Find buses from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.

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Apr 29 — May 61
1 adult
Mon 4/29

Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

2h 17m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. found within the last 3 days start at $40 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $20. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. is 2h 17m
Megabus services this route

Richmond, Virginia Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Richmond, Virginia
Richmond Willow Lawn DrRichmond, 37.579987, -77.50058
Richmond 3rd & FranklinRichmond, 37.542168, -77.44107
Richmond Dairy QueenRichmond, 37.637356, -77.46226
Richmond W Canal StRichmond, 37.54341, -77.44828
Richmond 807 E Parham RoadRichmond, 37.634724, -77.456856
Richmond Greyhound Bus StationRichmond, 37.572025, -77.465805

Washington, D.C. Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. Aberdeen Greyhound stationWashington, D.C., 39.509583, -76.16452
Washington, D.C. 19th St + G StWashington, D.C., 38.898335, -77.04361
Washington, D.C. Baltimore North Point BlvdWashington, D.C., 39.29222, -76.51341
Washington, D.C. College Park College Park, MdWashington, D.C., 39.000748, -76.93032
Washington, D.C. Baltimore White Marsh Park & Ride - 8476 Honeygo BlvdWashington, D.C., 39.3773, -76.46077
Washington, D.C. Madame Tussauds MuseumWashington, D.C., 38.89809, -77.02604

Book round-trip bus tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 19
8:50 pmRichmond Main Street
2h 15m
11:05 pmWashington, D.C. Union
Jun 25
8:05 amWashington, D.C. Union
2h 05m
10:10 amRichmond Main Street
May 20
8:50 pmRichmond Main Street
2h 15m
11:05 pmWashington, D.C. Union
May 27
8:05 amWashington, D.C. Union
2h 05m
10:10 amRichmond Main Street
Jun 1
8:50 pmRichmond Main Street
2h 15m
11:05 pmWashington, D.C. Union
Jun 14
8:05 amWashington, D.C. Union
2h 05m
10:10 amRichmond Main Street

Book one-way bus tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Jun 13
8:50 pmRichmond Main Street
2h 15m
11:05 pmWashington, D.C. Union

Choose the best way to get from Richmond to Washington, D.C.


2h 15m
$20 one-way$40 round-trip
Nonstop · from $40

Distance to downtown

ZWU1.7 mi


1h 51m
$16 one-way$32 round-trip
Nonstop · from $32

Distance to downtown

ZWU1.7 mi


1h 00m
$78 one-way$140 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1921 stop · from $89

Distance to downtown

BWI8.5 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Richmond to Washington, D.C.

How long is the bus ride from Richmond Byrd Intl to Washington, D.C.?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 2h 15m bus from Richmond Byrd Intl to Washington, D.C.. Travel time can vary by 0h 02m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Look into Megabus, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which bus companies operate between Richmond Byrd Intl to Washington, D.C.?

You can find bus tickets for Megabus which service this route currently. Megabus is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at $40 round-trip.

How far is Richmond Byrd Intl to Washington, D.C. by bus?

The distance between Richmond Byrd Intl and Washington, D.C. is about 96.7 mi in a straight line. In terms of time, 2h 15m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.?

Based on just travel duration our users have found a flight from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. to be the fastest option to their destination at just 0h 59m. If travel time is less of a concern you may want to look into booking some alternative forms of transportation like a train from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. or a bus from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C..

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C.?

A train from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. from $32 can save you up to 77% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C. or a bus from Richmond, Virginia to Washington, D.C..

More bus options to Washington, D.C.

Besides Richmond there are other cities with transportation to Washington, D.C.. See below for more options.
Buses to Washington, D.C. from Chicago
Fastest travel time20h 10m
Cheapest price$134
Buses to Washington, D.C. from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price$12
Buses to Washington, D.C. from Boston
Fastest travel time10h 00m
Cheapest price$64
Buses to Washington, D.C. from New York
Fastest travel time4h 15m
Cheapest price$85
Buses to Washington, D.C. from Lynchburg
Fastest travel time5h 05m
Cheapest price$200

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