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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Indianapolis to Louisville bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Indianapolis to Louisville

Avg travel time

1h 58m
The average bus ride from Indianapolis to Louisville is 1h 58m

Indianapolis Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Indianapolis
Indianapolis Bp Gas Station 70/91Indianapolis, 39.797092, -86.01003
Indianapolis N Alabama St btwn E Market St and E Wabash StIndianapolis, 39.768665, -86.15267
Indianapolis Bloomington Transit CtrIndianapolis, 39.164387, -86.53549
Indianapolis E Washington St, Delaware St & N Alabama StIndianapolis, 39.76709, -86.15379
Indianapolis Muncie Ball State UniversityIndianapolis, 40.19755, -85.41029
Indianapolis Bloomington 1725 E 3rd StIndianapolis, 39.16429, -86.51293

Louisville Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Louisville
Louisville Bp Gas StationLouisville, 38.201027, -85.68548
Louisville Convention CenterLouisville, 38.25378, -85.75595
Louisville BusLouisville, 38.25153, -85.76344
Louisville Preston HwyLouisville, 38.17256, -85.70983

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Indianapolis to Louisville

When does the first and last bus depart from Indianapolis to Louisville?

For buses from Indianapolis to Louisville, you are going to find around six departures every day of the week. The first departure of the day occurs quite early in the morning. This bus will leave the station in Indianapolis at around 3:30 a.m. before arriving in Louisville at around 5:30 a.m. The final departure of the day for buses to Louisville from Indianapolis occurs right after 10:00 p.m. from Indianapolis and will arrive in Louisville just after midnight at around 12:20 a.m.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Indianapolis to Louisville?

All the buses from Indianapolis to Louisville will depart from the Indianapolis Bus Station, which is located on S. Illinois St. The station sits right at the intersection of Interstate 65 and Interstate 70 and you can get to the station from downtown Indianapolis by car in only around 3min. All of the Indianapolis to Louisville buses will arrive at the Louisville Bus Station that sits on W. Mohammad Ali Blvd., southwest of downtown Louisville. There are several bus routes but make the trip from the bus station to downtown Louisville in around 9min.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Indianapolis to Louisville?

Since there are two different providers that offer buses to Louisville from Indianapolis, the amount of luggage you can bring on the bus will vary somewhat between the providers. When you travel on a bus provided by Greyhound, you can bring a carry-on bag aboard the bus and also store one bag under the bus free of charge. You can also bring another bag to store under the bus and that bag may or may not incur an added fee depending on the bus ticket from Indianapolis to Louisville that you purchase. If you want to bring a third bag to store under the bus, you can do so for a fee. With Miller Transportation, you can bring one bag aboard the bus with you, and then you can also check a second bag for a fee.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Indianapolis to Louisville?

The amenities you will find on buses from Indianapolis to Louisville will depend on the provider that you choose for the trip. When you travel on the buses provided by Greyhound, you can find amenities such as free Wi-Fi, personal power outlets near every seat, leather seats that recline and also offer plenty of legroom, plus there are no middle seats so every passenger will ride near a window or an aisle. You will also find plenty of overhead storage for your carry-on bag plus onboard restrooms. With Miller Transportation, you can enjoy Wi-Fi onboard the bus, power outlets, and restrooms. They also offer what they call “no worry seating,” which ensures every passenger will easily find a seat for the trip.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Indianapolis to Louisville?

Buses to Louisville from Indianapolis offered by Greyhound offer an e-ticket system that allows you to have your ticket on your smart device and then show it to the driver when you are ready to board the bus. If you prefer to use a paper ticket, you can pick that up at the station before your trip. It is important to note that you may not convert an e-ticket to a paper ticket. You must also have photo identification to travel on Greyhound. When you are traveling with Miller Transportation, you are allowed the option of printing your tickets at home and then bringing them with you for your bus journey. If you prefer, you can book “will call tickets,” which you can pick up at the station before your trip on Indianapolis to Louisville buses. As with Greyhound, it is a good idea to bring photo identification with you for your trip with Miller Transportation.

How long is the bus ride from Indianapolis to Louisville Intl?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Indianapolis to Louisville Intl currently available is 1h 55m. Depending on the bus you select, the travel time may vary by up to 0h 03m.

How far is Indianapolis to Louisville Intl by bus?

While Louisville Intl is 107.1 mi from Indianapolis, the distance by bus is longer and depends on the route taken. The bus takes 1h 55m, normally.

More bus options to Louisville

Besides Indianapolis there are other cities with transportation to Louisville. See below for more options.
Buses to Louisville from Chicago
Fastest travel time6h 10m
Cheapest price$90

Other popular bus routes from Indianapolis

Change your mind about taking a bus to Louisville? Below are other buses from Indianapolis that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Indianapolis to Chicago
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$72
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Fastest travel time5h 40m
Cheapest price$107
Buses from Indianapolis to St. Louis
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price$124
Buses from Indianapolis to Toledo
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price$165
Buses from Indianapolis to Albuquerque
Fastest travel time26h 50m
Cheapest price$473
Buses from Indianapolis to Denver
Fastest travel time23h 20m
Cheapest price$421

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