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Apr 23 — Apr 301
1 adult
Tue 4/23

Best deals for train tickets from Charlotte to Raleigh

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With transfers
3h 01m
With transfers
3h 00m
With transfers
3h 01m
With transfers
3h 01m
With transfers
2h 51m
With transfers
2h 51m

Charlotte to Raleigh train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Charlotte to Raleigh






The best round-trip train deal from Charlotte to Raleigh found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $52
The best one-way train deal from Charlotte to Raleigh found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $26
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Charlotte Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Charlotte
CharlotteCharlotte, 35.2414, -80.822815

Raleigh Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Raleigh
Raleigh North Carolina - State FairRaleigh, 35.794205, -78.70629
RaleighRaleigh, 35.77492, -78.6459
Raleigh DurhamRaleigh, 35.99724, -78.90713

Book round-trip train tickets from Charlotte to Raleigh

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Charlotte to Raleigh that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 25
2:20 pmCharlotte
3h 00m
5:20 pmCary
May 27
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
Apr 23
6:45 amCharlotte
3h 00m
9:45 amCary
Apr 23
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 18
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary
May 25
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
Apr 26
2:20 pmCharlotte
3h 00m
5:20 pmCary
Apr 28
1:12 pmCary
2h 58m
4:10 pmCharlotte
May 18
6:45 amCharlotte
3h 20m
10:05 amRaleigh
May 25
5:30 pmRaleigh
3h 26m
8:56 pmCharlotte
Apr 26
2:20 pmCharlotte
3h 16m
5:36 pmRaleigh
Apr 28
5:30 pmRaleigh
3h 26m
8:56 pmCharlotte

Book one-way train tickets from Charlotte to Raleigh

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Charlotte to Raleigh we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Apr 24
10:25 amCharlotte
3h 01m
1:26 pmCary
May 21
2:20 pmCharlotte
3h 00m
5:20 pmCary
May 24
10:25 amCharlotte
3h 01m
1:26 pmCary
May 24
10:25 amCharlotte
3h 01m
1:26 pmCary
May 25
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary
May 25
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary

FAQs for booking trains from Charlotte to Raleigh

How much does a train ticket from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham cost?

If you need a train from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham for this week you can find options from $26 one-way. For this month, the average price of a ticket for this train ride is $26 one-way. When you’re booking trains from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham, expect the price to fluctuate depending on when you book.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham?

The cost of booking a train from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham is around $26 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham?

Amtrak are viable options. Check times and availability for Amtrak, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham from $52 round-trip.

How far is Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham by train?

The straight-line distance from Charlotte Douglas to Raleigh-Durham is 129.6 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Charlotte to Raleigh?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Charlotte to Raleigh, doing so can potentially save up to 2h 28m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Charlotte to Raleigh or a bus from Charlotte to Raleigh may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Charlotte to Raleigh?

The cheapest way is to get a train from Charlotte to Raleigh, which can be as cheap as $52. A flight from Charlotte to Raleigh is more expensive than a train, with prices starting at $136. A bus from Charlotte to Raleigh is also an option, with an average price of $72.

Amtrak trains from Charlotte to Raleigh

Our best Amtrak deals on Charlotte to Raleigh train tickets
May 25
LT92:20 pmCharlotte
3h 00m
YN95:20 pmCary
May 27
YN95:43 pmCary
3h 13m
LT98:56 pmCharlotte
May 18
LT96:45 amCharlotte
3h 20m
GH610:05 amRaleigh
May 25
GH65:30 pmRaleigh
3h 26m
LT98:56 pmCharlotte

Other train routes from Charlotte

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Charlotte to other popular destinations on momondo
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Trains from Charlotte to Philadelphia
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Trains from Charlotte to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time8h 16m
Cheapest price$158

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