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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego

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With transfers
3h 00m
With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 55m
With transfers
3h 10m
With transfers
3h 45m

Los Angeles to San Diego bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Los Angeles to San Diego

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

2h 56m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego found within the last 3 days start at $41 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $20. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Los Angeles to San Diego is 2h 56m
FlixBus and Busbud service this route

Los Angeles Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Westwood AmtrakLos Angeles, 34.068798, -118.449
Los Angeles JerezanosLos Angeles, 34.01934, -118.17609
Los Angeles University of Southern California (curbside)Los Angeles, 34.021564, -118.279366
Los Angeles Harbor FreewayLos Angeles, 33.928726, -118.2818
Los Angeles University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, 34.02333, -118.28349
Los Angeles Autobuses Coordinados UsaLos Angeles, 34.019333, -118.17608

San Diego Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in San Diego
San Diego Balboa ParkSan Diego, 32.72839, -117.152374
San Diego Seaport VillageSan Diego, 32.711334, -117.1703
San Diego Downtown Holiday InnSan Diego, 32.722347, -117.163414
San Diego Sheraton Mission ValleySan Diego, 32.765167, -117.150505
San Diego Seaworld (mission Bay)San Diego, 32.76392, -117.229454
San Diego Westfield Mission ValleySan Diego, 32.769695, -117.14586

Book round-trip bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 9
12:15 pmLos Angeles Station
2h 35m
2:50 pmSan Diego Old Town
May 12
5:35 amSan Diego Old Town
2h 30m
8:05 amLos Angeles Station
May 10
6:00 amLos Angeles Station
2h 35m
8:35 amSan Diego Old Town
May 12
5:35 amSan Diego Old Town
2h 30m
8:05 amLos Angeles Station
May 9
12:15 pmLos Angeles Station
2h 35m
2:50 pmSan Diego Old Town
May 12
5:35 amSan Diego Old Town
2h 30m
8:05 amLos Angeles Station
May 9
4:15 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
3h 20m
7:35 pmSan Diego Seaport Village
May 12
10:05 amSan Diego Seaport Village
2h 55m
1:00 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 9
4:15 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
3h 20m
7:35 pmSan Diego Seaport Village
May 12
10:05 amSan Diego Seaport Village
2h 55m
1:00 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 9
1:30 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
2h 35m
4:05 pmSan Diego La Jolla
May 12
12:45 pmSan Diego La Jolla
2h 15m
3:00 pmLos Angeles Union Bus

Book one-way bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 8
6:00 pmLos Angeles Station
3h 00m
9:00 pmSan Diego La Jolla
May 8
1:30 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
2h 35m
4:05 pmSan Diego La Jolla
May 8
12:15 pmLos Angeles Station
2h 35m
2:50 pmSan Diego Old Town
May 8
1:30 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
2h 55m
4:25 pmSan Diego Old Town
May 8
5:45 amLos Angeles Union Bus
3h 10m
8:55 amSan Diego Seaport Village
May 8
5:10 amLos Angeles Westwood-UCLA, California
3h 45m
8:55 amSan Diego Seaport Village

Choose the best way to get from Los Angeles to San Diego


2h 10m
$20 one-way$41 round-trip
Nonstop · from $41

Distance to downtown

OL73.7 mi
18lb CO2

91% less than flights

Find Buses

Los Angeles to San Diego Buses


2h 38m
$35 one-way$70 round-trip
Nonstop · from $70

Distance to downtown

OL73.7 mi
28lb CO2

86% less than flights

Find Trains

Los Angeles to San Diego Trains


0h 50m
$42 one-way$68 round-trip
1 stop · from $54

Distance to downtown

SAN2.6 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego

How many buses are there from Los Angeles to San Diego?

At least 42 buses are traveling from Los Angeles to San Diego, giving you a variety of buses to choose from at different times of the day. The buses are scheduled to leave at estimated 30-minute intervals. You can use four buses when traveling to San Diego from Los Angeles. They include FlixBus US, Greyhound, Tufesa Plus, and Tufesa Internacional. Greyhound and FlixBus US are the most frequent bus providers as they provide more than 20 buses in a day on the route. Their tickets are also cheaper compared to Tufesa buses. The ticket prices also vary depending on the occasion and time of travel. If you travel at night, chances are that you will pay less than day travels. Also, with the help of momondo booking company, you can get notifications on discount offers for cheaper travel.

What do I need before boarding the bus from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Before you board your bus, ensure you have your ticket with you. If you are using your phone to book a mobile ticket, then ensure you have your digital ticket downloaded on your phone. It is also essential that the name on your identification card matches the name of your ticket because you can't travel with someone else's ticket. Suppose you are in the US as a foreigner; you must carry your passport everywhere you go. When traveling for long distances, be sure to bring a snack with you and a water bottle. Sometimes water may be costly; you will also help conserve the environment by reusing your bottle. To keep entertained, you can download a movie or watch your favorite show on board; remember to have your headphones plugged into your device. Finally, you can carry a travel neck pillow for extra comfort for your journey.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Your departure bus station is the Decatur Station. It is located near the Decatur Main Library. You can pass through the streets on foot for three or four minutes to arrive at Decatur Station. Other landmarks close to the station are Emory-Cliff, Decatur Historic Courthouse, and Devry University. The station is equipped with modern facilities such as a comfortable waiting lounge. You may also have a meal or drink while waiting for your departure time. Also, you can visit the restrooms and freshen up. The journey will take you at least three hours to your destination. You will arrive at the San-Diego bus station. You can take a taxi to the city center which will take around 3 minutes. You can also decide to have a 10-minute walk if you have no luggage. The bus station has cafes and restaurants where you can take a meal before heading on your next journey. You can also use the modern bathrooms in the station after the long journey.

What luggage can I bring from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Buses allow a maximum of two pieces of luggage. Each provider has specifications on the sizes of bags they can carry onboard. However, huge suitcases beyond 62 inches are not allowed on most buses. If you are wondering if you can bring your bicycle, you will be happy to know that you can. Bus providers require you to secure your bike well, probably in a container and pay for it as oversized luggage. You may also inquire with the bus provider about packing your bicycle. It's crucial to always pack only what you need for your trip to avoid getting stranded with extra luggage.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Los Angeles to San Diego buses have free Wi-Fi to help you travel and stay connected with family. However, don't expect to download a video with the Wi-Fi; download your movie before getting onboard. If you are worried that your phone or laptop might go off, don't worry, there are power outlets on the bus to help you. The Greyhound bus is one of the most comfortable buses you can use for your travel. It has no middle seats. The chairs can recline to a significant angle allowing you to rest. Some Greyhound buses have restrooms onboard.

How much does a bus ticket from Los Angeles to San Diego cost?

See available tickets from Los Angeles to San Diego for this week that start at $20 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Los Angeles to San Diego?

The quickest bus available from Los Angeles will take 2h 25m to arrive in San Diego. Travel time typically varies by up to 0h 31m, depending on your bus details. Check FlixBus if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which bus companies operate between Los Angeles to San Diego?

FlixBus and Busbud will take you from Los Angeles to San Diego. FlixBus has been recently found as the cheapest option from $41 round-trip.

How far is Los Angeles to San Diego by bus?

There’s 114.0 mi from Los Angeles to San Diego. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. The bus takes 2h 25m, normally.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Going from Los Angeles to San Diego by bus will have a carbon footprint of 17lb, approximately. This is around 92% less than taking a plane (210lb). Trains to San Diego from Los Angeles have a footprint in the region of 28lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Los Angeles to San Diego?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Los Angeles to San Diego with Delta is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Los Angeles to San Diego or a bus from Los Angeles to San Diego can take you longer than a 0h 52m flight.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Los Angeles to San Diego?

Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is $41, making it less expensive than a flight from Los Angeles to San Diego and cheaper than a train from Los Angeles to San Diego.

FlixBus buses from Los Angeles to San Diego

Our best FlixBus deals on Los Angeles to San Diego bus tickets
May 9
UZ212:15 pmLos Angeles Station
2h 35m
OL72:50 pmSan Diego Old Town
May 12
OL75:35 amSan Diego Old Town
2h 30m
UZ28:05 amLos Angeles Station
May 9
CQ34:15 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
3h 20m
4S37:35 pmSan Diego Seaport Village
May 12
4S310:05 amSan Diego Seaport Village
2h 55m
CQ31:00 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 10
CQ35:45 amLos Angeles Union Bus
2h 50m
OL78:35 amSan Diego Old Town
May 12
OL710:25 amSan Diego Old Town
2h 35m
CQ31:00 pmLos Angeles Union Bus

Greyhound buses from Los Angeles to San Diego

Our best Greyhound deals on Los Angeles to San Diego bus tickets
May 17
CQ36:35 amLos Angeles Union Bus
3h 20m
D809:55 amSan Diego Bus
May 17
D802:00 pmSan Diego Bus
3h 10m
CQ35:10 pmLos Angeles Union Bus
May 17
F6B7:05 amLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station
4h 10m
1 stop
D8011:15 amSan Diego Bus
May 17
D802:00 pmSan Diego Bus
5h 50m
1 stop
F6B7:50 pmLos Angeles North Hollywood Bus Station

Other popular bus routes from Los Angeles

Change your mind about taking a bus to San Diego? Below are other buses from Los Angeles that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Los Angeles to San Francisco
Fastest travel time7h 40m
Cheapest price$394
Buses from Los Angeles to Palm Springs
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price$69
Buses from Los Angeles to San Jose
Fastest travel time6h 45m
Cheapest price$110

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