Find trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia

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Apr 25 — May 21
1 adult
Thu 4/25

Best deals for train tickets from Baltimore to Philadelphia

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With transfers
1h 28m
With transfers
1h 31m
With transfers
1h 15m
With transfers
1h 11m
With transfers
1h 15m
With transfers
1h 26m

Baltimore to Philadelphia train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia






1h 16m


The best round-trip train deal from Baltimore to Philadelphia found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $10
The best one-way train deal from Baltimore to Philadelphia found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $5
Average time it takes to travel by train from Baltimore to Philadelphia
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Baltimore Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Baltimore
Baltimore GreenbeltBaltimore, 39.011068, -76.911011
Baltimore BWI Thurgood MarshallBaltimore, 39.192364, -76.6943
Baltimore PennBaltimore, 39.3075, -76.615556

Philadelphia Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Newark StationPhiladelphia, 39.669691, -75.753508
Philadelphia NorthPhiladelphia, 39.997289, -75.155199
Philadelphia TrentonPhiladelphia, 40.218334, -74.755
Philadelphia 30th Street StationPhiladelphia, 39.955833, -75.181944

Book round-trip train tickets from Baltimore to Philadelphia

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Baltimore to Philadelphia that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 31
5:44 amBaltimore Penn
1h 11m
6:55 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jun 3
7:33 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 11m
8:44 pmBaltimore Penn
May 19
6:08 amBaltimore Penn
1h 08m
7:16 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 26
5:45 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 10m
6:55 amBaltimore Penn
May 31
10:35 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 31m
12:06 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jun 3
4:45 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 33m
6:18 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
Apr 29
9:59 pmBaltimore Penn
1h 12m
11:11 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 6
8:16 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 10m
9:26 pmBaltimore Penn
May 11
10:35 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 31m
12:06 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 12
10:33 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 28m
12:01 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
May 19
5:53 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 23m
7:16 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 26
7:37 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 31m
9:08 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall

Book one-way train tickets from Baltimore to Philadelphia

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Baltimore to Philadelphia we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 14
7:03 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 28m
8:31 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 31
10:35 pmBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 31m
12:06 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 14
10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
1h 15m
12:06 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 10
5:44 amBaltimore Penn
1h 11m
6:55 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 31
10:51 pmBaltimore Penn
1h 15m
12:06 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 3
5:29 amBaltimore BWI Thurgood Marshall
1h 26m
6:55 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station

FAQs for booking trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia

What stops are along the train from Baltimore to Philadelphia?

The stops that passengers may take on trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia depend on the train lines. Currently, Amtrak has a variety of train lines that provide regular service between Baltimore Penn Station and Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station. That being said, nearly all of these trains make a stop at the Amtrak/SEPTA Station in Wilmington, Delaware. Some lines, like the Northwest Regional, also make stops at train stations in Aberdeen, Maryland and Newark, Delaware before heading to Wilmington. Around 20 mins or so after leaving Wilmington station, most Baltimore to Philadelphia trains will pull into William H. Gray III 30th Street Station in downtown Philadelphia.

Do Amtrak trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia have Wi-Fi?

Yes, the Amtrak trains to Philadelphia from Baltimore offer free Wi-Fi to their passengers. This Wi-Fi is a public network that’s mostly geared towards general browsing of the web. That is to say that some streaming services (movies, music, etc.) and high bandwidth activities may lag a bit. Therefore, it’s recommended to download large files at the station prior to departure because they tend to have a stronger Wi-Fi connection. Amtrak Wi-Fi is easy to access and doesn’t require users to type in a login password. Although convenient, it also means that some information may be intercepted, so it’s best to keep sensitive activities (personal information, financial information, etc.) to a minimum. Besides the free Wi-Fi, Amtrak train lines also offer other amenities. These include snacks, meals, and beverages from a cafe cart and a special Quiet Car where you may work or relax undisturbed by noise.

Are pets allowed on the train from Baltimore to Philadelphia?

The trains to Philadelphia from Baltimore to Philadelphia allow pets on board if they’re accompanied by the passenger at all times. That being said, pet travel comes with some regulations. Pets must be eight weeks or older and standard pet vaccinations should be up to date. Passengers are allowed to bring a total of five pets onboard and those pets may travel up to seven hours (including transfer times). Pets must be inside a carrier case or cage and the weight of the case and pet may be up to 20 lbs. The case itself is considered to be carry-on baggage. It should prevent leaks, be well ventilated, and allow pets to move about comfortably. Although pets are allowed in coach seating, they’re prohibited from non-Acela Business Class and food service cars. Before leaving Baltimore train station, passengers need to complete a “Pet Release and Indemnification Agreement.” To make sure everything is finished on time, it’s suggested to arrive at the train station 30 minutes or so before your train departs.

What luggage is allowed on Baltimore to Philadelphia trains?

The trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia allow passengers to bring up to 10 items of luggage (six of which are free). Free carry-on luggage includes two personal items (25 lbs maximum and up to 14 x 11 x 7 inches each) and two carry-on items (50 lbs maximum and up to 28 x 22 x 14 inches each). If you require extra carry-on luggage, then two additional bags can be brought onboard, each for a fee. Baby strollers and diaper bags are allowed onboard for free and don’t go toward your carry-on allowance. Free checked baggage includes two items weighing a maximum of 50 lbs each. If you require extra checked baggage, then two items with the same weight requirements may be added, each for a fee. Prior to leaving on Baltimore to Philadelphia trains, passengers may hand their checked bags to station staff and receive a ticket in return. You may use that ticket to retrieve your checked bags upon arriving in Philadelphia.

How much does a train ticket from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia cost?

Search for train tickets from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia for this week, starting at $5 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. $40 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia one-way.

How long is the train ride from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia?

It takes 1h 00m to get from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia by train. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. Consider Amtrak for the quickest available option to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia?

Amtrak are viable options. Check times and availability for Amtrak, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia from $10 round-trip.

How far is Baltimore/Washington to Philadelphia by train?

Baltimore/Washington and Philadelphia are 90.1 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 1h 00m long.

Amtrak trains from Baltimore to Philadelphia

Our best Amtrak deals on Baltimore to Philadelphia train tickets
May 31
ZBP5:44 amBaltimore Penn
1h 11m
ZFV6:55 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jun 3
ZFV7:33 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 11m
ZBP8:44 pmBaltimore Penn
Apr 29
ZBP9:59 pmBaltimore Penn
1h 12m
ZFV11:11 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
May 6
ZFV8:16 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 10m
ZBP9:26 pmBaltimore Penn
Apr 25
ZBP5:44 amBaltimore Penn
1h 11m
ZFV6:55 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Apr 28
ZFV4:15 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
1h 16m
ZBP5:31 amBaltimore Penn

Popular train routes to Philadelphia

Most frequently searched train routes to Philadelphia, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Philadelphia from New York
Fastest travel time0h 34m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to Philadelphia from Boston
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price$68
Trains to Philadelphia from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time1h 30m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to Philadelphia from Richmond
Fastest travel time4h 34m
Cheapest price$48
Trains to Philadelphia from Providence
Fastest travel time4h 18m
Cheapest price$62
Trains to Philadelphia from New Haven
Fastest travel time3h 02m
Cheapest price$44
Trains to Philadelphia from Charlotte
Fastest travel time10h 37m
Cheapest price$178
Trains to Philadelphia from Orlando
Fastest travel time20h 12m
Cheapest price$144
Trains to Philadelphia from Atlanta
Fastest travel time16h 47m
Cheapest price$236
Trains to Philadelphia from Miami
Fastest travel time25h 38m
Cheapest price$242
Trains to Philadelphia from Chicago
Fastest travel time25h 56m
Cheapest price$174
Trains to Philadelphia from Jacksonville
Fastest travel time16h 37m
Cheapest price$303

Other train routes from Baltimore

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Baltimore to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Baltimore to New York
Fastest travel time1h 56m
Cheapest price$30
Trains from Baltimore to Boston
Fastest travel time5h 59m
Cheapest price$72
Trains from Baltimore to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time0h 27m
Cheapest price$10
Trains from Baltimore to Orlando
Fastest travel time18h 54m
Cheapest price$232
Trains from Baltimore to Chicago
Fastest travel time25h 26m
Cheapest price$297

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