Find trains from Los Angeles to Bakersfield

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Jan 21 — Jan 281
1 adult
Tue 1/21

Los Angeles to Bakersfield train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Los Angeles to Bakersfield


2h 45m
Average time it takes to travel by train from Los Angeles to Bakersfield

Los Angeles Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Los Angeles
Los Angeles La Crescenta Honolulu and Lowell AveLos Angeles, 34.231945, -118.26651
Los Angeles LittlerockLos Angeles, 34.52134, -118.00058
Los Angeles Catalina Express TerminalLos Angeles, 33.74899, -118.274925
Los Angeles ClaremontLos Angeles, 34.094467, -117.71686
Los Angeles Westwood-UCLA, CaliforniaLos Angeles, 34.06877, -118.44898
Los Angeles GlendaleLos Angeles, 34.123707, -118.258865

Bakersfield Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Bakersfield
BakersfieldBakersfield, 35.37214, -119.00821

FAQs for booking trains from Los Angeles to Bakersfield

How long is the train ride from Los Angeles to Bakersfield Meadows Field?

The fastest journey time from Los Angeles to Bakersfield Meadows Field is 2h 45m.

How far is Los Angeles to Bakersfield Meadows Field by train?

The distance between Los Angeles and Bakersfield Meadows Field is about 99.5 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. The train journey is around 2h 45m long.

Other train routes from Los Angeles

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