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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for train tickets to Fort Lauderdale

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With transfers
0h 21m
With transfers
0h 21m
With transfers
0h 21m
With transfers
0h 21m
With transfers
0h 21m
With transfers
0h 21m

Fort Lauderdale train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Fort Lauderdale






Fort Lauderdale


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Fort Lauderdale is from Miami, starting at $20. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Fort Lauderdale is from Miami, starting at $7. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Fort Lauderdale is one of the most popular stations in Fort Lauderdale
Brightline and Amtrak also service this route

Fort Lauderdale Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale Brightline StationFort Lauderdale, 26.123447, -80.14611
Fort LauderdaleFort Lauderdale, 26.119469, -80.169872

Book round-trip train tickets to Fort Lauderdale

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Fort Lauderdale that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 7
10:50 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
11:23 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
Jun 8
7:52 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
8:30 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
Apr 24
10:50 pmMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
11:23 pmFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
Apr 27
6:37 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
7:15 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
May 17
2:50 pmMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
3:23 pmFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
May 24
9:42 pmFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
10:20 pmMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
May 19
8:50 pmMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
9:23 pmFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
Jun 2
6:37 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
7:15 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
Jun 20
10:50 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
11:23 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
Jun 23
8:37 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
9:15 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
Jun 22
5:45 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral
0h 33m
6:18 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
Jun 29
8:37 amFort Lauderdale Brightline Station
0h 38m
9:15 amMiami Virgin MiamiCentral

Book one-way train tickets to Fort Lauderdale

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Fort Lauderdale found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 14
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood
Apr 28
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood
Apr 28
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood
May 6
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood
May 26
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood
May 7
8:10 amMiami
0h 21m
8:31 amHollywood

FAQs for booking trains to Fort Lauderdale

How do you get to the center of Fort Lauderdale from the Fort Lauderdale train station?

Train passengers arriving in Fort Lauderdale trains at the Amtrak/Tri-Rail Station can find the downtown area easily. You can walk to the city from the train station, and there is so much to see and do near the station. On the other hand, if you don’t feel like walking, there are multiple bus routes going directly from the train station to downtown Fort Lauderdale. If you walk a short distance from the station, you can catch the Route 10 bus. The bus makes four stops and arrives in the downtown area in a short time. From the same location, you can also take the Route 20 bus, which will get you downtown in about the same amount of time. If you choose to walk, simply go west from the station until you reach the downtown area.

Are there any direct train tickets to Fort Lauderdale?

While there are three or more trains on most days departing from various stations, most are one-stop trains to Fort Lauderdale. Train passengers must change trains during the trip, but this is a quick process. Be sure to bring your checked bags, including your carry-on items, because bags will not be moved for you. Your train will arrive at the Fort Lauderdale Amtrak/Tri-Rail Station. Trains depart in early morning, afternoon, and evening, and trains arrive frequently. After you get your Fort Lauderdale train tickets, you’ll find plenty to explore when you arrive. Don’t forget, trip upgrades are available if you’re seeking a more comfortable trip. Ask the train attendant for all your options. Actual train trip durations may vary depending on the day of travel, holidays, or other factors like train maintenance. For the ultimate in stress-free travel, be sure to get the omio app to check train prices, schedules, and specials.

What forms of identification do I need to travel to Fort Lauderdale by train?

For trains to Fort Lauderdale, passengers must show a valid photo ID, and it’s a good idea to have a second form of identification. These might include a driver’s license, passport, insurance card, or military ID. To purchase tickets, you must be at least 16 years old. Keep in mind that tickets purchased onboard or at the train station will likely include an additional fee that cannot be waived. Due to federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines, tickets will occasionally be checked on the train, so have your photo ID available at all times. A photo ID is also required when you purchase tickets or if you make any changes to your fare, when you’re checking baggage, or when you make purchases with an eVoucher or Transportation Credit. If any train passenger has a medical condition that requires medication, he or she should have the required medical bracelets or documentation. Travelers with a disability must disclose the nature of the disability when booking the trip. Travelers with therapy animals must show proper documentation.

Are there any interesting attractions near the Fort Lauderdale train station?

After booking your trip on Fort Lauderdale trains, there is plenty to do and see when you arrive. Since the arrival station is walkable to the downtown area, many restaurants and shops are all around for your enjoyment. A short distance from the station is a hot spot with plenty of Florida attractions, including the world-renowned Mai-Kai Restaurant & Polynesian Show. Las Olas Boulevard has been called the Rodeo Drive of South Florida. Here you will find galleries, shops, and eating establishments. Another fun way to see the city is the Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi. It will pick you up and drop you off at all the popular spots, and a tour guide will enhance your experience. Also close by is the NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale.

How much is a train ticket to Fort Lauderdale?

The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like Tampa for instance, prices usually start around $68. New York and Jacksonville are other options, with prices usually starting from around $260 and $72 respectively.

What is the main train station in Fort Lauderdale?

Fort Lauderdale is a popular station to arrive at. You’ll find many options from here to get to your destination. Tampa, New York, and Jacksonville are some of the major cities accessible by train from Fort Lauderdale.

What train companies go to Fort Lauderdale?

Some of the options we’ve found for trains to Fort Lauderdale are Brightline and Amtrak. Typically, your options for trains to Fort Lauderdale will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Fort Lauderdale?

For $7 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Fort Lauderdale. The price of a train ticket to Fort Lauderdale remains generally consistent for the next 3 months. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.

How far is the center of Fort Lauderdale from Fort Lauderdale and Fort Lauderdale Brightline Station stations?

It is 3.7 mi to get from Fort Lauderdale station to the center of Fort Lauderdale and 3.6 mi to get from Fort Lauderdale Brightline Station station to the center of Fort Lauderdale.

How far is Fort Lauderdale from Broward County Convention Center, Cruise Line Terminal and Las Olas Beach?

You will need to travel 3.3 mi to get from Fort Lauderdale to Broward County Convention Center, 3.2 mi to get from Fort Lauderdale to Cruise Line Terminal, and 4.1 mi to get from Fort Lauderdale to Las Olas Beach.

Popular train routes to Fort Lauderdale

Most frequently searched train routes to Fort Lauderdale, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Fort Lauderdale from New York
Fastest travel time26h 28m
Cheapest price$260
Trains to Fort Lauderdale from Jacksonville
Fastest travel time8h 17m
Cheapest price$72
Trains to Fort Lauderdale from Orlando
Fastest travel time4h 47m
Cheapest price$69
Trains to Fort Lauderdale from Miami
Fastest travel time0h 33m
Cheapest price$20
Trains to Fort Lauderdale from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time22h 42m
Cheapest price$239

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