
Find buses from Munich to Zurich

Search for cheap bus tickets from Munich to Zurich and book your trip in minutes.

May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for bus tickets from Munich to Zurich

Find the right bus ticket for you
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
4h 30m
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
4h 50m
With transfers
4h 50m
With transfers
3h 50m
With transfers
5h 10m
With transfers
4h 50m

Munich to Zurich bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Munich to Zurich

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

5h 00m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Munich to Zurich found within the last 3 days start at $33 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $12. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Munich to Zurich is 5h 00m
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni and STUDENT AGENCY service this route

Munich Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Munich
Munich NordfriedhofMunich, 48.1737, 11.5978
Munich Bmw WeltMunich, 48.17744, 11.5573
Munich Augsburg SchiesslerstraßeMunich, 48.377853, 10.878274
Munich Augsburg WeiherstraßeMunich, 48.388626, 10.883093
Munich Ingolstadt IngolstadtMunich, 48.76667, 11.43333
Munich Ingolstadt Saturn ArenaMunich, 48.759396, 11.438673

Zurich Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Zurich
Zurich Bus StationZurich, 47.3809, 8.53744
Zurich Wangen, FlugsicherungsstrasseZurich, 47.408215, 8.637652
Zurich Bern Schützenmatt P+RZurich, 46.952274, 7.441596
Zurich Lucerne WestZurich, 47.110577, 8.233748
Zurich Saint Gallen Bruggen, Erlachstr.Zurich, 47.412006, 9.336058
Zurich Saint Gallen SpisertorZurich, 47.424526, 9.37974

Book round-trip bus tickets from Munich to Zurich

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Munich to Zurich that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni
May 25
6:30 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 30m
11:00 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 2
7:00 amZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
10:50 amMunich Hackerbrücke
Jun 14
4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
8:35 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 16
8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 24
4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
8:35 amZurich Bus Station
May 26
8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 1
4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
8:35 amZurich Bus Station
May 4
8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke
May 1
1:20 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 50m
6:10 pmZurich
May 4
11:50 amZurich
4h 50m
4:40 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
May 3
4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
8:35 amZurich Bus Station
May 5
8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke

Book one-way bus tickets from Munich to Zurich

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Munich to Zurich we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Union Ivkoni
Jun 8
6:30 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 30m
11:00 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 7
10:20 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 50m
3:10 pmZurich Bus Station
Jun 10
6:20 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 50m
11:10 pmZurich Bus Station
May 1
4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
8:35 amZurich Bus Station
May 13
1:20 pmMunich Hackerbrücke
5h 10m
6:30 pmZurich Bus Station
May 21
8:20 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 50m
1:10 pmZurich Bus Station

Choose the best way to get from Munich to Zurich


3h 50m
$12 one-way$33 round-trip
Nonstop · from $33

Distance to downtown

32O0.7 mi
25lb CO2

79% less than flights

Find Buses

Munich to Zurich Buses


3h 33m
$48 one-way$106 round-trip
1 stop · from $114

Distance to downtown

ZLP0.5 mi
39lb CO2

67% less than flights

Find Trains

Munich to Zurich Trains


0h 50m
$95 one-way$213 round-trip
Nonstop · from $2131 stop · from $247

Distance to downtown

ZRH5.9 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Munich to Zurich

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Munich to Zurich?

Luggage allowances for buses from Munich to Zurich allow you to have one carry-on bag and one main bag. The carry-on bag must be stowed under your seat or in the overhead storage area. Other items like umbrellas and canes can also come on board. There are weight limits, and you can get these when booking your ticket. A bus to Zurich from Munich also allows bikes and other sports equipment on the bus.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Munich to Zurich?

For Munich to Zurich buses, USB and electrical outlets for charging your devices before your train are at each seat. Fully adjustable seats fully recline to make your trip comfortable. There is ample leg room in the carriage, and reading lights allow you to see your books or magazines in the dark. Onboard bathrooms offer convenience, especially for long trips. The bus is cooled and heated by central air.

When does the first and last bus depart from Munich?

You can also catch a bus to Zurich from Munich on your way back, but the first bus departs Munich around 7:30 a.m. and the last bus around 4:35 p.m. For your return trip to Munich, you’ll find the first buses departing around 3:00 a.m. and the last bus around 11:45 p.m. These times change depending on the day, so check the momondo app for travel times. The main bus provider is FlixBus, and you will find at least four buses per day. The travel time for this route is approximately 5h, and you’ll get to your destination city quickly with direct buses. After you book bus tickets from Munich to Zurich, be certain to arrive at the station at least an hour in advance of your bus departure.

Is the bus ride from Munich to Zurich scenic?

After you arrive on your bus to Zurich from Munich, for your continued travel know that travel from Munich has many scenic wonders to view. The stellar bus companies Regiojet and FlixBus offer exclusive service on this route to Zurich and to other locations, and they are known both for their efficient service and stylish coaches. With the wide, tinted windows from front to back, you’ll see everything as you make your way to Zurich. You’ll pass over many bridges with steep cliffs, and the Rhine River is always a sight to see. The bus goes through small, quaint villages like the medieval Old Town of Limmatquai and others. You’ll see the beautiful Swiss Alps as they border other countries on your way to Zurich. Lake Como is on the way, as well as the Innsbruck area. There are endless pastures, towering peaks, and post-card-perfect forests. No matter where your seat is you’ll always have a view.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Munich to Zurich?

For buses from Munich to Zurich, you will need certain documents to ride the bus to Zurich. You should have a copy of your ticket or confirmation number, and this can be a digital copy or paper printed. Know that if you lose your ticket, you’ll be required to purchase another one. Along with the ticket, you must show a valid driver’s license that matches the name on the ticket. A second form of identification is a good idea, and this includes a passport or government ID. Federal laws mandate random ticket checks during your bus trip, so have all your documents handy. If you plan on crossing a border on your trip, be sure to have your passport with you and a second form of ID.

How much does a bus ticket from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich cost?

Search for bus tickets from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich for this week, starting at $19 one-way. At $23 on average, one-way bus tickets from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich are best booked early to save more on your trip.

How long is the bus ride from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

5h 00m is the fastest available option for travel to Zurich from Munich Franz Josef Strauss by bus. Take the Regiojet bus from Munich Franz Josef Strauss and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

The cost of booking a bus from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich is around $23 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

Some of the buses offering service from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich include FlixBus, Union Ivkoni, and STUDENT AGENCY. FlixBus, Union Ivkoni has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at $33 round-trip.

How far is Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich by bus?

There’s 150.2 mi from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. In terms of time, 5h 00m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich?

The carbon footprint of buses from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Zurich will generally run up to around 24lb. This is 80% less in comparison to flying, which has a footprint of around 118lb for this trip. Trains to Zurich from Munich Franz Josef Strauss have a footprint in the region of 39lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Munich to Zurich?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Munich to Zurich, doing so can potentially save up to 3h 41m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Munich to Zurich or a bus from Munich to Zurich may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Munich to Zurich?

A bus from Munich to Zurich from $33 can save you up to 84% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Munich to Zurich or a train from Munich to Zurich.

FlixBus, Union Ivkoni buses from Munich to Zurich

Our best FlixBus, Union Ivkoni deals on Munich to Zurich bus tickets
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni
May 25
R0O6:30 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 30m
32O11:00 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 2
32O7:00 amZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
R0O10:50 amMunich Hackerbrücke
FlixBus, Union Ivkoni
May 25
R0O6:30 amMunich Hackerbrücke
4h 30m
32O11:00 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 1
32O3:25 amZurich Bus Station
5h 20m
R0O8:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke

STUDENT AGENCY buses from Munich to Zurich

Our best STUDENT AGENCY deals on Munich to Zurich bus tickets
Jun 14
R0O4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
32O8:35 amZurich Bus Station
Jun 16
32O8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
R0O12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke
Jul 19
R0O4:45 amMunich Hackerbrücke
3h 50m
32O8:35 amZurich Bus Station
Jul 21
32O8:50 pmZurich Bus Station
3h 50m
R0O12:40 amMunich Hackerbrücke

More bus options to Zurich

Besides Munich there are other cities with transportation to Zurich. See below for more options.
Buses to Zurich from Friedrichshafen
Fastest travel time2h 15m
Cheapest price$2,546

Other popular bus routes from Munich

Change your mind about taking a bus to Zurich? Below are other buses from Munich that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Munich to Ljubljana
Fastest travel time5h 10m
Cheapest price$101
Buses from Munich to Karlsruhe
Fastest travel time3h 45m
Cheapest price$110
Buses from Munich to Prague
Fastest travel time5h 15m
Cheapest price$36
Buses from Munich to Innsbruck
Fastest travel time2h 20m
Cheapest price$709
Buses from Munich to Verona
Fastest travel time6h 00m
Cheapest price$95

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