Find buses from San Jose to Los Angeles

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Apr 28 — May 51
1 adult
Sun 4/28

Best deals for bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
7h 50m
With transfers
12h 15m
With transfers
12h 40m
With transfers
6h 20m
With transfers
7h 00m
With transfers
7h 00m

San Jose to Los Angeles bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from San Jose to Los Angeles

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

6h 48m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles found within the last 3 days start at $76 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $29. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from San Jose to Los Angeles is 6h 48m
Busbud, FlixBus and Greyhound service this route

San Jose Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in San Jose
San Jose Lee SandwichSan Jose, 37.3199, -121.824
San Jose TufesaSan Jose, 37.340946, -121.86255
San Jose TamienSan Jose, 37.31234, -121.8841
San Jose Bus StopSan Jose, 37.33117, -121.88799
San JoseSan Jose, 37.326683, -121.811264
San Jose King & VirginiaSan Jose, 37.3453371174371, -121.84835286109924

Los Angeles Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Westwood AmtrakLos Angeles, 34.068798, -118.449
Los Angeles JerezanosLos Angeles, 34.01934, -118.17609
Los Angeles University of Southern California (curbside)Los Angeles, 34.021564, -118.279366
Los Angeles Harbor FreewayLos Angeles, 33.928726, -118.2818
Los Angeles University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, 34.02333, -118.28349
Los Angeles Autobuses Coordinados UsaLos Angeles, 34.019333, -118.17608

Book round-trip bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 17
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 19
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
8:05 pmSan Jose
May 24
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 26
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
8:05 pmSan Jose
May 24
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 26
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
8:05 pmSan Jose
May 24
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 26
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
8:05 pmSan Jose
May 18
1:45 pmSan Jose Bus Stop
6h 45m
8:30 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 19
11:20 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
6h 35m
5:55 amSan Jose Bus Stop
May 30
8:05 amSan Jose
7h 00m
3:05 pmLos Angeles Station
Jun 3
11:05 pmLos Angeles Station
6h 20m
5:25 amSan Jose

Book one-way bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 2
8:05 amSan Jose
7h 50m
1 stop
3:55 pmGlendale
May 1
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 15m
1 stop
1:10 pmGlendale
May 1
12:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
1 stop
1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 2
8:05 amSan Jose
6h 20m
2:25 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 1
12:55 amSan Jose
7h 00m
7:55 amLos Angeles Union Bus
May 2
8:05 amSan Jose
7h 00m
3:05 pmLos Angeles Union Bus

Choose the best way to get from San Jose to Los Angeles


6h 20m
$29 one-way$76 round-trip
Nonstop · from $76

Distance to downtown

F6B8.4 mi
43lb CO2

88% less than flights

Find Buses

San Jose to Los Angeles Buses


10h 10m
$50 one-way$116 round-trip
Nonstop · from $116

Distance to downtown

VN81.5 mi
69lb CO2

81% less than flights

Find Trains

San Jose to Los Angeles Trains


1h 10m
$59 one-way$91 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1331 stop · from $63

Distance to downtown

LAX9.4 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles

What amenities will you find on buses traveling from San Jose to Los Angeles?

Two primary providers of buses from San Jose to Los Angeles are Tufesa and Greyhound. Some of the amenities that you will find aboard Tufesa buses to Los Angeles from San Jose are things such as power outlets, air conditioning, restrooms, movies onboard the bus, and mobile bus tickets from San Jose to Los Angeles that you can use to board the bus. Some of the amenities that you will find on Greyhound buses include free Wi-Fi, reclining leather seats, no middle seats so you are always riding in an aisle or at a window, onboard restrooms, and overhead storage for your baggage.

Is the bus ride from San Jose to Los Angeles scenic?

Maybe one of the best parts of this bus trip is the number of diverse landscapes you will see during the journey. When you head out of San Jose to the south, you'll be traveling along Highway 101 and through one of the main valleys in central California. As you head to the south, you will go through beautiful seaside communities such as Pismo Beach, Santa Maria, and Santa Barbara. Here you will get quite spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean from the right side of the bus. From the left side of the bus, you'll get incredible views of the Los Padres National Forest. The final part of the journey on San Jose to Los Angeles buses will take you through the winding hills just outside of Malibu and Santa Monica.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from San Jose to Los Angeles?

When traveling on Tufesa buses, each passenger can take one checked piece of luggage and one carry-on bag. If there is space available on board the bus, you may be able to bring a bicycle aboard as well. No other luggage space can be reserved beyond these guidelines. When you travel on Greyhound buses to Los Angeles from San Jose, you can bring one bag on the bus with you and then store up to three other bags underneath the bus. The first bag under the bus is always free while the second and third bags may incur additional charges depending on the ticket you purchased for your trip on buses from San Jose to Los Angeles.

How many buses are there from Los Angeles to San Jose each day?

It should certainly come as no surprise that since both San Jose and Los Angeles are major cities in the state of California, there are plenty of options when it comes to bus routes between these two cities. Daily, you will find around five different buses that make the trip between San Jose and Los Angeles. Some of the buses will make several stops in the Los Angeles area. The first bus of the day departs at around 10:00 a.m. while the final bus of the day is an overnight bus that will depart San Jose at around 11:30 p.m.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from San Jose to Los Angeles?

Depending on which bus provider you choose to utilize for your trip on buses to Los Angeles from San Jose, the departure and arrival stations can be somewhat different. On Tufesa buses, you will depart San Jose from the station in San Jose. When you travel on Greyhound, you will depart from the Greyhound station in San Jose. Greyhound buses from San Jose to Los Angeles will arrive at the Los Angeles Bus Terminal while buses offered by Tufesa will make several stops within Los Angeles, including at Jerezanos, Hunnington Park, Maple Lot, and Maravilla.

How much does a bus ticket from San Jose to Los Angeles cost?

A ticket from San Jose to Los Angeles for this week starts from $29 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from San Jose to Los Angeles?

6h 35m is the fastest available option for travel to Los Angeles from San Jose by bus. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 13m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from San Jose to Los Angeles. Take the FlixBus bus from San Jose and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which bus companies operate between San Jose to Los Angeles?

You can find bus tickets for Busbud, FlixBus, and Greyhound which service this route currently. Busbud is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at $76 round-trip.

How far is San Jose to Los Angeles by bus?

A bus from San Jose to Los Angeles will travel much more than the 302.4 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. Most buses from San Jose going to Los Angeles will get there in around 6h 35m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from San Jose to Los Angeles?

Getting a bus from San Jose to Los Angeles has a carbon footprint of 43lb, on average. The footprint by bus is some 88% smaller than by airplane - a flight from San Jose to Los Angeles has emissions of around 357lb. By train, carbon emissions are around 68lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from San Jose to Los Angeles?

At 1h 08m, choosing to opt for a flight from San Jose to Los Angeles for this trip versus opting for a train from San Jose to Los Angeles or a bus from San Jose to Los Angeles can save you time on travel.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from San Jose to Los Angeles?

Planning to book a bus from San Jose to Los Angeles can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a train are priced higher than the cost of a bus. You can search prices for a flight from San Jose starting at $91 to Los Angeles or a train from San Jose to Los Angeles starting at $116 if that is your preferred method of transportation.

Busbud buses from San Jose to Los Angeles

Our best Busbud deals on San Jose to Los Angeles bus tickets
May 17
JC912:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
F6B1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 19
F6B1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
JC98:05 pmSan Jose
May 24
JC912:55 amSan Jose
12h 40m
F6B1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
May 26
F6B1:35 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
6h 30m
JC98:05 pmSan Jose
May 17
JC912:55 amSan Jose
7h 00m
CQ37:55 amLos Angeles Union Bus
May 19
CQ312:40 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
7h 25m
JC98:05 pmSan Jose

FlixBus buses from San Jose to Los Angeles

Our best FlixBus deals on San Jose to Los Angeles bus tickets
May 18
67R1:45 pmSan Jose Bus Stop
6h 45m
CQ38:30 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 19
CQ311:20 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
6h 35m
67R5:55 amSan Jose Bus Stop
May 25
JC98:05 amSan Jose
7h 00m
UZ23:05 pmLos Angeles Station
May 26
UZ212:40 pmLos Angeles Station
7h 25m
JC98:05 pmSan Jose
May 25
67R9:15 amSan Jose Bus Stop
6h 25m
48T3:40 pmLos Angeles Hilton Garden Inn
May 26
48T8:00 amLos Angeles Hilton Garden Inn
6h 25m
67R2:25 pmSan Jose Bus Stop

More bus options to Los Angeles

Besides San Jose there are other cities with transportation to Los Angeles. See below for more options.
Buses to Los Angeles from San Francisco
Fastest travel time7h 35m
Cheapest price$950
Buses to Los Angeles from Palm Springs
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price$69
Buses to Los Angeles from San Diego
Fastest travel time2h 25m
Cheapest price$415

Other popular bus routes from San Jose

Change your mind about taking a bus to Los Angeles? Below are other buses from San Jose that are popular with momondo users
Buses from San Jose to Fresno
Fastest travel time3h 15m
Cheapest price$517

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