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Apr 28 — May 51
1 adult
Sun 4/28

Best deals for train tickets to Lille

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With transfers
1h 05m
With transfers
2h 23m
With transfers
0h 53m
With transfers
1h 17m
With transfers
0h 52m
With transfers
1h 53m

Lille train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Lille








The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Lille is from Chessy, starting at $22. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Lille is from Paris, starting at $11. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Dunkirk is one of the most popular stations in Lille
SNCF services this train route

Lille Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Lille
Lille HellemmesLille, 50.62258, 3.11486
Lille LezennesLille, 50.6206, 3.1
Lille Porte De DouaiLille, 50.612111, 3.07517
Lille Villeneuve-d'Ascq 4 Cantons Stade Pierre MauroyLille, 50.6055, 3.13933
Lille CHRLille, 50.614494, 3.034614
Lille Villeneuve-d'Ascq Pont de boisLille, 50.624302256889784, 3.128242978820812

Book round-trip train tickets to Lille

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Lille that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 16
11:11 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
1h 09m
12:20 pmLille Flandres
May 29
11:38 amLille Flandres
1h 10m
12:48 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée
May 25
10:06 pmParis Charles de Gaulle
1h 03m
11:09 pmTourcoing
May 26
6:02 amTourcoing
1h 10m
7:12 amParis Charles de Gaulle
May 28
10:04 pmParis Charles de Gaulle
1h 07m
11:11 pmTourcoing
May 30
7:44 amTourcoing
1h 07m
8:51 amParis Charles de Gaulle
May 23
10:06 pmParis Charles de Gaulle
1h 05m
11:11 pmTourcoing
May 30
7:44 amTourcoing
1h 07m
8:51 amParis Charles de Gaulle
Jul 13
10:21 amParis Gare du Nord
2h 11m
12:32 pmLille Flandres
Jul 20
9:14 amLille Flandres
2h 14m
11:28 amParis Gare du Nord
May 9
11:11 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
1h 09m
12:20 pmLille Flandres
May 13
12:59 pmLille Flandres
1h 09m
2:08 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée

Book one-way train tickets to Lille

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Lille found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 16
10:06 pmParis Charles de Gaulle
1h 05m
11:11 pmTourcoing
May 18
6:28 pmParis Gare du Nord
2h 23m
8:51 pmLille Flandres
May 19
9:56 amParis Charles de Gaulle
0h 53m
10:49 amLille Flandres
Oct 13
9:52 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée
1h 17m
11:09 pmTourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
Oct 13
9:56 amParis Charles de Gaulle
0h 52m
10:48 amLille Flandres
Jun 21
7:55 pmMassy Palaiseau
1h 53m
9:48 pmLille Flandres

FAQs for booking trains to Lille

How much is a train ticket to Lille Lesquin?

The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like Bordeaux for instance, prices usually start around $82. Brussels and Nimes are other options, with prices usually starting from around $104 and $171 respectively.

What is the main train station in Lille Lesquin?

Most people in Lille Lesquin will arrive at Dunkirk, one of the most accessible stations in the area. Some common major cities you can get to by train from Dunkirk are London, Marseille, and Lyon.

What train companies go to Lille Lesquin?

A well-known option for trains to Lille Lesquin is SNCF. Typically, your options for trains to Lille Lesquin will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Lille Lesquin?

For $11 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Lille Lesquin. For the next 3 months, we predict the price of tickets to Lille Lesquin to remain steady. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the train for the correct departure time.

How far is the center of Lille Lesquin from Dunkirk, Lille Europe and Lille Flandres stations?

The distance to the center of Lille Lesquin from either Dunkirk station, Lille Europe station, or Lille Flandres station is 45.3 mi, 5.1 mi, and 5.0 mi, respectively.

How far is Dunkirk from Gare de Lille Europe, Lille Flandres and Lille-Flandres Station?

To get to Lille Lesquin's popular Gare de Lille Europe, Lille Flandres, or Lille-Flandres Station from Dunkirk, it is 41.0 mi, 41.0 mi, or 40.9 mi, respectively.

Popular train routes to Lille

Most frequently searched train routes to Lille, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Lille from London
Fastest travel time1h 17m
Cheapest price$166
Trains to Lille from Paris
Fastest travel time1h 07m
Cheapest price$53

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