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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for train tickets from Los Angeles to Portland

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With transfers
30h 22m
With transfers
30h 22m
With transfers
29h 49m
With transfers
29h 49m
With transfers
29h 55m
With transfers
29h 49m

Los Angeles to Portland train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Los Angeles to Portland






29h 24m


The best round-trip train deal from Los Angeles to Portland found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $194
The best one-way train deal from Los Angeles to Portland found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $97
Average time it takes to travel by train from Los Angeles to Portland
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Los Angeles Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Los Angeles
Los Angeles ClaremontLos Angeles, 34.094467, -117.71686
Los Angeles La Crescenta Honolulu and Lowell AveLos Angeles, 34.231945, -118.26651
Los Angeles LittlerockLos Angeles, 34.52134, -118.00058
Los Angeles Catalina Express TerminalLos Angeles, 33.74899, -118.274925
Los Angeles ChatsworthLos Angeles, 34.253204, -118.59942
Los Angeles Westwood-UCLA, CaliforniaLos Angeles, 34.06877, -118.44898

Portland Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Portland
Portland Union StationPortland, 45.52899, -122.67667

Book round-trip train tickets from Los Angeles to Portland

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Los Angeles to Portland that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Aug 15
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
Aug 17
1:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
9:11 pmLos Angeles Union
May 7
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
May 15
1:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
9:11 pmLos Angeles Union
Jul 28
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
Jul 31
1:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
9:11 pmLos Angeles Union
May 7
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
May 15
1:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
9:11 pmLos Angeles Union
Aug 15
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
29h 49m
3:40 pmPortland Union Station
Aug 17
2:22 pmPortland Union Station
30h 49m
9:11 pmLos Angeles Union
Aug 15
10:18 amVan Nuys
29h 55m
4:13 pmVancouver
Aug 17
1:10 pmVancouver
31h 26m
8:36 pmVan Nuys

Book one-way train tickets from Los Angeles to Portland

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Los Angeles to Portland we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 17
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
Apr 30
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
4:13 pmVancouver
May 17
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
29h 49m
3:40 pmPortland Union Station
Oct 15
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
29h 49m
3:40 pmPortland Union Station
Aug 2
10:18 amVan Nuys
29h 55m
4:13 pmVancouver
Apr 30
9:51 amLos Angeles Union
29h 49m
3:40 pmPortland Union Station

FAQs for booking trains from Los Angeles to Portland

Do Amtrak trains from Los Angeles to Portland have Wi-Fi?

When traveling on trains from Los Angeles to Portland, you will most likely use Amtrak for your travels. Fortunately for you, all Amtrak trains to Portland from Los Angeles are equipped with Wi-Fi which is free to all passengers regardless of which class you’re traveling in. This means that you don’t have to worry about getting bored during the train ride, which can be very long. The Wi-Fi is good enough to allow comfortable streaming, and you can even watch live events if you like. No one wants to miss the biggest game of the weekend because they were stuck in a train. You can also use the Wi-Fi to work on your laptop as there are a few charging stations on the train. If you’re worried about online security, the Wi-Fi allows VPN traffic, so your online activity is as secure as you like.

Do I need a passport to travel from Los Angeles to Portland by train?

Since the train from Los Angeles to Portland doesn’t cross any international borders, you will not need a passport either at the departure station or arrival station. However, your passport might still come in handy when you’re asked for identification documents since the cabin crew has to confirm that the name on the tickets is the same person boarding the train. Other documents you can use include a driver’s license, military ID, student ID, or official government-issued identification. Children under 18 can travel without identification documents as long as an adult accompanies them. If not, then some form of ID will be required, including a passport, driver's license, or student ID.

What train stations are used when traveling from Los Angeles to Portland?

For Los Angeles to Portland trains, the station used is Los Angeles Union Station. It is the main station serving Los Angeles and its surrounding area, so you can expect a lot of passenger traffic at the station. The station is very near from the center of the city of Los Angeles. To get to the station from the city center, you can either take a short walk through North Main Street, and if that is not ideal, the 33 bus towards Santa Monica offers a great alternative. When you get to Portland, you will be dropped off at Portland Union Station, very near from the city center. This is the main station used by Los Angeles to Portland trains and has a few amazing amenities such as a waiting lounge, ticket office, as well as a few restaurants and retail outlets. To get to the city center, take the MAX Green Line towards PSU.

What luggage is allowed on Los Angeles to Portland trains?

When traveling via train to Portland from Los Angeles, you are allowed two pieces of hand luggage and two additional bags. The hand luggage shouldn’t exceed 25 lbs. nor the parameters of 14 x 11 x 7 inches each, while the additional bags should be under 50 lbs. and 28 x 22 x 14 inches each. If you have any additional bags, an excess baggage fee will be applied for each bag, and you can only have two additional bags. If you are boarding with an infant that is under the age of two, special luggage such as strollers and diaper bags will not count as your allocated free luggage. However, other special items such as bikes and musical instruments will need to be paid for after being checked by the crew at the station so that they can certify the weight and contents.

How much does a train ticket from Los Angeles to Portland cost?

A ticket from Los Angeles to Portland for this week starts from $97 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Los Angeles to Portland?

The fastest journey time from Los Angeles to Portland is 29h 22m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 02m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Look into Amtrak, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between Los Angeles to Portland?

The train offering service from Los Angeles to Portland Amtrak. Amtrak has been found as the cheapest option available at $194 round-trip.

How far is Los Angeles to Portland by train?

Los Angeles and Portland are 824.7 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train usually takes 29h 22m in normal conditions.

Amtrak trains from Los Angeles to Portland

Our best Amtrak deals on Los Angeles to Portland train tickets
Aug 15
AX99:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
VA64:13 pmVancouver
Aug 17
VA61:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
AX99:11 pmLos Angeles Union
Aug 15
AX99:51 amLos Angeles Union
29h 49m
9DX3:40 pmPortland Union Station
Aug 17
9DX2:22 pmPortland Union Station
30h 49m
AX99:11 pmLos Angeles Union
May 13
AX99:51 amLos Angeles Union
30h 22m
VA64:13 pmVancouver
May 15
VA61:10 pmVancouver
32h 01m
AX99:11 pmLos Angeles Union

Popular train routes to Portland

Most frequently searched train routes to Portland, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Portland from Seattle
Fastest travel time3h 25m
Cheapest price$53
Trains to Portland from San Jose
Fastest travel time19h 42m
Cheapest price$248
Trains to Portland from Chicago
Fastest travel time46h 12m
Cheapest price$346

Other train routes from Los Angeles

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Los Angeles to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Los Angeles to San Diego
Fastest travel time2h 37m
Cheapest price$70
Trains from Los Angeles to San Jose
Fastest travel time9h 25m
Cheapest price$106
Trains from Los Angeles to Grand Canyon Village
Fastest travel time10h 19m
Cheapest price$122
Trains from Los Angeles to Chicago
Fastest travel time42h 55m
Cheapest price$290
Trains from Los Angeles to Seattle
Fastest travel time33h 33m
Cheapest price$204
Trains from Los Angeles to Bakersfield
Fastest travel time2h 45m
Cheapest price$22

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