Find buses from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

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Apr 29 — May 61
1 adult
Mon 4/29

Best deals for bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
3h 50m
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
4h 00m
Union Ivkoni
With transfers
4h 06m
With transfers
3h 40m
With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
3h 45m

Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

3h 31m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport found within the last 3 days start at $20 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $2. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport is 3h 31m
BlaBlaBus, FlixBus and Union Ivkoni service this route

Amsterdam Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Amsterdam
Amsterdam Olympisch StadionAmsterdam, 52.344055, 4.856942
Amsterdam RijksmuseumAmsterdam, 52.359882, 4.883367
Amsterdam HaarlemmermeerstationAmsterdam, 52.349102, 4.8575597
Amsterdam EmmastraatAmsterdam, 52.3533, 4.870457
Amsterdam MuseumpleinAmsterdam, 52.35593, 4.879428
Amsterdam AmstelveensewegAmsterdam, 52.338, 4.8576

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
Brussels Rue de FranceBrussels, 50.835, 4.33263
Brussels HeyselBrussels, 50.89669481500726, 4.335466461053186
Brussels MeiserBrussels, 50.854813, 4.394064
Brussels Ghent PoelBrussels, 51.05434, 3.7174244
Brussels Ghent P+r Gentbrugge ArsenaalBrussels, 51.03234, 3.758397
Brussels Ghent AkkerhageBrussels, 51.019207, 3.735202

Book round-trip bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 23
8:40 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
12:10 amBrussels Midi
May 29
2:48 amBrussels Midi
4h 12m
7:00 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
Jun 13
8:10 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 15m
11:25 pmBrussels Rue de France
Jun 18
2:48 amBrussels Rue de France
4h 12m
7:00 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
May 23
8:10 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 15m
11:25 pmBrussels Midi
May 30
4:20 pmBrussels Midi
3h 35m
7:55 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
May 1
8:40 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
12:10 amBrussels Midi
May 3
4:55 amBrussels Midi
3h 25m
8:20 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
Jun 13
11:00 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
3:06 amBrussels Midi
Jun 16
6:25 amBrussels Midi
3h 40m
10:05 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
Jun 13
8:40 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
12:10 amBrussels Rue de France
Jun 19
12:40 pmBrussels Rue de France
3h 21m
4:01 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk

Book one-way bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 26
3:15 amAmsterdam Centraal
3h 50m
7:05 amBrussels Nord
Union Ivkoni
May 11
10:00 amAmsterdam Prins Hendrikkade
4h 00m
2:00 pmBrussels Nord
May 16
11:00 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
3:06 amBrussels Midi
May 27
8:45 amAmsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
3h 40m
12:25 pmBrussels Heysel
May 27
9:15 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 25m
12:40 amBrussels Bruxelles-National
May 27
8:45 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 45m
12:30 amBrussels Nord

Choose the best way to get from Amsterdam to Brussels


2h 45m
$2 one-way$20 round-trip
Nonstop · from $201 stop · from $22

Distance to downtown

ZYR1.1 mi
2I41.3 mi


1h 35m
$27 one-way$56 round-trip
Nonstop · from $561 stop · from $38

Distance to downtown

ZYR1.1 mi


0h 45m
$89 one-way$203 round-trip
Nonstop · from $2031 stop · from $135

Distance to downtown

BRU6.9 mi
76lb CO2

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Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Flights

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Amsterdam to Brussels?

Every day, buses operated by BlaBlaBus and FlixBus embark on the journey from Amsterdam to Brussels. Both BlaBlaBus and FlixBus are travel companies committed to ensuring their passengers enjoy their journeys. As such, they have both invested in amenities like onboard toilets, air-conditioning systems, strong Wi-Fi, onboard baggage compartments, reclining seats with adequate legroom, and power outlets. As all the BlaBlaBus and FlixBus buses from Amsterdam to Brussels boast of having all the mentioned amenities in good condition, if you choose to travel to Brussels aboard one, you’ll be able to answer nature’s call with ease, stream your favorite shows, sit comfortably, find a spacious compartment to stow your luggage and charge your electronic devices.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Amsterdam to Brussels?

If you’re a foreign citizen, there are a couple of documents you must ensure that you have with you before boarding a bus to Brussels from Amsterdam. Without these documents, you won’t cross the Belgian point of entry. The documents you need include a passport valid for at least months after your arrival date, a document proving you can sustain your stay in the country, and your mobile bus ticket. It’s essential to note that if you intend to stay in the country for over 90 days, you need to have a visa. It’s also essential to note that alternative identifications like health insurance cards, driver’s licenses, and student IDs aren’t accepted.

How many buses are there from Amsterdam to Brussels each day?

Each day, thousands of individuals travel from Amsterdam to Brussels. A good number of these travelers normally prefer traveling from Amsterdam by bus. FlixBus and BlaBlaBus have 18 buses serving this route to cater to this high demand. Of the 18 buses, only three are operated by BlaBlaBus. It’s worth mentioning that even though buses from Amsterdam to Brussels operated by both companies are dependable, you should board one of the buses operated by FlixBus if you’d like to have a quick journey. This is because FlixBus buses to Brussels from Amsterdam are usually faster than BlaBlaBus buses. If you’d like to travel affordably, you should consider traveling on one of the buses by BlaBlaBus, as BlaBlaBus offers cheap bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Amsterdam to Brussels?

You’ll board your bus to Brussels from Amsterdam at either Amsterdam Sloterdijk or Amsterdam Bijlmer. The public transport you use to get to your boarding station will depend on how far you are from it. If you’re a short distance away from your boarding station, you can simply walk. However, if you’re far away from it, you should get a taxi. In Brussels, you’ll depart at either Brussels Zaventem or Brussels Nord. You’ll meet lots of people at either of these stations, as they serve most of the buses to/from Brussels. It’s worth noting that at any of these stations, you’ll have access to a waiting room, accessible public restaurants, food outlets, and retail stores.

When does the first and last bus depart from Amsterdam to Brussels?

The first bus from Amsterdam to Brussels is usually a BlaBlaBus bus. This bus usually commences its journey at around 6:00 a.m. The last Amsterdam to Brussels bus is normally a FlixBus bus. Each day, it departs for Amsterdam at around 5:00 p.m. If you prefer traveling from one to another in the morning, the first bus is the bus for you, while if you’re more of an evening traveler, the last bus is the appropriate bus for you.

How much does a bus ticket from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National cost?

A ticket from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National for this week starts from $8 one-way. This month, the average cost of a bus ticket from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National is $27 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

It takes 3h 20m to get from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National by bus. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the bus you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. BlaBlaBus has the quickest available bus to your destination.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

The cost of a bus from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National is about $27 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.

Which bus companies operate between Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

BlaBlaBus, FlixBus, and Union Ivkoni will take you from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National. BlaBlaBus has been recently found as the cheapest option from $20 round-trip.

How far is Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National by bus?

The straight-line distance from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National is 103.2 mi. The actual distance by bus will change based on the roads and any traffic, closures, roadwork or tolls that may impact the driver’s route. In terms of time, 3h 20m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

16lb is the average footprint of a bus from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National. This makes the emissions by bus about 80% less than flying, which has a footprint of around 76lb for this journey. Doing this journey by train would leave a footprint of about 26lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport, doing so can potentially save up to 2h 00m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport or a bus from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from $20. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport or a train from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

BlaBlaBus buses from Amsterdam to Brussels

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Amsterdam to Brussels bus tickets
May 23
DJK8:40 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
ZYR12:10 amBrussels Midi
May 29
ZYR2:48 amBrussels Midi
4h 12m
DJK7:00 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
May 21
DJK11:00 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
ZYR3:06 amBrussels Midi
May 28
ZYR6:25 amBrussels Midi
3h 40m
DJK10:05 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk
May 1
DJK8:40 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
ZYR12:10 amBrussels Midi
May 2
ZYR1:25 amBrussels Midi
4h 30m
DJK5:55 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk

FlixBus buses from Amsterdam to Brussels

Our best FlixBus deals on Amsterdam to Brussels bus tickets
Jun 13
IV54:45 pmAmsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
3h 25m
6MP8:10 pmBrussels Nord
Jun 19
6MP3:20 pmBrussels Nord
4h 10m
IV57:30 pmAmsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
May 17
DJK3:00 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 00m
6MP6:00 pmBrussels Nord
May 19
6MP5:00 pmBrussels Nord
2h 45m
DJK7:45 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
May 17
DJK9:15 pmAmsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 00m
ZYR1:15 amBrussels Midi
May 18
ZYR1:55 amBrussels Midi
4h 05m
DJK6:00 amAmsterdam Sloterdijk

More bus options to Brussels

Besides Amsterdam there are other cities with transportation to Brussels. See below for more options.
Buses to Brussels from London
Fastest travel time6h 50m
Cheapest price$82
Buses to Brussels from Eindhoven
Fastest travel time1h 50m
Cheapest price$137
Buses to Brussels from Lille
Fastest travel time1h 20m
Cheapest price$77
Buses to Brussels from Dortmund
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$140
Buses to Brussels from Antwerp
Fastest travel time0h 45m
Cheapest price$191

Other popular bus routes from Amsterdam

Change your mind about taking a bus to Brussels? Below are other buses from Amsterdam that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Amsterdam to Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time6h 25m
Cheapest price$664
Buses from Amsterdam to Antwerp
Fastest travel time2h 10m
Cheapest price$418
Buses from Amsterdam to Berlin
Fastest travel time10h 05m
Cheapest price$767
Buses from Amsterdam to Hannover
Fastest travel time5h 10m
Cheapest price$902
Buses from Amsterdam to Lille
Fastest travel time4h 10m
Cheapest price$62
Buses from Amsterdam to Rotterdam
Fastest travel time1h 15m
Cheapest price$95

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