
Find trains from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

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avr. 30 — mai 71
1 adult
mar. 4/30

Best deals for train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

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With transfers
9h 10m
With transfers
9h 10m
With transfers
9h 10m
With transfers
9h 10m
With transfers
9h 10m
With transfers
9h 10m

Santa Barbara to San Francisco train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Santa Barbara to San Francisco






The best round-trip train deal from Santa Barbara to San Francisco found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $108
The best one-way train deal from Santa Barbara to San Francisco found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $46
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Santa Barbara Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara Lompoc SurfSanta Barbara, 34.682705, -120.605

San Francisco Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in San Francisco
San Francisco Santa Rosa 917 Edwards AveSan Francisco, 38.45544, -122.72818
San Francisco Ferry BuildingSan Francisco, 37.79545, -122.39365
San Francisco CaltrainSan Francisco, 37.776627, -122.3946

Book round-trip train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 8
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 12
8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
6:12 pmSanta Barbara
May 2
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 4
8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
6:12 pmSanta Barbara
May 16
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 21
8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
6:12 pmSanta Barbara
May 16
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 21
8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
6:12 pmSanta Barbara

Book one-way train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 8
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 1
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 10
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
Apr 30
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
Apr 30
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville
May 15
12:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9:31 pmEmeryville

FAQs for booking trains from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

How much does a train ticket from Santa Barbara to San Francisco cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco starting at $46 one-way. This month, the average cost of a train ticket from Santa Barbara to San Francisco is $58 one-way.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Santa Barbara to San Francisco?

Currently, train tickets prices from Santa Barbara to San Francisco are generally similar no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $58 one-way on average.

Which train companies operate between Santa Barbara to San Francisco?

There is a train traveling between Santa Barbara and San Francisco which is Amtrak and currently our only available option.. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at $108 round-trip.

How far is Santa Barbara to San Francisco by train?

While San Francisco is 277.4 mi away from Santa Barbara, the distance by train is longer depending on the route.

Amtrak trains from Santa Barbara to San Francisco

Our best Amtrak deals on Santa Barbara to San Francisco train tickets
May 8
OR412:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9MY9:31 pmEmeryville
May 12
9MY8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
OR46:12 pmSanta Barbara
May 2
OR412:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9MY9:31 pmEmeryville
May 4
9MY8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
OR46:12 pmSanta Barbara
May 16
OR412:21 pmSanta Barbara
9h 10m
9MY9:31 pmEmeryville
May 21
9MY8:39 amEmeryville
9h 33m
OR46:12 pmSanta Barbara

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