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Oct 15 — Oct 221
1 adult
Tue 10/15

Munich to Ljubljana bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Munich to Ljubljana

Avg travel time

5h 28m
The average bus ride from Munich to Ljubljana is 5h 28m

Munich Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Munich
Munich NordfriedhofMunich, 48.1737, 11.5978
Munich Bmw WeltMunich, 48.17744, 11.5573
Munich Augsburg SchiesslerstraßeMunich, 48.377853, 10.878274
Munich Augsburg WeiherstraßeMunich, 48.388626, 10.883093
Munich Ingolstadt IngolstadtMunich, 48.76667, 11.43333
Munich Ingolstadt Saturn ArenaMunich, 48.759396, 11.438673

Ljubljana Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Ljubljana
Ljubljana RazstaviščeLjubljana, 46.0617, 14.5078
Ljubljana Barje SeverLjubljana, 46.029358, 14.481392
Ljubljana Dolgi mostLjubljana, 46.03664, 14.462803
Ljubljana Grand Hotel Union BusinessLjubljana, 46.053246, 14.506698

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Munich to Ljubljana

When does the last and first bus depart from Munich to Ljubljana?

Buses from Munich to Ljubljana offer a reliable means of transport for travelers due to their availability throughout the entire day. The first bus leaves Munich to Ljubljana at around 7:00 a.m. and arrives in Ljubljana at around 12:15 p.m. This first is a suitable option for travelers who prefer traveling in the morning. The last bus leaves Munich at around 10:30 p.m. and arrives in Ljubljana at around 3:45 a.m. the following day. This last bus is a good option for those who prefer traveling at night. Most of the time, travelers who use night buses to Ljubljana from Munich pay less than those that travel during the daytime.

What amenities are available on buses traveling from Munich to Ljubljana?

Traveling via Munich to Ljubljana buses gives you a chance to enjoy great amenities onboard. With your smartphone or laptop, you can enjoy unlimited access to the internet, thanks to the free Wi-Fi provided to passengers on these buses. You can stream your favorite music, movies, or news as you travel. Every passenger on the bus has their own power outlet. This will allow you to keep your laptop or phone charged even as you get entertained throughout the journey. All buses from Munich to Ljubljana have extra legroom, which gives passengers greater convenience when traveling. You can conveniently stretch your legs, recline back, and enjoy your ride.

What is the total number of buses traveling from Munich to Ljubljana each day?

On average, six buses from Munich to Ljubljana are available for travelers that want to connect between the two cities. The number of buses per day may vary depending on the day of the week and/or demand. Departure times for these buses are spread throughout the day, offering travelers the option of booking the one that best suits their schedule. By visiting the momondo website, you will be able to check departure times for the different buses. The main company operating buses from Munich to Ljubljana is Flixbus. However, other companies such as Semitimes, Eurolines, and Infobus also serve this route, depending on demand. In most cases, the companies have buses to Ljubljana from Munich during weekends or holidays.

What are the departure stations and arrival stations when traveling from Munich to Ljubljana?

Most buses from Munich to Ljubljana depart from Munich ZOB. You will take about 8min to get to the station from the city by taxi. One of the reasons why traveling from Munich to Ljubljana by bus is exciting is because most of the buses are direct. This is convenient because it eliminates unnecessary delays that could arise in the process of connecting to different stations before arriving at the final destination. Jubljana's Trg Osvobodilne fronte 4 bus station is the main arrival station for buses to Ljubljana from Munich. The station is best reached by taxi, depending on where you’re coming from.

What luggage is acceptable on a bus from Munich to Ljubljana?

Flixbus has a favorable luggage policy for travelers from Munich to Ljubljana, making buses a preferable means of transport among travelers. Passengers can board their buses with a suitcase and handbag at no extra cost. The buses have overhead luggage storage sections, which accommodate carry-on baggage. However, the permissible weight of carry-on baggage is no more than 25 lbs. Apart from carry-on baggage, there is also a provision of under-the-bus baggage, in which you can have luggage of up to 50 lbs. Travelers can have up to three pieces of luggage with under-the-bus baggage provisions. Therefore, booking bus tickets from Munich to Ljubljana comes with the benefit of being able to travel with more luggage.

How long is the bus ride from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Ljubljana Joze Pucnik?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Ljubljana Joze Pucnik currently available is 5h 10m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 18m, depending on whether your bus has stops or different departure times.

How far is Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Ljubljana Joze Pucnik by bus?

The distance between Munich Franz Josef Strauss and Ljubljana Joze Pucnik is about 199.0 mi in a straight line. The bus takes 5h 10m, normally.

More bus options to Ljubljana

Besides Munich there are other cities with transportation to Ljubljana. See below for more options.
Buses to Ljubljana from Barcelona
Fastest travel time21h 00m
Cheapest price$167
Buses to Ljubljana from Salzburg
Fastest travel time3h 30m
Cheapest price$706

Other popular bus routes from Munich

Change your mind about taking a bus to Ljubljana? Below are other buses from Munich that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Munich to Zurich
Fastest travel time5h 00m
Cheapest price$905
Buses from Munich to Prague
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$56
Buses from Munich to Karlsruhe
Fastest travel time3h 45m
Cheapest price$110
Buses from Munich to Innsbruck
Fastest travel time2h 20m
Cheapest price$709

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