Find trains from Milan to Bologna

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Apr 27 — May 41
1 adult
Sat 4/27

Best deals for train tickets from Milan to Bologna

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With transfers
2h 34m
With transfers
2h 34m
With transfers
2h 20m
With transfers
2h 20m
With transfers
2h 46m
With transfers
2h 20m

Milan to Bologna train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Milan to Bologna






1h 34m


Trenitalia, Train, Italotreno
The best round-trip train deal from Milan to Bologna found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $27
The best one-way train deal from Milan to Bologna found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $10
Average time it takes to travel by train from Milan to Bologna
There are 3 train companies servicing this route: Trenitalia, Train, Italotreno

Milan Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Milan
Milan Alessandria CantalupoMilan, 44.864788, 8.551368
Milan Quarto OggiaroMilan, 45.51914, 9.14533
Milan Como Albate-TrecalloMilan, 45.777393, 9.095762
Milan PiacenzaMilan, 45.052242, 9.706339
Milan Alessandria S. Giuliano PiemonteMilan, 44.89055, 8.760938
Milan Rho Rho FieraMilan, 45.521112, 9.088565

Bologna Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Bologna
Bologna Borgo PanigaleBologna, 44.515007, 11.284735
Bologna CasteldeboleBologna, 44.503786, 11.274533
Bologna San RuffilloBologna, 44.46263, 11.372968
Bologna Ferrara GaibanellaBologna, 44.77807, 11.671336
Bologna BologninaBologna, 44.765133, 11.14448
Bologna CorticellaBologna, 44.551964, 11.354009

Book round-trip train tickets from Milan to Bologna

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Milan to Bologna that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 21
5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jun 24
10:10 pmBologna Centrale
2h 20m
12:30 amMilan Centrale
May 21
5:40 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
8:00 pmBologna Centrale
May 28
9:46 amBologna Centrale
2h 29m
12:15 pmMilan Centrale
Jun 14
5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jun 17
10:46 amBologna Centrale
2h 34m
1:20 pmMilan Centrale
Sep 30
3:05 pmMilan Centrale
2h 45m
5:50 pmBologna Centrale
Oct 4
11:05 amBologna Centrale
2h 35m
1:40 pmMilan Centrale
May 8
5:40 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
8:00 pmBologna Centrale
May 28
9:46 amBologna Centrale
2h 29m
12:15 pmMilan Centrale
Jul 5
5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jul 7
10:10 pmBologna Centrale
2h 20m
12:30 amMilan Centrale

Book one-way train tickets from Milan to Bologna

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Milan to Bologna we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 10
5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
7:44 amBologna Centrale
Aug 12
5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
7:44 amBologna Centrale
May 8
5:40 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
8:00 pmBologna Centrale
May 23
5:40 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
8:00 pmBologna Centrale
Jul 10
9:10 amMilan Porta Garibaldi
2h 46m
11:56 amBologna Centrale
May 20
9:15 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
11:35 pmBologna Centrale

Choose the best way to get from Milan to Bologna


2h 30m
$4 one-way$7 round-trip
Nonstop · from $7

Distance to downtown

3S80.8 mi
23lb CO2

80% less than flights

Find Buses

Milan to Bologna Buses


0h 56m
$10 one-way$27 round-trip
Nonstop · from $271 stop · from $22

Distance to downtown

IBT0.8 mi
36lb CO2

68% less than flights

Find Trains

Milan to Bologna Trains


2h 55m
$131 one-way$258 round-trip
1 stop · from $131

Distance to downtown

BLQ3.8 mi
112lb CO2

Find Flights

Milan to Bologna Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Milan to Bologna

How much does a train ticket from Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi cost?

Using momondo to find train tickets from Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi, our users have found prices starting from $15 one-way for this week.

How long is the train ride from Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi?

1h 04m is the fastest available option to arrive in Bologna Guglielmo Marconi from Milan by train. Depending on the train you select, the travel time may vary by up to 0h 30m. Look into Trenitalia, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi?

Trenitalia, Train, and Italotreno will take you from Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi. Trenitalia has been recently found as the cheapest option from $27 round-trip.

How far is Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi by train?

The distance between Milan and Bologna Guglielmo Marconi is about 124.6 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. The train takes 1h 04m, typically.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi?

Carbon emissions when taking the train out of Milan to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi are around 36lb. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 69% vs. flying. Buses to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi from Milan have a carbon footprint of 22lb on average.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Milan to Bologna?

We’ve found that taking a train from Milan to Bologna with Italotreno is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A flight from Milan to Bologna or a bus from Milan to Bologna can take you longer than a 1h 04m train.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Milan to Bologna?

A bus from Milan to Bologna is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Milan to Bologna starting at $258, or consider a train from Milan to Bologna starting at $27. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Trenitalia trains from Milan to Bologna

Our best Trenitalia deals on Milan to Bologna train tickets
Jun 21
XIK5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
IBT7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jun 24
IBT10:10 pmBologna Centrale
2h 20m
XIK12:30 amMilan Centrale
Jun 14
XIK5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
IBT7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jun 17
IBT10:46 amBologna Centrale
2h 34m
XIK1:20 pmMilan Centrale
Jul 5
XIK5:10 amMilan Centrale
2h 34m
IBT7:44 amBologna Centrale
Jul 7
IBT10:10 pmBologna Centrale
2h 20m
XIK12:30 amMilan Centrale

Train trains from Milan to Bologna

Our best Train deals on Milan to Bologna train tickets
May 3
XIK9:50 pmMilan Centrale
2h 16m
IBT12:06 amBologna Centrale
May 5
IBT11:36 amBologna Centrale
1h 14m
XIK12:50 pmMilan Centrale
May 11
XIK9:15 pmMilan Centrale
2h 20m
IBT11:35 pmBologna Centrale
May 13
IBT5:06 amBologna Centrale
2h 06m
XIK7:12 amMilan Centrale
May 3
IMR6:20 amMilan Rogoredo
1h 04m
IBT7:24 amBologna Centrale
May 5
IBT4:54 pmBologna Centrale
2h 10m
IMR7:04 pmMilan Rogoredo

Other train routes from Milan

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Fastest travel time2h 13m
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Trains from Milan to Verona
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Cheapest price$29
Trains from Milan to Genoa
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Cheapest price$36
Trains from Milan to Turin
Fastest travel time0h 47m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Milan to Geneva
Fastest travel time4h 01m
Cheapest price$98
Trains from Milan to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 41m
Cheapest price$127
Trains from Milan to Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$109

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