Find trains from Memphis to New York

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Oct 27 — Nov 31
1 adult
Sun 10/27

Memphis Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Memphis
MemphisMemphis, 35.132458, -90.05911

New York Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in New York
Syracuse New York - State FairNew York, 43.071922, -76.22947
New York Cherry HillNew York, 39.928947, -75.041824
New York New RochelleNew York, 40.91145, -73.78433
New York Newark Liberty International Train StationNew York, 40.704026, -74.190483
New York Grand Central TerminalNew York, 40.752285, -73.97767
New York Newark Penn StationNew York, 40.734573, -74.164707

FAQs for booking trains from Memphis to New York

How far is Memphis to New York by train?

The straight-line distance from Memphis to New York is 954.4 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken.

Popular train routes to New York

Most frequently searched train routes to New York, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to New York from Boston
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Trains to New York from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time2h 27m
Cheapest price$68
Trains to New York from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time0h 52m
Cheapest price$32
Trains to New York from Montreal
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Trains to New York from Baltimore
Fastest travel time2h 07m
Cheapest price$74
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Cheapest price$128
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Fastest travel time5h 46m
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Trains to New York from Orlando
Fastest travel time21h 22m
Cheapest price$277
Trains to New York from Syracuse
Fastest travel time5h 39m
Cheapest price$110
Trains to New York from Rochester
Fastest travel time7h 05m
Cheapest price$115
Trains to New York from Miami
Fastest travel time27h 08m
Cheapest price$290
Trains to New York from Providence
Fastest travel time3h 01m
Cheapest price$71

Other train routes from Memphis

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Memphis to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Memphis to Chicago
Fastest travel time10h 35m
Cheapest price$180

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