Find buses from Leipzig to Dresden

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Oct 13 — Oct 201
1 adult
Sun 10/13

Leipzig to Dresden bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Leipzig to Dresden

Avg travel time

1h 35m
The average bus ride from Leipzig to Dresden is 1h 35m

Leipzig Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Leipzig
Leipzig Messe BusbahnhofLeipzig, 51.3969, 12.3962
Leipzig BelantisLeipzig, 51.2504, 12.314438
Leipzig Jena RingwieseLeipzig, 50.906456, 11.576905
Leipzig Jena Amsterdamer StraßeLeipzig, 50.87742, 11.618946
Leipzig Gera Gera (university of cooperative education)Leipzig, 50.90338, 12.071655
Leipzig Halle Berliner BrückeLeipzig, 51.488197, 11.994238

Dresden Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Dresden
Dresden RiegelplatzDresden, 51.083748, 13.68691
Dresden Chemnitz Chemnitz-CenterDresden, 50.863617, 12.866867
Dresden Chemnitz Carl-Hamel-StrDresden, 50.81422, 12.885709
Dresden AmmonstrasseDresden, 51.043842, 13.725956
Dresden AltmarktDresden, 51.04964, 13.737958
Dresden ReitbahnstraßeDresden, 51.0468, 13.732243

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Leipzig to Dresden

How long is the bus ride from Leipzig/Halle to Dresden Arpt?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 1h 35m bus from Leipzig/Halle to Dresden Arpt.

How far is Leipzig/Halle to Dresden Arpt by bus?

The distance between Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Arpt is about 62.3 mi in a straight line. The bus takes 1h 35m, normally.

More bus options to Dresden

Besides Leipzig there are other cities with transportation to Dresden. See below for more options.
Buses to Dresden from Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time6h 15m
Cheapest price$49

Other popular bus routes from Leipzig

Change your mind about taking a bus to Dresden? Below are other buses from Leipzig that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Leipzig to Berlin
Fastest travel time1h 20m
Cheapest price$35

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