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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston

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With transfers
9h 29m
With transfers
6h 13m
With transfers
9h 36m
With transfers
6h 03m
With transfers
6h 01m
With transfers
9h 36m

Philadelphia to Boston train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Philadelphia to Boston






6h 20m


Amtrak, Acela
The best round-trip train deal from Philadelphia to Boston found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $94
The best one-way train deal from Philadelphia to Boston found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $47
Average time it takes to travel by train from Philadelphia to Boston
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Amtrak, Acela

Philadelphia Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Newark StationPhiladelphia, 39.669691, -75.753508
Philadelphia NorthPhiladelphia, 39.997289, -75.155199
Philadelphia TrentonPhiladelphia, 40.218334, -74.755
Philadelphia 30th Street StationPhiladelphia, 39.955833, -75.181944

Boston Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Boston
Boston Quincy Center StationBoston, 42.25201, -71.00597
Boston DoverBoston, 43.197968, -70.878365
Boston FraminghamBoston, 42.276688, -71.417465
Boston North StationBoston, 42.366234, -71.06112
Boston Westwood Route 128 and University ParkBoston, 42.210278, -71.14722
Boston Back BayBoston, 42.34722, -71.075554

Book round-trip train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Aug 10
1:20 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 03m
7:23 pmBoston South Station
Aug 15
8:12 amBoston South Station
6h 04m
2:16 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jun 5
5:59 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 16m
12:15 amBoston South Station
Jun 11
11:40 amBoston South Station
5h 50m
5:30 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jun 5
5:58 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 01m
11:59 amBoston Back Bay
Jun 11
11:46 amBoston Back Bay
5h 44m
5:30 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Aug 9
12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 36m
9:47 amBoston South Station
Aug 15
11:40 amBoston South Station
5h 50m
5:30 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Aug 9
12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 29m
9:40 amBoston Back Bay
Aug 15
11:46 amBoston Back Bay
5h 44m
5:30 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Aug 10
5:18 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 02m
11:20 pmBoston Back Bay
Aug 15
5:40 pmBoston Back Bay
6h 01m
11:41 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station

Book one-way train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 22
12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 29m
9:40 amBoston Back Bay
Aug 7
3:23 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 13m
9:36 pmBoston South Station
Aug 6
12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 36m
9:47 amBoston South Station
Jul 24
3:59 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 03m
10:02 pmBoston South Station
Jun 27
5:58 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 01m
11:59 amBoston Back Bay
Jun 29
12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 36m
9:47 amBoston South Station

Choose the best way to get from Philadelphia to Boston


6h 35m
$7 one-way$55 round-trip
Nonstop · from $811 stop · from $7

Distance to downtown

ZTO0.6 mi
40lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Buses

Philadelphia to Boston Buses


4h 56m
$47 one-way$94 round-trip
Nonstop · from $941 stop · from $123

Distance to downtown

ZTO0.6 mi
63lb CO2

61% less than flights

Find Trains

Philadelphia to Boston Trains


1h 19m
$24 one-way$33 round-trip
Nonstop · from $331 stop · from $67

Distance to downtown

BOS2.6 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Philadelphia to Boston

What train stations are used when traveling from Philadelphia to Boston?

Trains from Philadelphia to Boston are available from Philadelphia 30th Street Station and North Philadelphia Train Station. Philadelphia to Boston trains use Boston Back Bay and Boston South Station as the arrival stations in Boston. You can also access trains to Boston from Philadelphia from Trenton Train Station. This station is a short drive from the Philadelphia city center. Passengers can get Philadelphia to Boston trains any day as there are daily departures from Philadelphia 30th Street Station to both Boston South Station and Boston Back Bay.

Do Amtrak trains from Philadelphia to Boston have Wi-Fi?

Most trains from Philadelphia to Boston are offered by Amtrak trains. Two train lines run from Philadelphia to Boston: the Amtrak Acela Express and the Amtrak Northeast Regional. Those traveling on Amtrak Boston-bound trains from Philadelphia get free Wi-Fi on board to keep them browsing throughout the journey. Generally, the Amtrak Acela Express is one of the fastest trains to Boston from Philadelphia and has newer and more spacious carriages. This makes it a favored choice for most travelers. However, the specific on board amenities vary depending on the class of travel. The economical and comfortable Coach Class comes with large adjustable seats, overhead reading lights, overhead storage compartments, and foldable tray tables. It also offers leg rests and ample legroom for enhanced comfort during the trip. However, these Coach Class seats are not on the Acela Express trains. Business Class offers more comfort with reclining seats, extra legroom for stretching out, and complimentary food and non-alcoholic drinks service. Passengers with First Class tickets are treated to a one-by-two seating system that creates more room for relaxation and enhances comfort.

What luggage is allowed on Philadelphia to Boston trains?

Each Amtrak ticket for Philadelphia to Boston trains allows you to bring up to four bags, two personal items not more than 25 lbs, and two carry-on bags under 50 lbs. Amtrak requires travelers to repack any overweight bag to weigh under 50 lbs. Passengers can purchase the repacking boxes at staffed stations. Additionally, a fee will be charged for any item above the allowable limit, and each ticket holder is permitted to have a maximum of two excess items. However, infant items like strollers are not included when determining the acceptable limit. You can keep your items with you, under the seats, in the overhead storage racks, or in any designated baggage compartment. Lastly, ensure you attach a tag with your name and address on all your bags.

Are pets allowed on the train from Philadelphia to Boston?

Although most trains to Boston from Philadelphia welcome pets on board, the pet policies vary depending on the company. Amtrak carries a maximum of five pets per train, with each passenger allowed to bring only one pet. The weight of the pet and the pet carrier should not be more than 20 lbs. The pet should be at least two months old and be harmless, odorless, and not disruptive during the train ride. Amtrak allows only one pet per person. Additionally, service animals are welcome for free on Amtrak trains from Philadelphia to Boston.

What stops are along the train from Philadelphia to Boston?

The Amtrak Acela Express and the Amtrak Northeast Regional are the two Amtrak trains serving Philadelphia to Boston. The latter makes more stops than the Acela Express. The stops you’ll make depend on the train line you’ll use. Some of the common stopover stations include Trenton Transit Center, Metropark Station, Newark, Pennsylvania, Rochelle Station, Stamford, Bridgeport, New Haven Union Station, and Old Saybrook.

How much does a train ticket from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl within the week and expect to pay $47 or more one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. $147 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl one-way.

How long is the train ride from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl?

The most time-efficient journey by train from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl currently available is 4h 56m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 1h 24m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Acela is one of the fastest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl?

Train ticket prices from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl are the same no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $147 one-way this week and should remain stable for at least the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl?

There are many trains traveling between Philadelphia and Boston Logan Intl which are Amtrak and Acela. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at $94 round-trip.

How far is Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl by train?

Philadelphia and Boston Logan Intl are 270.0 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train takes 4h 56m, typically.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl?

The carbon footprint of taking the train from Philadelphia to Boston Logan Intl is about 63lb. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 61% vs. flying. Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 39lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Philadelphia to Boston?

At 1h 10m, choosing to opt for a flight from Philadelphia to Boston for this trip versus opting for a train from Philadelphia to Boston or a bus from Philadelphia to Boston can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Philadelphia to Boston?

Taking a flight to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is $33, making it less expensive than a train from Philadelphia to Boston and cheaper than a bus from Philadelphia to Boston.

Amtrak trains from Philadelphia to Boston

Our best Amtrak deals on Philadelphia to Boston train tickets
Aug 10
ZFV1:20 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
6h 03m
ZTO7:23 pmBoston South Station
Aug 15
ZTO8:12 amBoston South Station
6h 04m
ZFV2:16 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jul 19
ZFV12:11 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
9h 36m
ZTO9:47 amBoston South Station
Jul 21
ZTO6:40 pmBoston South Station
5h 51m
ZFV12:31 amPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
Jul 8
ZFV2:15 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station
7h 21m
1 stop
ZTO9:36 pmBoston South Station
Jul 12
ZTO3:15 pmBoston South Station
5h 52m
ZFV9:07 pmPhiladelphia 30th Street Station

Popular train routes to Boston

Most frequently searched train routes to Boston, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Boston from New York
Fastest travel time3h 33m
Cheapest price$40
Trains to Boston from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time6h 33m
Cheapest price$74
Trains to Boston from Baltimore
Fastest travel time5h 59m
Cheapest price$72
Trains to Boston from Rochester
Fastest travel time10h 18m
Cheapest price$98
Trains to Boston from Syracuse
Fastest travel time8h 42m
Cheapest price$76
Trains to Boston from Cleveland
Fastest travel time14h 34m
Cheapest price$90
Trains to Boston from Chicago
Fastest travel time21h 54m
Cheapest price$218
Trains to Boston from Wilmington
Fastest travel time5h 32m
Cheapest price$70
Trains to Boston from Portland
Fastest travel time2h 32m
Cheapest price$50
Trains to Boston from Providence
Fastest travel time0h 36m
Cheapest price$10
Trains to Boston from New Haven
Fastest travel time2h 10m
Cheapest price$30
Trains to Boston from Buffalo
Fastest travel time10h 58m
Cheapest price$165

Other train routes from Philadelphia

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Philadelphia to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Philadelphia to New York
Fastest travel time0h 36m
Cheapest price$20
Trains from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time1h 41m
Cheapest price$20
Trains from Philadelphia to Providence
Fastest travel time4h 20m
Cheapest price$62
Trains from Philadelphia to New Haven
Fastest travel time2h 59m
Cheapest price$44
Trains from Philadelphia to Baltimore
Fastest travel time1h 01m
Cheapest price$11
Trains from Philadelphia to Orlando
Fastest travel time20h 10m
Cheapest price$219
Trains from Philadelphia to Miami
Fastest travel time26h 05m
Cheapest price$242
Trains from Philadelphia to Atlanta
Fastest travel time16h 48m
Cheapest price$242
Trains from Philadelphia to Chicago
Fastest travel time26h 45m
Cheapest price$174
Trains from Philadelphia to Jacksonville
Fastest travel time16h 30m
Cheapest price$337

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