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Sep 15 — Sep 221
1 adult
Sun 9/15

San Diego Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in San Diego
San Diego (Sorrento Valley)San Diego, 32.902683, -117.22489
San Diego Old TownSan Diego, 32.755264, -117.20007
San Diego UCSD Health La Jolla StationSan Diego, 32.881756, -117.223694
San Diego Santa Fe DepotSan Diego, 32.716167, -117.16958

San Francisco Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in San Francisco
San Francisco Ferry BuildingSan Francisco, 37.79545, -122.39365
San Francisco CaltrainSan Francisco, 37.776627, -122.3946
San Francisco Santa Rosa 917 Edwards AveSan Francisco, 38.45544, -122.72818

FAQs for booking trains from San Diego to San Francisco

How far is San Diego to San Francisco by train?

The distance between San Diego and San Francisco is about 458.7 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles.

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