
Find buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London

Search for cheap bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London and book your trip in minutes.

Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London

Find the right bus ticket for you
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
10h 15m
Union Ivkoni
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
10h 15m
Union Ivkoni
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
10h 15m
Union Ivkoni
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
10h 15m
Union Ivkoni
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
10h 15m
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
9h 55m

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

8h 28m

Popular bus line

Union Ivkoni
Bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London found within the last 3 days start at $46 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $23. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London is 8h 28m
Union Ivkoni, FlixBus and Regiojet service this route

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
Brussels Rue de FranceBrussels, 50.835, 4.33263
Brussels HeyselBrussels, 50.89669481500726, 4.335466461053186
Brussels MeiserBrussels, 50.854813, 4.394064
Brussels Ghent PoelBrussels, 51.05434, 3.7174244
Brussels Ghent P+r Gentbrugge ArsenaalBrussels, 51.03234, 3.758397
Brussels Ghent AkkerhageBrussels, 51.019207, 3.735202

London Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in London
London Fernbrook Crescent (stop Y)London, 51.45155, 0.00158
London Queens Road Car ParkLondon, 51.42191, -0.2033521
London Fulham Road Beaufort StreetLondon, 51.4876, -0.1784574
London Belvedere RoadLondon, 51.50454, -0.11677
London Marble ArchLondon, 51.513622, -0.1575409
London Hilton HotelLondon, 51.505123, -0.1520459

Book round-trip bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Union Ivkoni
May 22
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
May 23
7:00 pmLondon Victoria
10h 30m
6:30 amBrussels Nord
May 13
9:05 amBrussels Nord
9h 20m
5:25 pmLondon Victoria
May 15
7:30 amLondon Victoria
8h 15m
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
May 14
7:15 pmBrussels Nord
11h 00m
1 stop
5:15 amLondon Victoria
May 15
10:00 amLondon Victoria
8h 15m
7:15 pmBrussels Nord
May 13
11:35 pmBrussels Nord
9h 40m
8:15 amLondon Victoria
May 15
7:30 amLondon Victoria
8h 15m
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
Jun 6
9:05 amBrussels Nord
9h 20m
5:25 pmLondon Victoria
Jun 6
9:00 pmLondon Victoria
9h 00m
7:00 amBrussels Nord
May 14
11:35 pmBrussels Nord
9h 40m
8:15 amLondon Victoria
May 15
10:00 pmLondon Victoria
8h 20m
7:20 amBrussels Nord

Book one-way bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Union Ivkoni
May 1
4:45 pmBrussels-North
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
Union Ivkoni
May 1
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
Union Ivkoni
May 1
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
Union Ivkoni
May 1
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
Union Ivkoni
May 8
4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
2:00 amLondon Victoria
Apr 30
11:50 amBrussels Nord
9h 55m
8:45 pmLondon Victoria

Choose the best way to get from Brussels to London


6h 30m
$23 one-way$46 round-trip
Nonstop · from $461 stop · from $54

Distance to downtown

ZEP0.9 mi


1h 56m
$29 one-way$94 round-trip
Nonstop · from $94

Distance to downtown

QQS2.2 mi


1h 10m
$52 one-way$112 round-trip
Nonstop · from $112

Distance to downtown

LHR14.4 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Brussels to London

When does the first and last bus depart from Brussels to London?

For travelers who prefer leaving Brussels at the earliest time possible, the first bus, which leaves at around 6:30 a.m., will be appropriate for them. With the average duration of buses from Brussels to London being 6h, traveling via this earliest bus will enable you to arrive in London a few minutes before 1:00 p.m. If you prefer traveling at night, the last bus to London from Brussels leaves at around 11:30 p.m. Travelers using this last bus will arrive in London at around 5:30 a.m. the following morning. This night bus will be of great service to you if you have early mornings in the city.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Brussels to London?

When traveling by bus from Brussels to London, you depart from either Brussels Midi or Brussels North Station. The station is located a short distance from the city center of Brussels. You will spend about 24min connecting to the station from the city center if you use a taxi. Brussels North Station is a short distance from the city center of Brussels, a journey that takes about 6min by taxi. The main arrival station for buses to London from Brussels is London Victoria. It takes about 23min for travelers to connect from the station to the city center via taxi.

How many buses are there from Brussels to London each day?

Overall, about six Brussels to London buses are available for travelers. RegioJet is the main company that operates buses from Brussels to London. From Monday to Friday, the company avails four or more buses to London from Brussels. In addition to RegioJect, Flixbus, Ouibus, and Eurolines are the other companies that have buses traveling from Brussels to London. However, the frequency of buses from these companies is always lower than that of the RegioJet buses. The number of buses also varies depending on whether it’s a weekday or weekend. Normally, there are more buses on the weekend compared to those available on weekdays. The high frequency of buses makes them a reliable means of transport for travelers.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Brussels to London?

The journey by bus to London from Brussels is memorable, thanks to some great amenities on board. The bus has free Wi-Fi and an entertainment system to give you endless opportunities to entertain yourself during the journey. You can connect your phone or a laptop to the Wi-Fi and enjoy unlimited access to a wide range of online content. With every passenger having access to a power outlet, you can use your phone, tablet, or laptop without any fear of running low on battery. All buses have a toilet on board, which ensures that passengers remain comfortable throughout the journey. Finally, travelers enjoy cozy seats with extra legroom to give them enhanced comfort as they travel.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Brussels to London?

Once you have your bus ticket from Brussels to London, you can enjoy the convenient luggage policy of the RegioJet buses. According to this policy, travelers can board the bus with one piece of carry-on luggage, such as a suitcase, and not more than three pieces of under-the-bus luggage at no extra cost. The carry-on luggage should not be more than 15 lbs, while the total weight of the three pieces of luggage that you will store under the bus should not be more than 44 lbs. In addition to suitcases, passengers can also travel with handbags and other small personal items freely.

How much does a bus ticket from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London, our users have found prices starting from $23 one-way for this week. For this month, the average price of a ticket for this bus ride is $26 one-way. When you’re booking buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London, expect the price to fluctuate depending on when you book.

How long is the bus ride from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London currently available is 6h 40m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 1h 48m, depending on whether your bus has stops or different departure times. Take the STUDENT AGENCY bus from Brussels Bruxelles-National and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London?

Currently, bus tickets prices from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London are generally similar no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $26 one-way on average.

Which bus companies operate between Brussels Bruxelles-National to London?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Union Ivkoni, FlixBus, and Regiojet. Consider Union Ivkoni as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Brussels Bruxelles-National to London starting at $46.

How far is Brussels Bruxelles-National to London by bus?

The distance between Brussels Bruxelles-National and London is about 203.6 mi in a straight line. Most buses from Brussels Bruxelles-National going to London will get there in around 6h 40m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London?

To save time, the fastest way to travel is by flight from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London on British Airways. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard British Airways to be about 1h 10m compared to taking a train from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London or a bus from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London which have been found to be slower alternatives.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London?

A bus from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London from $46 can save you up to 58% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London or a train from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to London.

FlixBus buses from Brussels to London

Our best FlixBus deals on Brussels to London bus tickets
May 13
6MP9:05 amBrussels Nord
9h 20m
ZEP5:25 pmLondon Victoria
May 15
ZEP7:30 amLondon Victoria
8h 15m
6MP4:45 pmBrussels Nord
May 14
BRU6:30 pmBrussels Bruxelles-National
11h 45m
1 stop
ZEP5:15 amLondon Victoria
May 15
ZEP8:00 pmLondon Victoria
14h 30m
1 stop
BRU11:30 amBrussels Bruxelles-National
Apr 30
6MP11:50 amBrussels Nord
9h 55m
ZEP8:45 pmLondon Victoria
May 2
ZEP8:00 amLondon Victoria
9h 00m
6MP6:00 pmBrussels Nord

FlixBus, Union Ivkoni buses from Brussels to London

Our best FlixBus, Union Ivkoni deals on Brussels to London bus tickets
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni
May 1
6MP4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
ZEP2:00 amLondon Victoria
May 2
ZEP8:00 amLondon Victoria
9h 00m
6MP6:00 pmBrussels Nord
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni
May 1
6MP4:45 pmBrussels Nord
10h 15m
ZEP2:00 amLondon Victoria
May 5
ZEP8:00 amLondon Victoria
9h 00m
6MP6:00 pmBrussels Nord

More bus options to London

Besides Brussels there are other cities with transportation to London. See below for more options.
Buses to London from Lille
Fastest travel time6h 00m
Cheapest price$70
Buses to London from Antwerp
Fastest travel time8h 55m
Cheapest price$68

Other popular bus routes from Brussels

Change your mind about taking a bus to London? Below are other buses from Brussels that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Brussels to Lille
Fastest travel time1h 25m
Cheapest price$91
Buses from Brussels to Maastricht
Fastest travel time1h 30m
Cheapest price$88
Buses from Brussels to Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time6h 25m
Cheapest price$43
Buses from Brussels to Antwerp
Fastest travel time0h 45m
Cheapest price$153
Buses from Brussels to Amsterdam
Fastest travel time3h 20m
Cheapest price$108
Buses from Brussels to Dortmund
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$113
Buses from Brussels to Karlsruhe
Fastest travel time7h 35m
Cheapest price$63

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