
Find trains from Rome to Palermo

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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for train tickets from Rome to Palermo

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With transfers
13h 21m
With transfers
13h 29m
With transfers
11h 38m
With transfers
11h 38m
With transfers
14h 47m
With transfers
15h 17m

Rome to Palermo train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Rome to Palermo






11h 24m


Trenitalia, Italotreno
The best round-trip train deal from Rome to Palermo found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $99
The best one-way train deal from Rome to Palermo found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $50
Average time it takes to travel by train from Rome to Palermo
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Trenitalia, Italotreno

Rome Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Rome
Rome TorricolaRome, 41.8094, 12.557722
Rome PomeziaRome, 41.706028, 12.573612
Rome FideneRome, 41.979185, 12.508447
Rome NomentanaRome, 41.932608, 12.523312
Rome Nuovo SalarioRome, 41.95542, 12.510397
Rome Colle MattiaRome, 41.832584, 12.728334

Palermo Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Palermo
Palermo Agrigento CentralePalermo, 37.309078, 13.584594
Palermo Agrigento Tempio VulcanoPalermo, 37.292416, 13.579557
Palermo Agrigento BassaPalermo, 37.319248, 13.588051
Palermo Imperatore FedericoPalermo, 38.145335, 13.348092
Palermo FieraPalermo, 38.141119, 13.35371
Palermo GiacheryPalermo, 38.13537, 13.358155

Book round-trip train tickets from Rome to Palermo

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Rome to Palermo that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 21
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 28
7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
6:34 pmRome Termini
May 16
11:26 amRome Termini
11h 24m
10:50 pmPalermo Centrale
May 31
7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
6:34 pmRome Termini
May 9
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 16
7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
6:34 pmRome Termini
May 21
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 30
8:25 pmPalermo Centrale
13h 36m
10:01 amRome Termini
May 21
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 25
5:20 pmPalermo Centrale
12h 45m
6:05 amRome Termini
May 25
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 26
7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
6:34 pmRome Termini

Book one-way train tickets from Rome to Palermo

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Rome to Palermo we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 24
10:36 pmRome Termini
13h 21m
11:57 amPalermo Centrale
May 14
12:03 amRome Termini
13h 29m
2 stops
1:32 pmPalermo Centrale
May 21
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 29
7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 7
10:45 pmLa Storta
14h 47m
3 stops
1:32 pmPalermo Centrale
May 7
10:15 pmRome Fidene
15h 17m
3 stops
1:32 pmPalermo Centrale

Choose the best way to get from Rome to Palermo


11h 45m
$11 one-way$22 round-trip
Nonstop · from $221 stop · from $22

Distance to downtown

3BZ0.6 mi
37lb CO2

76% less than flights

Find Buses

Rome to Palermo Buses


9h 59m
$50 one-way$99 round-trip
Nonstop · from $991 stop · from $50

Distance to downtown

3BZ0.6 mi
58lb CO2

61% less than flights

Find Trains

Rome to Palermo Trains


1h 05m
$27 one-way$30 round-trip
Nonstop · from $30

Distance to downtown

PMO15.2 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Rome to Palermo

How much does a train ticket from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi within the week and expect to pay $50 or more one-way.

How long is the train ride from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi?

The most time-efficient journey by train from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi currently available is 11h 24m. Look into Trenitalia, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi?

The trains offering service from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi Trenitalia and Italotreno. Trenitalia has been found as the cheapest option available at $99 round-trip.

How far is Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi by train?

Rome and Palermo Punta Raisi are 265.8 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. Most trains from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi will get there in 11h 24m.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi?

The carbon footprint of taking the train from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi is about 58lb. This is 62% less than taking an airplane for this journey (151lb). A bus from Rome to Palermo Punta Raisi has a carbon footprint of about 36lb.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Rome to Palermo?

A bus from Rome to Palermo is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Rome to Palermo starting at $30, or consider a train from Rome to Palermo starting at $99. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Trenitalia trains from Rome to Palermo

Our best Trenitalia deals on Rome to Palermo train tickets
May 21
XRJ7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
3BZ7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 28
3BZ7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
XRJ6:34 pmRome Termini
May 21
XRJ7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
3BZ7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 30
3BZ8:25 pmPalermo Centrale
13h 36m
XRJ10:01 amRome Termini
May 25
XRJ7:24 amRome Termini
11h 38m
3BZ7:02 pmPalermo Centrale
May 26
3BZ7:05 amPalermo Centrale
11h 29m
XRJ6:34 pmRome Termini

Other train routes from Rome

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Cheapest price$42

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