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Apr 28 — May 51
1 adult
Sun 4/28

Best deals for train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles

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With transfers
28h 50m
With transfers
28h 50m
With transfers
28h 50m

San Antonio to Los Angeles train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from San Antonio to Los Angeles






28h 50m


The best round-trip train deal from San Antonio to Los Angeles found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $283
The best one-way train deal from San Antonio to Los Angeles found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $155
Average time it takes to travel by train from San Antonio to Los Angeles
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

San Antonio Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in San Antonio
San AntonioSan Antonio, 29.41935, -98.47814

Los Angeles Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Los Angeles
Los Angeles ClaremontLos Angeles, 34.094467, -117.71686
Los Angeles La Crescenta Honolulu and Lowell AveLos Angeles, 34.231945, -118.26651
Los Angeles LittlerockLos Angeles, 34.52134, -118.00058
Los Angeles Catalina Express TerminalLos Angeles, 33.74899, -118.274925
Los Angeles ChatsworthLos Angeles, 34.253204, -118.59942
Los Angeles Westwood-UCLA, CaliforniaLos Angeles, 34.06877, -118.44898

Book round-trip train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 8
2:45 amSan Antonio
28h 50m
5:35 amLos Angeles Union
May 10
10:00 pmLos Angeles Union
29h 00m
5:00 amSan Antonio

Book one-way train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Apr 27
2:45 amSan Antonio
28h 50m
5:35 amLos Angeles Union
May 8
2:45 amSan Antonio
28h 50m
5:35 amLos Angeles Union
May 8
2:45 amSan Antonio
28h 50m
5:35 amLos Angeles Union

FAQs for booking trains from San Antonio to Los Angeles

How much does a train ticket from San Antonio to Los Angeles cost?

Search for train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles for this week, starting at $155 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. $155 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from San Antonio to Los Angeles one-way.

How long is the train ride from San Antonio to Los Angeles?

The fastest journey time from San Antonio to Los Angeles is 28h 50m. Check Amtrak if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

When should I purchase the train tickets from San Antonio to Los Angeles?

Currently, train tickets prices from San Antonio to Los Angeles are generally similar no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $155 one-way on average.

Which train companies operate between San Antonio to Los Angeles?

The train offering service from San Antonio to Los Angeles Amtrak. Amtrak has been found as the cheapest option available at $283 round-trip.

How far is San Antonio to Los Angeles by train?

The straight-line distance from San Antonio to Los Angeles is 1204.8 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. Most trains from San Antonio to Los Angeles will get there in 28h 50m.

Popular train routes to Los Angeles

Most frequently searched train routes to Los Angeles, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Los Angeles from San Diego
Fastest travel time2h 42m
Cheapest price$70
Trains to Los Angeles from Albuquerque
Fastest travel time16h 41m
Cheapest price$138
Trains to Los Angeles from Oakland
Fastest travel time11h 27m
Cheapest price$114
Trains to Los Angeles from Tucson
Fastest travel time10h 00m
Cheapest price$80
Trains to Los Angeles from San Jose
Fastest travel time9h 00m
Cheapest price$108
Trains to Los Angeles from Grand Canyon Village
Fastest travel time11h 22m
Cheapest price$122
Trains to Los Angeles from Chicago
Fastest travel time43h 10m
Cheapest price$290
Trains to Los Angeles from Seattle
Fastest travel time34h 46m
Cheapest price$204
Trains to Los Angeles from Portland
Fastest travel time30h 14m
Cheapest price$212
Trains to Los Angeles from Bakersfield
Fastest travel time2h 25m
Cheapest price$22
Trains to Los Angeles from El Paso
Fastest travel time16h 45m
Cheapest price$189

Other train routes from San Antonio

Find and compare cheap train tickets from San Antonio to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from San Antonio to Dallas
Fastest travel time6h 58m
Cheapest price$40
Trains from San Antonio to El Paso
Fastest travel time11h 40m
Cheapest price$146
Trains from San Antonio to Chicago
Fastest travel time30h 42m
Cheapest price$232
Trains from San Antonio to St. Louis
Fastest travel time24h 24m
Cheapest price$214

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