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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for bus tickets to Roanoke

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With transfers
5h 10m
With transfers
5h 10m
With transfers
5h 10m
With transfers
25h 40m
With transfers
35h 55m
With transfers
35h 20m

Roanoke bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Roanoke.

Round-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Roanoke 8040 Plantation Rd

Popular bus line

Bus tickets to Roanoke found within the last 3 days start at $98 round-trip from Washington, D.C.
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Washington, D.C. starts at $49. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Roanoke is Roanoke 8040 Plantation Rd.
Megabus and FlixBus service this route

Roanoke Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Roanoke
Roanoke 8040 Plantation RdRoanoke, 37.358253, -79.957275

Book round-trip bus tickets to Roanoke

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Roanoke that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 19
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 26
1:45 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
5h 00m
6:45 pmWashington, D.C. Union
Apr 25
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 4
1:45 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
5h 00m
6:45 pmWashington, D.C. Union
May 7
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 11
1:45 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
5h 00m
6:45 pmWashington, D.C. Union
May 30
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
Jun 3
1:45 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
5h 00m
6:45 pmWashington, D.C. Union

Book one-way bus tickets to Roanoke

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Roanoke we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 9
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 8
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 8
12:50 pmWashington, D.C. Union
5h 10m
6:00 pmSalem Exit 140 (Park and Ride)
May 22
10:10 amOrlando Bus
25h 40m
11:50 amRoanoke
May 22
11:55 pmHollywood Sheridan Street Rail Station - 2900 Sheridan St
35h 55m
11:50 amRoanoke
May 21
12:30 amFort Lauderdale Bus
35h 20m
11:50 amRoanoke

FAQs for booking bus tickets to Roanoke

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Roanoke?

Buses from Roanoke permit you to bring personal items and carry-on items. You will be required to tag each of your items with your name and address outside of all your bags. Buses have limits on the amount and size of luggage one can carry. Thus, excess luggage is applicable to a fee. Moreover, infant items such as strollers are allowed. Most buses from Roanoke are wheelchair accessible and are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Buses have storage spaces which are under the bus floor or on overhead compartments. Assistance animals such as guide dogs are permitted and other animals should be in a carrier. Items which have been misplaced can be found at the administration centers and you will be required to provide proof of ownership to access them.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Roanoke?

To ride the bus from Roanoke, you must have a valid identification card and a bus pass. Because bus operators do not carry cash to make change, you must pay in exact change to purchase cheap bus tickets. You must purchase a new bus ticket if you desire to change your destination after purchasing a bus ticket because tickets cannot be changed. After that, you’ll show both tickets to administration for a full refund. You may quickly purchase low-cost bus tickets online, get mobile boarding permits, and follow the bus’s projected arrival time in real time. To access buses from Roanoke book through momondo. Moreover, if you want assistance in using bus services, please contact an authorized staff at the nearest bus station.

What amenities are offered on buses from Roanoke?

Roanoke buses come equipped with free Wi-Fi and luxurious reclining seats. The seats are well spaced, with plenty of legroom. They are tall and wide enough to support the spine. This guarantees that you are comfortable and at a relaxed sitting posture. The windows have adjustable curtains that control the amount of light that enters the room. The aisle is broad enough for people to go around in, and it is grainy to prevent slipping. Insulated power outlets and charging connections are available at each seat. They ensure that electrical gadgets have a consistent supply of electricity. Buses also feature litter bins, which help to keep the surroundings clean.

What are the benefits of taking a bus from Roanoke?

Buses from Roanoke use accessible roads that are widely connected to the bus station. This ensures that there is minimum traffic and constant movement of people through buses from Roanoke via several routes. There are many transport service providers who are highly reliable. They also provide cheap bus prices and buses to various destinations from Roanoke. Moreover, cheap buses from Roanoke are available at any given time. The environment is clean and well maintained which has attracted several businesses around bus stations from Roanoke. This led to establishment of several businesses. Therefore, you can easily access other services such as hotels and late-night pharmacies. There are streetlights and security cameras at several locations in Roanoke which enhance security. To easily access cheap buses from Roanoke, you can book through momondo.

Do bus stations in Roanoke offer any amenities?

You may browse shopping outlets and purchase a range of products at a Roanoke bus station. Additionally, adjacent cafes and hotels that provide lodging services are available. The hotels are well furnished, and the restaurants offer a diverse menu. In Roanoke, bus terminals offer washrooms that are open to the public. They are well-kept and contain clean water at all times. However, Roanoke's bus stops are handicapped accessible and include waiting areas. Near bus stops, there are often entertainment areas such as theatres. Everyone has access to a wireless internet connection, which allows them to surf the web for free. There are secure parking sites where you can pay a fee. To access cheap buses from Roanoke, book through momondo.

How much is a bus ticket to Roanoke?

Bus tickets from Lynchburg to Roanoke usually start from about $350, while you can find tickets from Albany to Roanoke from around $181. Generally, prices will be determined by your location. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Roanoke.

What is the main bus station in Roanoke?

The main station in Roanoke is Roanoke 8040 Plantation Rd. At Roanoke 8040 Plantation Rd, you can find a number of buses offering service to other major cities. Two common major cities you can get to by bus from Roanoke 8040 Plantation Rd are Albany, and Lynchburg.

What bus companies go to Roanoke?

Travelers going to Roanoke usually compare options from Megabus, and FlixBus on our website, as they tend to be very common options to Roanoke. You can use our search form to find great options to Roanoke.

How far in advance should I book a bus to Roanoke?

For $49 one-way on average, you can catch a bus ride to Roanoke. For the next 3 months, we predict the price of tickets to Roanoke to remain steady. Seats may fill unexpectedly, so book when you can to secure your seat.

Popular bus routes to Roanoke

Most frequently searched bus routes to Roanoke, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Buses to Roanoke from Lynchburg
Fastest travel time1h 05m
Cheapest price$350

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