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Apr 28 — May 51
1 adult
Sun 4/28

Best deals for train tickets from Chicago to New York

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With transfers
20h 12m
With transfers
20h 12m
With transfers
20h 12m
With transfers
20h 12m
With transfers
20h 12m
With transfers
27h 28m

Chicago to New York train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Chicago to New York






21h 01m


The best round-trip train deal from Chicago to New York found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $184
The best one-way train deal from Chicago to New York found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $92
Average time it takes to travel by train from Chicago to New York
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

New York Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in New York
Syracuse New York - State FairNew York, 43.071922, -76.22947
New York Cherry HillNew York, 39.928947, -75.041824
New York New RochelleNew York, 40.91145, -73.78433
New York Newark Liberty International Train StationNew York, 40.704026, -74.190483
New York Grand Central TerminalNew York, 40.752285, -73.97767
New York Penn StationNew York, 40.750557, -73.99333

Book round-trip train tickets from Chicago to New York

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Chicago to New York that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 20
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
10:00 amChicago Union
Jun 20
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
10:00 amChicago Union
Jun 20
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
10:00 amChicago Union
Aug 8
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 12
3:40 pmNew York Penn Station
19h 32m
10:12 amChicago Union
Aug 8
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 12
3:40 pmNew York Penn Station
19h 32m
10:12 amChicago Union
Jun 21
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
10:00 amChicago Union

Book one-way train tickets from Chicago to New York

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Chicago to New York we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jun 23
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 14
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 14
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 21
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 20
9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jul 2
5:55 pmChicago Union
27h 28m
10:23 pmNew York Penn Station

Choose the best way to get from Chicago to New York


20h 50m
$89 one-way$167 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1671 stop · from $100

Distance to downtown

CJ00.1 mi

Find Buses

Chicago to New York Buses


20h 12m
$92 one-way$184 round-trip
Nonstop · from $184

Distance to downtown

ZYP0.5 mi


2h 00m
$35 one-way$75 round-trip
Nonstop · from $751 stop · from $76

Distance to downtown

LGA6.2 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Chicago to New York

What train stations are used when traveling from Chicago to New York City?

Chicago Union Station is the primary train station serving Chicago to New York City trains. Most trains from Chicago to New York City arrive at either New York Penn Station or Newark Penn Station. Passengers can book trains to New York City from Chicago Union Station. Amtrak offers direct Chicago to New York City trains daily from Chicago Union Station, but taking trains with one connection en route gives passengers more options. You are assured of securing a train ride as there are daily train departures to New York City from Chicago.

Do Amtrak trains from Chicago to New York City have Wi-Fi?

Amtrak is currently the main company providing train tickets from Chicago to New York City. Chicago to New York City train ticket holders on Amtrak trains are treated to free Wi-Fi in all classes of travel. Other amenities will vary depending on the class, but passengers are guaranteed a comfortable train ride whether they choose First Class, Sleeper, Business, or Coach. All Amtrak trains from Chicago to New York offer a wheelchair space where passengers can park and stay in their wheelchair during the trip. The train's accessible seating policy allows passengers with mobility impairments to easily get on board and stay comfortable throughout the journey. Passengers on Coach Class get adjustable seats with ample legroom on all Amtrak trains except Acela. Business Class offers upgraded comfort with reclining seats, extra legroom, and onboard complimentary soft drinks. These Business Class seats are available on Acela, Palmetto, Vermonter, and Northeast Regional trains. First Class treats passengers to more roomy and comfortable one-by-two seats, conference tables, complimentary Wi-Fi, complimentary food services, and large tray spread-out tables. Passengers will also get AC power outlets adjacent to each seat.

What luggage is allowed on Chicago to New York City trains?

Chicago to New York City trains have different luggage policies depending on the train line. Amtrak allows each traveler to have up to four bags: two carry-on bags weighing no more than 50 lbs and two personal items of up to 25 lbs. All the bags should have a tag bearing the passenger’s address and name. Passengers will also be required to repack overweight bags to weigh no more than 50 lbs. Amtrak allows passengers to board with carry-on items, but they must be securely stored in the overhead storage compartment, under the seat, or in any other designated storage area. However, items can't be stored in empty seats, vestibules, aisles, or any other place where they are likely to annoy other travelers. An excess baggage fee will be applied for any item above the stated limits, and each passenger is allowed to bring up to two excess bags. However, infant items do not count toward the allowable baggage limit.

Are pets allowed on the train from Chicago to New York City?

Most trains to New York City from Chicago allow pets onboard. Amtrak allows passengers to bring cats and dogs under 20 lbs when kept in a pet carrier for train rides of up to seven hours. However, some restrictions apply. Firstly, a maximum of five pets are allowed to be on a train from Chicago to New York City and each passenger is allowed to make only one pet reservation. The pets are only welcomed in Acela Business Class and Coach Class but not permitted in Sleeper cars or non-Acela Business Class. Lastly, you must provide a pet carrier that will count toward your carry-on allowance.

What stops are along the train from Chicago to New York?

Amtrak offers direct Chicago to New York City trains. However, most of the trains to New York City from Chicago have stops or transfers en route. Trains from Chicago Union Station have stops in South Bend Indiana, Bryan Amtrak Station, Toledo, Cleveland, and Rochester.

How long is the train ride from Chicago to New York?

The most time-efficient journey by train from Chicago to New York currently available is 20h 12m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 49m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Amtrak has the quickest available train to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Chicago to New York?

There is a train traveling between Chicago and New York which is Amtrak and currently our only available option.. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at $184 round-trip.

How far is Chicago to New York by train?

There are 710.8 mi between Chicago and New York. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. Most trains from Chicago to New York will get there in 20h 12m.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Chicago to New York?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Chicago to New York with American Airlines is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Chicago to New York or a bus from Chicago to New York can take you longer than a 2h 04m flight.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Chicago to New York?

Expect a flight to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a flight has deals available from $75. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a train from Chicago to New York or a bus from Chicago to New York can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

Amtrak trains from Chicago to New York

Our best Amtrak deals on Chicago to New York train tickets
Jun 20
ZUN9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
ZYP6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
ZYP6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
ZUN10:00 amChicago Union
Jun 2
ZUN9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
ZYP6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 23
ZYP6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
ZUN10:00 amChicago Union
May 30
ZUN9:30 pmChicago Union
20h 12m
ZYP6:42 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 2
ZYP6:45 amNew York Penn Station
28h 15m
ZUN10:00 amChicago Union

Popular train routes to New York

Most frequently searched train routes to New York, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to New York from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time2h 26m
Cheapest price$40
Trains to New York from Boston
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$40
Trains to New York from Baltimore
Fastest travel time1h 56m
Cheapest price$31
Trains to New York from Richmond
Fastest travel time5h 46m
Cheapest price$66
Trains to New York from Buffalo
Fastest travel time8h 06m
Cheapest price$120
Trains to New York from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time0h 36m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to New York from Montreal
Fastest travel time10h 50m
Cheapest price$122
Trains to New York from Rochester
Fastest travel time7h 05m
Cheapest price$107
Trains to New York from Charlotte
Fastest travel time11h 52m
Cheapest price$203
Trains to New York from Providence
Fastest travel time3h 04m
Cheapest price$32
Trains to New York from Syracuse
Fastest travel time5h 39m
Cheapest price$104
Trains to New York from Charlottesville
Fastest travel time6h 05m
Cheapest price$64

Other train routes from Chicago

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Chicago to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Chicago to Detroit
Fastest travel time5h 20m
Cheapest price$78
Trains from Chicago to St. Louis
Fastest travel time4h 46m
Cheapest price$52
Trains from Chicago to Cleveland
Fastest travel time6h 05m
Cheapest price$98
Trains from Chicago to Indianapolis
Fastest travel time3h 25m
Cheapest price$76
Trains from Chicago to Memphis
Fastest travel time10h 22m
Cheapest price$179
Trains from Chicago to Omaha
Fastest travel time8h 55m
Cheapest price$144
Trains from Chicago to Grand Rapids
Fastest travel time4h 04m
Cheapest price$67
Trains from Chicago to Pittsburgh
Fastest travel time9h 25m
Cheapest price$168
Trains from Chicago to South Bend
Fastest travel time1h 29m
Cheapest price$47
Trains from Chicago to Louisville
Fastest travel time6h 00m
Cheapest price$154
Trains from Chicago to Milwaukee
Fastest travel time1h 13m
Cheapest price$38
Trains from Chicago to Los Angeles
Fastest travel time43h 10m
Cheapest price$290

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