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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for train tickets from Portland to Seattle

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With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
3h 07m
With transfers
3h 07m
With transfers
3h 07m
With transfers
3h 25m

Portland to Seattle train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Portland to Seattle






3h 27m


The best round-trip train deal from Portland to Seattle found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $54
The best one-way train deal from Portland to Seattle found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $27
Average time it takes to travel by train from Portland to Seattle
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Portland Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Portland
Portland Union StationPortland, 45.52899, -122.67667

Seattle Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Seattle
Seattle Greyhound Bus StationSeattle, 47.592026, -122.32599
Seattle Ferry - Pier 69Seattle, 47.613625, -122.353004
Seattle King Street StationSeattle, 47.598446, -122.33016

Book round-trip train tickets from Portland to Seattle

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Portland to Seattle that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 5
6:45 amPortland Union Station
3h 25m
10:10 amSeattle King Street Station
May 6
5:52 amSeattle King Street Station
3h 25m
9:17 amPortland Union Station
May 5
6:45 amPortland Union Station
3h 25m
10:10 amSeattle King Street Station
May 6
7:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
3h 25m
11:15 pmPortland Union Station
May 17
7:25 pmPortland Union Station
3h 25m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 19
7:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
3h 25m
11:15 pmPortland Union Station
May 15
3:56 pmPortland Union Station
3h 55m
7:51 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 30
7:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
3h 25m
11:15 pmPortland Union Station
May 14
8:20 amPortland Union Station
3h 25m
11:45 amSeattle King Street Station
May 16
5:52 amSeattle King Street Station
3h 25m
9:17 amPortland Union Station
May 9
7:03 amVancouver
3h 07m
10:10 amSeattle King Street Station
May 10
5:52 amSeattle King Street Station
2h 59m
8:51 amVancouver

Book one-way train tickets from Portland to Seattle

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Portland to Seattle we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Apr 30
5:55 pmPortland Union Station
3h 25m
9:20 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 12
7:25 pmPortland Union Station
3h 25m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
Jun 22
7:03 amVancouver
3h 07m
10:10 amSeattle King Street Station
Jul 26
6:13 pmVancouver
3h 07m
9:20 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 4
6:13 pmVancouver
3h 07m
9:20 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 3
6:45 amPortland Union Station
3h 25m
10:10 amSeattle King Street Station

FAQs for booking trains from Portland to Seattle

What train stations are used when traveling from Portland to Seattle?

When traveling on trains from Portland to Seattle, the main departure station is the Portland Union Station (PDX). This train station operates multiple Amtrak routes, including the Coast Starlight and Amtrak Cascades that go to Seattle. Portland Union Station is directly north of the city center of Portland. Nonetheless, due to its proximity to the city, it may be more convenient for passengers to get train tickets out of the Vancouver, WA Train Station. To get from the Vancouver Train Station to the Portland Union Station, there are bus and tram routes. The arrival station in Seattle is the King Street Station (SEA), located in South Downtown Seattle. The station has connections with other Amtrak and city train lines.

Are pets allowed on the train from Portland to Seattle?

Yes, pets are allowed to ride on both of the Amtrak routes operating the trains from Portland to Seattle. These routes are the Amtrak Cascades, running multiple times a day, and the Coast Starlight, running once daily. The pet policy for these Portland to Seattle trains are that small cats are dogs are allowed. Your four-legged friend must travel in a pet carrier that cannot weigh over 20 lbs combined with the weight of the animal. Your pet carrier counts as one of the allowed carry-on items per passenger. The possibility of traveling with your animals is subject to availability, so make sure to book your pet’s spot in advance, since the number of animals per cabin class is limited depending on the type of train you’re traveling on. Passengers can expect to pay a fee to bring their small cat or dog with them.

What luggage is allowed on Portland to Seattle trains?

In general, all Amtrak trains, including the trains to Seattle from Portland, allow at least two small personal items and two carry-on bags per passenger. These carry-on bags can weigh up to 50 lbs each. Any overweight or excessive baggage will require paying a fee. As for checked bags, the allowance depends on the type of Amtrak train route as well as the services offered at both the departure and arrival train stations. In the case of the trains to Seattle from Portland, both the Amtrak Cascades and the Coast Starlight trains allow checked bags on board. In addition, both the Portland Union station and the King Street Station in Seattle have checked baggage services. Therefore, each passenger has up to two checked bags included in their train to Seattle from Portland fare. This checked luggage must weigh 50 lbs or less.

Do Amtrak trains from Portland to Seattle have Wi-Fi?

The Amtrak trains running the routes between Portland and Seattle are the Amtrak Cascades and the Coast Starlight. The Portland to Seattle trains with free Wi-Fi are the routes operated by the Amtrak Cascades. This complimentary Wi-Fi service allows simple web browsing, text messaging, as well as checking emails for those who wish to work and stay connected onboard the Amtrak Cascades. The limited bandwidth of the service does not support any streaming websites or applications, nor the possibility of downloading heavy files. Apart from the free Wi-Fi onboard the Amtrak Cascades, along with the Coast Starlight, both train routes have a café service on board. This Amtrak Café offers a variety of hot and cold beverages along with snacks, for purchase. Passengers booking tickets on the Amtrak Cascades have the choice of traveling either in Business Class or in Coach Class. As for those riding on the Coast Starlight route, apart from Business and Coach class, travelers may also choose cabins with rooms.

How much does a train ticket from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl starting at $27 one-way. At $27 on average, one-way train tickets from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl are best booked early to save more on your trip.

How long is the train ride from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl?

The quickest train available from Portland will take 3h 25m to arrive in Seattle/Tacoma Intl. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 02m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Take the Amtrak train from Portland and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl?

Train ticket prices from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl are the same no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $27 one-way this week and should remain stable for at least the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl?

The train offering service from Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl Amtrak. Amtrak has been found as the cheapest option available at $54 round-trip.

How far is Portland to Seattle/Tacoma Intl by train?

While Seattle/Tacoma Intl is 145.2 mi away from Portland, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train usually takes 3h 25m in normal conditions.

Popular train routes to Seattle

Most frequently searched train routes to Seattle, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Seattle from Spokane
Fastest travel time7h 25m
Cheapest price$42
Trains to Seattle from Los Angeles
Fastest travel time33h 33m
Cheapest price$204
Trains to Seattle from Bellingham
Fastest travel time2h 15m
Cheapest price$38
Trains to Seattle from Chicago
Fastest travel time46h 24m
Cheapest price$238

Other train routes from Portland

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Portland to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Portland to Los Angeles
Fastest travel time30h 14m
Cheapest price$212
Trains from Portland to Spokane
Fastest travel time7h 32m
Cheapest price$82

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