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Apr 23 — Apr 301
1 adult
Tue 4/23

Best deals for train tickets from New York to Boston

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With transfers
3h 59m
With transfers
3h 59m
With transfers
3h 59m
With transfers
4h 25m
With transfers
4h 25m
With transfers
4h 16m

New York to Boston train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from New York to Boston






4h 20m


Amtrak, Acela
The best round-trip train deal from New York to Boston found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $40
The best one-way train deal from New York to Boston found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $15
Average time it takes to travel by train from New York to Boston
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Amtrak, Acela

New York Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in New York
Syracuse New York - State FairNew York, 43.071922, -76.22947
New York Cherry HillNew York, 39.928947, -75.041824
New York New RochelleNew York, 40.91145, -73.78433
New York Newark Liberty International Train StationNew York, 40.704026, -74.190483
New York Grand Central TerminalNew York, 40.752285, -73.97767
New York Penn StationNew York, 40.750557, -73.99333

Boston Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Boston
Boston Quincy Center StationBoston, 42.25201, -71.00597
Boston DoverBoston, 43.197968, -70.878365
Boston FraminghamBoston, 42.276688, -71.417465
Boston North StationBoston, 42.366234, -71.06112
Boston Westwood Route 128 and University ParkBoston, 42.210278, -71.14722
Boston Back BayBoston, 42.34722, -71.075554

Book round-trip train tickets from New York to Boston

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from New York to Boston that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 3
7:50 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 20m
12:10 amBoston Back Bay
Jun 8
8:00 pmBoston Back Bay
3h 59m
11:59 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 4
5:29 amNew York Penn Station
4h 11m
9:40 amBoston Back Bay
Jun 4
8:00 pmBoston Back Bay
3h 59m
11:59 pmNew York Penn Station
Dec 7
7:00 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 20m
11:20 pmBoston Back Bay
Dec 14
6:40 amBoston Back Bay
4h 11m
10:51 amNew York Penn Station
Jul 29
7:50 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 20m
12:10 amBoston Back Bay
Aug 8
8:00 pmBoston Back Bay
3h 59m
11:59 pmNew York Penn Station
Aug 5
7:18 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 25m
11:43 pmBoston Back Bay
Aug 8
8:00 pmBoston Back Bay
3h 59m
11:59 pmNew York Penn Station
Jun 26
7:50 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 25m
12:15 amBoston South Station
Jun 29
7:55 pmBoston South Station
4h 04m
11:59 pmNew York Penn Station

Book one-way train tickets from New York to Boston

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from New York to Boston we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 8
7:44 pmNew Rochelle
3h 59m
11:43 pmBoston Back Bay
May 8
7:44 pmNew Rochelle
3h 59m
11:43 pmBoston Back Bay
May 8
7:44 pmNew Rochelle
3h 59m
11:43 pmBoston Back Bay
May 29
7:50 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 25m
12:15 amBoston South Station
Jun 10
7:50 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 25m
12:15 amBoston South Station
May 27
9:00 pmNew York Penn Station
4h 16m
1:16 amBoston South Station

Choose the best way to get from New York to Boston


3h 45m
$13 one-way$26 round-trip
Nonstop · from $26

Distance to downtown

ZTY1.3 mi
28lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Buses

New York to Boston Buses


3h 39m
$15 one-way$40 round-trip
Nonstop · from $40

Distance to downtown

ZTY1.3 mi
44lb CO2

60% less than flights

Find Trains

New York to Boston Trains


1h 10m
$38 one-way$76 round-trip
Nonstop · from $761 stop · from $106

Distance to downtown

BOS2.6 mi

FAQs for booking trains from New York to Boston

What train stations are used when traveling from New York City to Boston?

Trains from New York City to Boston are available from New York Penn Station and Newark Penn Station. You can access trains to Boston from New York from any of these stations. New York City to Boston trains arrive at Back Bay Station and South Station in Boston. There are daily departures from Newark Penn Station to both Back Bay Station and Boston South Station, and the same applies for New York Penn Station.

Are pets allowed on the train from New York City to Boston?

Amtrak is the sole train provider with trains from New York City to Boston. Small cats and dogs are welcome onboard trains to Boston from New York City or any trips less than seven hours. The combined weight for your pet and pet carrier should be no more than 20 pounds, and there’s a maximum of five pets per train, so make your reservation early. Reservations are limited to one pet per passenger. Your pet must be at least eight weeks old, well-trained, and should require no special attention during the train ride. Service animals are not considered pets and are welcome on trains to Boston from New York City.

What luggage is allowed on New York City to Boston trains?

Each train ticket allows you to bring two carry-ons and two personal items on board. Personal items should be less than 25 pounds each, and the two carry-on bags should be less than 50 pounds and 28 x 22 x 14 inches each. You can bring an extra personal item or bag for an additional fee, and there’s a two-bag limit for excess baggage. Your carry-ons and personal items can be stored with you, under your seat, in the overhead compartment, or the designated baggage areas. Infant items such as strollers and diaper bags don’t count towards personal items or carry-ons. You can also check two bags up to 50 pounds and 75 linear inches each for free, and there’s an additional charge for extra bags and a maximum of two extra bags.

Do Amtrak trains from New York City to Boston have Wi-Fi?

The three Amtrak trains available for the journey to Boston from New York City provide free Wi-Fi to passengers. The New York City to Boston trains available are with Amtrak Acela, Amtrak Train, and Amtrak Northeast Regional. You can travel in coach, business, or first class in these trains and enjoy not only free Wi-Fi but many amenities as well. Acela is exclusively business- and first-class travel. Business-class passengers get comfortable seats with extra legroom, foldout tables, power outlets, Wi-Fi connectivity, and a café car. In first-class, you’ll have the abovementioned amenities and luxurious seats that come with a complimentary at-seat meal and drinks, priority boarding, and the option to use the station lounges. The Northeast Regional and Amtrak trains offer coach seats, and you’ll have comfortable seats with extra legroom, foldable trays, an individual reading light, an AC outlet, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Are overnight/sleeper trains available from New York City to Boston?

Yes, several overnight/sleeper trains are available from New York City to Boston. There are at least two daily overnight trains to Boston from New York City, and the departure times are usually around 1:30 a.m. and 2:40 a.m. These overnight trains are available from Newark Penn Station and New York Penn Station—each station has at least one departure heading to the two Boston train stations. There’s no significant price difference between overnight trains and daytime trains from New York City to Boston. The first departure takes about 6h 30min to get to Boston, while the second takes about an hour less than the first, and both arrive at the Boston stations at around 8:00 a.m.

How much does a train ticket from New York to Boston Logan Intl cost?

Search for train tickets from New York to Boston Logan Intl for this week, starting at $15 one-way.

How long is the train ride from New York to Boston Logan Intl?

3h 33m is the fastest available option to arrive in Boston Logan Intl from New York by train. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. Amtrak is one of the fastest options available.

Which train companies operate between New York to Boston Logan Intl?

The trains offering service from New York to Boston Logan Intl Amtrak and Acela. Amtrak has been found as the cheapest option available at $40 round-trip.

How far is New York to Boston Logan Intl by train?

New York and Boston Logan Intl are 187.5 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. 3h 33m is a normal train duration for this route.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from New York to Boston Logan Intl?

Traveling from New York to Boston Logan Intl by train has a carbon footprint of about 44lb. Flying this journey instead would increase your carbon footprint to around 109lb. A bus for this journey would also have lower emissions than flying, with a carbon footprint of around 27lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from New York to Boston?

The quickest way is to book a flight from New York to Boston, which can be as quick as 1h 05m onboard JetBlue. You can also get a train from New York to Boston, or a bus from New York to Boston which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from New York to Boston?

A bus from New York to Boston is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from New York to Boston starting at $76, or consider a train from New York to Boston starting at $40. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Popular train routes to Boston

Most frequently searched train routes to Boston, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Boston from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time6h 33m
Cheapest price$74
Trains to Boston from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time4h 56m
Cheapest price$68
Trains to Boston from Baltimore
Fastest travel time5h 59m
Cheapest price$72
Trains to Boston from Rochester
Fastest travel time10h 18m
Cheapest price$98
Trains to Boston from Syracuse
Fastest travel time8h 42m
Cheapest price$76
Trains to Boston from Cleveland
Fastest travel time14h 34m
Cheapest price$90
Trains to Boston from Chicago
Fastest travel time21h 54m
Cheapest price$218
Trains to Boston from Wilmington
Fastest travel time5h 32m
Cheapest price$70
Trains to Boston from Portland
Fastest travel time2h 32m
Cheapest price$50
Trains to Boston from Providence
Fastest travel time0h 36m
Cheapest price$10
Trains to Boston from New Haven
Fastest travel time2h 10m
Cheapest price$30
Trains to Boston from Buffalo
Fastest travel time10h 58m
Cheapest price$165

Other train routes from New York

Find and compare cheap train tickets from New York to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from New York to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time2h 32m
Cheapest price$40
Trains from New York to Baltimore
Fastest travel time1h 54m
Cheapest price$30
Trains from New York to Richmond
Fastest travel time5h 43m
Cheapest price$66
Trains from New York to Buffalo
Fastest travel time7h 53m
Cheapest price$120
Trains from New York to Philadelphia
Fastest travel time0h 34m
Cheapest price$20
Trains from New York to Montreal
Fastest travel time11h 23m
Cheapest price$122
Trains from New York to Rochester
Fastest travel time6h 47m
Cheapest price$107
Trains from New York to Providence
Fastest travel time2h 56m
Cheapest price$34
Trains from New York to Syracuse
Fastest travel time5h 31m
Cheapest price$104
Trains from New York to Albany
Fastest travel time2h 25m
Cheapest price$70
Trains from New York to Chicago
Fastest travel time19h 32m
Cheapest price$185
Trains from New York to Miami
Fastest travel time27h 21m
Cheapest price$262

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