 inches wide.

What luggage is allowed on Baltimore to New York trains?

When you choose an Amtrak train from Baltimore to New York, you must follow the baggage guidelines provided by the rail service. You’re allowed to carry up to two free pieces. Each of the items cannot weigh more than 50 lbs and needs to be within the 28 x 22 x 14 inches size limit. However, if you’re traveling as a family and have an infant aged under two years, Amtrak will allow you to have baby items like strollers and diaper bags, which are not counted as a part of your carry-on limit. The luggage you bring onboard should stay in your custody. You can store it under seats, in the overhead racks, or in other designated baggage areas. Medical devices and other travel necessities like blankets and pillows are allowed, and these don’t count toward your two-bag limit.

Do I need a passport to travel from Baltimore to New York by train?

Passengers getting tickets to board Amtrak trains to New York from Baltimore are required to provide identification and should be at least 16 years old. Any tickets you buy onboard will come with a service fee, which cannot be waived. To ensure quick processing of your ticket, you can use different forms of identification, including any government-issued ID with your photo on it. A good option would be your passport, a driver’s license, or a military ID. In the case of an unaccompanied minor aged 15 and above, a form of identification is required. In this case, a student ID can be a valid option for identification, which should accompany a government-issued ID without your photo. Check all the guidelines for limitations ahead of time to avoid complications at the station.

How much does a train ticket from Baltimore/Washington to New York cost?

See available tickets from Baltimore/Washington to New York for this week that start at $15 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Baltimore/Washington to New York?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 1h 56m train from Baltimore/Washington to New York. Travel time can vary by 0h 48m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Amtrak is one of the fastest options available.

Which train companies operate between Baltimore/Washington to New York?

There is a train traveling between Baltimore/Washington and New York which is Amtrak and currently our only available option.. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at $30 round-trip.

How far is Baltimore/Washington to New York by train?

There are 171.8 mi between Baltimore/Washington and New York. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. 1h 56m is a normal train duration for this route.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Baltimore to New York?

Based on just travel duration our users have found a flight from Baltimore to New York to be the fastest option to their destination at just 1h 14m. If travel time is less of a concern you may want to look into booking some alternative forms of transportation like a train from Baltimore to New York or a bus from Baltimore to New York.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Baltimore to New York?

A train from Baltimore to New York from $30 can save you up to 67% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Baltimore to New York or a bus from Baltimore to New York.

Amtrak trains from Baltimore to New York

Our best Amtrak deals on Baltimore to New York train tickets
Jun 5
ZBP7:18 pmBaltimore Penn
2h 59m
ZYP10:17 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 5
ZYP12:20 amNew York Penn Station
5h 42m
ZBP6:02 amBaltimore Penn
May 24
ZBP10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
2h 40m
ZRP1:31 amNewark Penn Station
May 25
ZRP12:37 amNewark Penn Station
4h 59m
ZBP5:36 amBaltimore Penn

Popular train routes to New York

Most frequently searched train routes to New York, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to New York from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time2h 26m
Cheapest price$40
Trains to New York from Boston
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$40
Trains to New York from Richmond
Fastest travel time5h 46m
Cheapest price$66
Trains to New York from Buffalo
Fastest travel time8h 06m
Cheapest price$120
Trains to New York from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time0h 36m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to New York from Montreal
Fastest travel time10h 50m
Cheapest price$122
Trains to New York from Rochester
Fastest travel time7h 05m
Cheapest price$107
Trains to New York from Charlotte
Fastest travel time11h 52m
Cheapest price$203
Trains to New York from Providence
Fastest travel time3h 04m
Cheapest price$32
Trains to New York from Syracuse
Fastest travel time5h 39m
Cheapest price$104
Trains to New York from Chicago
Fastest travel time20h 12m
Cheapest price$190
Trains to New York from Charlottesville
Fastest travel time6h 05m
Cheapest price$64

Other train routes from Baltimore

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Baltimore to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Baltimore to Boston
Fastest travel time5h 59m
Cheapest price$72
Trains from Baltimore to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time0h 27m
Cheapest price$10
Trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia
Fastest travel time1h 00m
Cheapest price$11
Trains from Baltimore to Orlando
Fastest travel time18h 54m
Cheapest price$232
Trains from Baltimore to Chicago
Fastest travel time25h 26m
Cheapest price$297

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