
Find buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille

Search for cheap bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille and book your trip in minutes.

Nov 12 — Nov 191
1 adult
Tue 11/12

Best deals for bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille

Find the right bus ticket for you
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
2h 15m
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
1h 20m
With transfers
1h 20m
With transfers
1h 30m
With transfers
1h 25m
With transfers
1h 25m

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

1h 25m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille found within the last 3 days start at $11 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $5. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille is 1h 25m
BlaBlaBus, Union Ivkoni and FlixBus service this route

Cheapest buses to Lille

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
Brussels Rue de FranceBrussels, 50.835, 4.33263
Brussels HeyselBrussels, 50.89669481500726, 4.335466461053186
Brussels MeiserBrussels, 50.854813, 4.394064
Brussels Ghent PoelBrussels, 51.05434, 3.7174244
Brussels Ghent P+r Gentbrugge ArsenaalBrussels, 51.03234, 3.758397
Brussels Ghent AkkerhageBrussels, 51.019207, 3.735202

Lille Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Lille
Lille Dunkirk Route du Quai Freycinet 3Lille, 51.035667, 2.36525
Lille Dunkirk Avenue de l'universitéLille, 51.04006, 2.372007
Lille DunkirkLille, 51.047253, 2.38385
Lille Calais Cité EuropeLille, 50.93388, 1.811161

Book round-trip bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Dec 7
3:50 pmBrussels Midi
1h 30m
5:20 pmLille Europe
Dec 14
4:00 pmLille Europe
1h 30m
5:30 pmBrussels Midi
Dec 6
2:35 amBrussels Midi
1h 20m
3:55 amLille Europe
Dec 14
12:35 pmLille Europe
1h 30m
2:05 pmBrussels Midi
Dec 6
2:35 amBrussels Midi
1h 20m
3:55 amLille Europe
Dec 13
1:45 amLille Europe
1h 20m
3:05 amBrussels Midi
Dec 7
3:50 pmBrussels Midi
1h 30m
5:20 pmLille Europe
Dec 13
1:45 amLille Europe
1h 20m
3:05 amBrussels Midi
Dec 13
1:45 pmBrussels Midi
1h 35m
3:20 pmLille Europe
Dec 21
6:00 amLille Europe
1h 20m
7:20 amBrussels Midi
Dec 12
2:35 amBrussels Midi
1h 20m
3:55 amLille Europe
Dec 21
6:00 amLille Europe
1h 20m
7:20 amBrussels Midi

Book one-way bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Lille we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Union Ivkoni
Dec 18
4:45 pmBrussels-North
2h 15m
7:00 pmLille Europe
Dec 17
2:35 amBrussels Midi
1h 20m
3:55 amLille Europe
Dec 18
9:35 pmBrussels Midi
1h 20m
10:55 pmLille Europe
Nov 17
11:35 amBrussels Rue de France
1h 30m
1:05 pmLille Europe
Dec 29
7:45 amBrussels Midi
1h 25m
9:10 amLille Europe
Nov 16
1:30 amBrussels Rue de France
1h 25m
2:55 amLille Europe

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Brussels to Lille

How much does a bus ticket from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin, our users have found prices starting from $8 one-way for this week.

How long is the bus ride from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin?

The quickest bus available from Brussels Bruxelles-National will take 1h 25m to arrive in Lille Lesquin. BlaBlaBus is one of the fastest options available.

Which bus companies operate between Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin?

There are many buses traveling between Brussels Bruxelles-National and Lille Lesquin. BlaBlaBus, Union Ivkoni, and FlixBus are some of the available options. The cheapest option is offered by BlaBlaBus, with prices starting at $11 round-trip.

How far is Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin by bus?

The straight-line distance from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Lille Lesquin is 65.0 mi. The actual distance by bus will change based on the roads and any traffic, closures, roadwork or tolls that may impact the driver’s route. The bus usually takes 1h 25m in normal traffic conditions.

BlaBlaBus buses from Brussels to Lille

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Brussels to Lille bus tickets
Dec 7
ZYR3:50 pmBrussels Midi
1h 30m
XDB5:20 pmLille Europe
Dec 14
XDB4:00 pmLille Europe
1h 30m
ZYR5:30 pmBrussels Midi
Dec 13
ZYR1:45 pmBrussels Midi
1h 35m
XDB3:20 pmLille Europe
Dec 21
XDB6:00 amLille Europe
1h 20m
ZYR7:20 amBrussels Midi
Dec 12
ZYR2:35 amBrussels Midi
1h 20m
XDB3:55 amLille Europe
Dec 20
XDB1:45 amLille Europe
1h 20m
ZYR3:05 amBrussels Midi

FlixBus buses from Brussels to Lille

Our best FlixBus deals on Brussels to Lille bus tickets
Dec 12
XNL1:50 amBrussels-North
1h 35m
XDB3:25 amLille Europe
Dec 21
XDB6:05 amLille Europe
1h 45m
XNL7:50 amBrussels-North
Dec 12
XNL1:50 amBrussels-North
1h 35m
XDB3:25 amLille Europe
Dec 20
XDB1:20 amLille Europe
1h 40m
XNL3:00 amBrussels-North
Dec 13
XNL10:05 pmBrussels-North
1h 35m
XDB11:40 pmLille Europe
Dec 21
XDB6:30 amLille Europe
1h 40m
XNL8:10 amBrussels-North

More bus options to Lille

Besides Brussels there are other cities with transportation to Lille. See below for more options.
Buses to Lille from London
Fastest travel time6h 00m
Cheapest price$54
Buses to Lille from Amsterdam
Fastest travel time4h 10m
Cheapest price$76

Other popular bus routes from Brussels

Change your mind about taking a bus to Lille? Below are other buses from Brussels that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Brussels to London
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price$76
Buses from Brussels to Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time6h 15m
Cheapest price$44
Buses from Brussels to Antwerp
Fastest travel time0h 45m
Cheapest price$153
Buses from Brussels to Karlsruhe
Fastest travel time7h 35m
Cheapest price$63
Buses from Brussels to Maastricht
Fastest travel time1h 30m
Cheapest price$56
Buses from Brussels to Amsterdam
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price$178

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