$20/night is the average cost of a hostel in Ao Nang. For weekly and monthly stays in Ao Nang, expect to pay $61/week and $472/month respectively. The cheapest nightly rate in Ao Nang found by momondo was $12.
When staying at a hostel in Ao Nang, momondo users, on average, stay for 4days. The average price for a 4-days stay at a Ao Nang hostel typically costs $81.
Hostels in Ao Nang are, on average, $20/night which is 5% cheaper than 1 star hotels, 52% cheaper than 2 star hotels, and 72% cheaper than 3 star hotels. Based on this data, staying at a hostel would be more ideal than 1 star, 2 star or 3 star accommodations if you’re looking to save some money on your Ao Nang trip.
momondo users who have stayed at hostels in Ao Nang have rated them, on average, a 8.3 out of 10. Hostels are typically rated higher than 1-star (7.6), 2-star (8.1), and 3-star (8.2) hotels in Ao Nang. Those looking for a comfortable stay for cheap in Ao Nang should consider staying at a hostel instead of a 1-star (7.6), 2-star (8.1), or 3-star (8.2) hotel.
The number of operators available for hotels in Ao Nang is 476 as of January 2025.
Prices for hotels in Ao Nang refresh daily.